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.”This dynamic should of course be run as fun and playful.Implement this 'Trading relationship' and you will see how great things can be with MLTRs.4.8 Turning the Tables Well here are some techniques that you may find helpful.Let's start with my favorite, Mind fucking.Mind fucking is an art all to it's own.it involves a series of giving her something like compliments or agreement or anything that she would like.Then pulling it away in the next sentence.It can also be done the other way - starting with the NEG followed with a positive.Take - give - take - give.In and out - mind fucking.It can be tremendous fun and is best done with a sense of humor.Example:You: "You have a bad attitude.”Her: "What are you talking about?”You: "You better straighten up.I can replace you like that.(snap fingers) Her: "I am not bad.”You: "Okay, come here.You know a little attitude is sexy." (hug) "You smell good.have you been eating salmon?”These may not be the best examples for your situation.Mind fucking is a highly customized thing based on the particulars of your relationship.What is important is that you get a feel for the basic back and fourth of the technique.Mind fucking will make her constantly unsure and careful with you.But at the same time you will become more exciting in her eyes.Hoops are probes for insecurity disguised as questions.Girls will always hold of hoops and expect you to jump through them.Some people call these shit tests.Examples:"Are you a player?”"How tall are you?" - if you are short "Why should I care about you?”etc."Why don't you wash your car?”She is counting on the shit test to throw you off your game.Most people, given a test like this will try to answer correct.But that is just what you want to avoid.It is not really a serious question.She wants to test you to see if you can be rattle and just how much power she has over you.Now, many times you can answer these questions as straight as possible or in a way which actually makes you look worse.She will not expect this.She is counting on you being frazzled.She is counting on you to want to answer correctly.When she sees you don't care if you say the 'right' thing then you demonstrate you do not need her - that is the correct attitude.Example:Her: "Are you a player?”You: "Yes.”Her: "How tall are you?”You: "5 foot 4 inches”Her: "Why don't you wash your car?”You: "Because I don't care.”Never get defensive about a hoop being held in front of you.This is what she wants - to play on your emotions and insecurities.Another way of answering a hoop is to not answer at all.Instead you grab the hoop out of her hand and make her jump through it.(Mystery) Her: "Why don't you wash your car?”You: (ignoring the question) Are you going to wear that?Turn around is not so much a technique as it is an attitude.The idea is that you do not make any inadequacies which she may find in you, about you.Instead they are about her feelings or about her need to judge.This mirrors reality because what bothers us about other people usually reminds us of a lack in our own life.Turn around simply points this out.You keep the emphasis on her.No matter the temptation you never allow your emotions to be engaged.You never even use the word "I".Then once you figure out what she wants specifically then you can get her to work for that thing.You turn around the situation to your favor.Kind of evil huh?Her: "You went to get food and you didn't get me anything?!”You: "Did something happen in your past to give you abandonment issues?”Her: "Don't change the subject.Why didn't you think of someone besides yourself?”You: "Did you have a hard day?”Her: "Yes, I did.And now I'm dying of hunger thank you very much.”You: "Okay, If you were to order food.what would you want?”Her: "A chicken sandwich with barbecue sauce and fries.”(Once you know here what she specifically wants you can trade for it) You: "Okay, I'll tell you what.Rub my back for ten minutes and I'll go back out and get your sandwich.You have money?”Remember if you can find out what someone wants specifically you can get them to do all kinds of things by dangling that thing in front of their eyes.You should make her work for anything she wants from you.Humans never appreciate anything they are given for free.Keep this dynamic up at all times.Even if it is her birthday and you have a gift for her.Tell her she has to be real nice or she will not get her present.Even if you want to have sex with her.Make her work as much as possible for it: "I'm not going to give you an orgasm until you tell me how great I am.”Stuff like that.You can say it with a playful attitude and it will still have an effect.Stick to your guns but have fun.In conclusion:Never let your emotions be engaged.At the same time work on playing her emotions.Be good at spotting hoops and dealing with them.Set some hoops up yourself.Mindfuck, mindfuck, mindfuck.Turn around any situation you feel is being played against you so that it works in your favor.There is of course much more to the art of turning the tables.Will post more as needed.4.9 Communicating that you are Qualifying them Most guys work this backwards.In general, with women you just met, you want to make statements.Avoid asking many questions.The exception are questions which you ask for screening purposes.These are tests which you make up for her to try to pass.This accomplishes a few things.It shows you have distinguishing taste.It tells her that she will have to have more than just a great body to get with you and it puts her in the proper dynamic of working to garner your affections.You can be direct or subtle.But either way they should be difficult even to the point where she can not answer.That is right - have her fail some test questions.The questions should require work on her part either because they require imagination, a sense of humor or just plain stretching her values to meet yours.Here are a few examples and follow ups:1."If you could spend your life doing one thing, what would it be?”She will probably say something lame.You follow up by telling her about your passion in life.You give her an example to try to live up to and demonstrate how well spoken and thoughtful, passionate about your own life you are.2."I like a woman who can cook well.What is your best dish?”Wether she comes up with something or not you tell her your favorite is 'whatever'.Mine happens to be lasagna.So I tell girls how much I like all the gooey cheese and noodles, etc.If she doesn't enjoy and like to talk about food I usually walk away.I love eating.3."If we were a couple and I wanted to hang out with my friends to 2 am.How would you feel about that?”Here you are point blank telling her the treatment you expect and holding a hoop for her to jump through.If you end up having a LTR with her, she will remember that she agreed not to complain when you stay out late.Of course, make up your own questions based on what you like from a girl [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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