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.1PROJECT 1REVISIONUnit 1 and 21 Write the numbers.5 ______________ 18 ______________70 ______________ 62 ______________ 14 ______________ 90 ______________31 ______________ 3 ______________100 ______________ 42 __________________ / 102 What's in the pictures.1 __________________________________2 __________________________________3 __________________________________4 __________________________________5 __________________________________6 ______________________________________ / 123 Where are the things? IN, ON or UNDER?1 The apple is ________________________2 The dog is _________________________3 The bag is _________________________4 The umbrella is _____________________5 The book is ________________________6 The picture is _______________________7 The box is _____________________________ / 74 AM, IS or ARE? Complete the sentences.lPolly ______ in the garden.llWe ______ friends.llThis letter ______ for you.llI ______ at school.llShe ______ in the kitchen.llHe ______ on the phone.llThey ______ on holiday.llOur teacher ______ great!llThis postcard ______ from Tony.llYou _____ at home.l____ / 105 Rewrite the sentences in the short form.1 ______________________________________________2 ______________________________________________3 ______________________________________________4 ______________________________________________5 ______________________________________________6 ______________________________________________7 ______________________________________________8 ______________________________________________9 ______________________________________________10 __________________________________________________ / 106 Complete the speech bubbles.____ / 37 Read the conversation and complete the postcard.Ben Here's the postcard.Mrs Taylor Who's it for?Ben It's for Mandy and me.Mrs Taylor Who's it from?Ben It's from Tony and Jane.They're on holiday.Mrs Taylor Oh, where are they?Ben They're in New York____ / 148 HIS HE'S or HER?1 Where's your dad? _____ in the garden.2 This present is for Mandy.It's ______ birthday.3 What's this boy's name?_____ name is Ben.4 Is Ben from Britain? Yes, ______ from London.5 This present is for my brother.It's ______ birthday._____ fifteen today.6 Here is Greg with _____ friends.7 What's this woman's name?_____ name's Mrs Taylor.8 Is this Mandy's bag?No, _____ bag is on the chair.9 This is Jack Mason.______ from New York.____ / 10 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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