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.The others will be resurrected, butthey will be resurrected to everlasting contempt and everlasting shame.Look at verse 3.Somebody might say that this will be tough and will not be worth it.The angel says to tell themthat if they are wise, and they stand for the truth, and they speak the truth, they will shine like brightness.It willbe worth everything.If they are martyred, it will be worth it.If they lose everything, they will shine bright likethe sun. Those that turn many to righteousness  that does not just mean they lead people to be born again; itis much more than that.I have heard people say it means if you are a soul winner.This is much more.It isconvincing the Body of Christ that righteousness is part of the kingdom mandate, to walk in righteousness.There is so much teaching that is validating unrighteousness in the Church today.The angel is telling Daniel totell them that if you influence people for righteousness believers and unbelievers, and you take a stand forrighteousness, you will shine like stars forever.In other words, it will be worth it.B.Messiah was killed (9:26) and raised to sit at God s right hand, ruling with His saints (7:13-14, 27).The enthroned Messiah will rescue Israel (12:1) and raise the dead saints in the resurrection (12:2).Many will be martyred in the end times (11:33-35), but they only sleep until Jesus awakens them(12:2).The wise and those who turn people to righteousness shall shine like the stars forever (12:3).International House of Prayer of Kansas City ihopkc.orgFree Teaching Library mikebickle.org End-Time Studies in the Book of Daniel (Spring 2015)  Mike BickleSession 10 The Antichrist s Attitudes and Activities (Dan.11:36-45) Page 1716The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, andwith the trumpet of God.The dead in Christ will rise first.17Then we who are alive and remainshall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.(1 Thes.4:16-17)27 The kingdom& shall be given to& the saints of the Most High. (Dan.7:27)43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. (Mt.13:43)41& for one star differs from another star in glory.42So also is the resurrection of the dead.(1 Cor.15:41-42)It will be worth it because the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with a voice of an archangel, withthe trumpet of God.The dead in Christ will rise first.Those that are alive and remain on the earth at that timewill be caught up to meet the Lord in the air in the clouds, and they will be with the Lord FOREVER.Amen andamen, let s stand.It is worth it!International House of Prayer of Kansas City ihopkc.orgFree Teaching Library mikebickle.org [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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