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. Many includes Israel and Gentile nations.To confirm a covenant is  to make firm acovenant that already exists.This covenant will be a political alliance that brings peace and safety(1 Thes.5:3) and will be the primary political event that signals the final seven years of this age.3For when they say,  Peace and safety! then sudden destruction [Great Tribulation] comes uponthem, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.And they shall not escape.(1 Thes.5:3)He will confirm a covenant.Now when he makes this covenant, it will be a political alliance.This politicalalliance, this political covenant, will be one of the primary events that prophetic believers will use to identifywhat is happening.They will say,  Gabriel said, and we will be counting on the reliability of Gabriel sprophecy.What Paul the apostle prophesied built on Gabriel s prophecy.Paul touched this very theme.He said in 1Thessalonians 5:3,  When they  that means those who are not the people of God.There are two groups.There is the people of God.We are talking about born-again believers, Jews and Gentiles who love Jesus, andthat is the  we. Then there is the  they, the nations who do not understand God s ways, who do not believe inGod s prophetic words, who are not committed to His leadership, the  they of the nations  They will say, Peace and safety.  I mean there will be a cry in the nations concerning peace because a covenant will bemade with many.In other words, the military conflict is over, there is safety, and the terrorism conflict is dialeddown.Ah, peace, no more wars under this man s leadership.Safety.The terrorism of the encroaching religiouswars of Islam and the nations, etc., they are all calmed down because a covenant was made by this powerfulman, and it has deceived the nations.Paul says,  When they are saying,  Peace and safety   war is over, the nations are now in prosperity sudden destruction will come. That man will pull his mask off, his façade.He is not a man of peace.He is aman of war. He was a devil from the beginning is what Jesus said about Judas.The Antichrist will be a devilfrom the beginning.Sudden destruction will come and people who resist God s leadership, Jesus leadership,IHOPKC Missions Base www.IHOPKC.orgFree Teaching Library www.MikeBickle.org End-Time Studies in the Book of Daniel (Spring 2015)  Mike BickleSession 8 The 70-Weeks Prophecy: An Overview (Dan.9:24-27) PAGE 15will not escape.The ones that celebrate the covenant that this man made  wow, this is remarkable  they willnot escape.Trouble will come.I mean they can still repent and get saved, but there will be tremendous trouble.If they do not repent, they will end up with the Antichrist and the false prophet in the lake of fire eventually.Thisis real.E.Forerunner messengers will proclaim that a man will confirm a covenant that will bring peace to theMiddle East.They will declare that in conjunction with this covenant Jewish leaders will be allowedto offer animal sacrifices and initiate the building of the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount, in thevery place where Islam s Dome of the Rock (also called the Noble Sanctuary) is located.In the last moment or two, let s look at forerunner messengers.Here is what they will say based on Gabriel sword as well as a number of prophecies in the Old and New Testament: A man will confirm a covenant; he willbring peace to the Middle East; He will declare a covenant in conjunction with allowing the Jewish leaders tobuild a temple and to start the Mosaic sacrifices, the sacrifices related to Moses.Again the Jewish religiousleaders want that because they believe that is key or the Messiah will not come.That is why they are so zealousabout this.We are going to say,  Hey, there is going to be a man who is going to bring Islam and Israeltogether, a temple will be built, the sacrifices of Moses will be instituted, there will be peace and safetyeverywhere apparently.Precisely three and a half years after the covenant, it will all completely reversesuddenly.People will say,  How do you know this?When the nations are saying, peace and safety, the prophetic Church is saying,  The man is a demon; the manis a demon.The man is a demon.They will say,  You Christians! We finally have peace in the Middle East and safety as the whole terrorismthing has dialed down and all you guys can say is that he is a demon?Yes, yes, based on the word of Gabriel and a number of other prophetic scriptures put together.F [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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