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.This is the programming that they use to control the Navy, theArmy, The Air Force and most of the elected officials.I know this because I remember coming out ofthis before.I vaguely remember contacting the FBI, contacting the Rochester news paper looking forarticles on the girls death.Looking for articles about a trial during that time.I remember speaking tosomeone about "the black out trial." I remember driving to a house in up state New York sometime afterI graduated, ringing the bell, a woman answers the door, looks at my face and instantly starts screamingas she becomes hysterical.A man then comes to the door.He sees my face, and I see the fear in his eyesas he becomes paralyzed with terror.I have a big smile on my face and I tell them how I know I'm thelast person they want to see but I must speak to them and may I come in.They very cautiously let me in.I remember being in their living room and how I told them the story about what they did to me, and howI begged the girls mother to please forgive me for the things they made me do and the things they mademe say.I tell them how I am going to fight them and bring the whole government down.The fatherspeaks, and tells how there is no case without you, how they have a video tape.I ask to see it, they lookat each other with very exasperated faces, and produce a video cassette from behind the book shelf.Iremember, With my big smile on my face I talk about how we are going to get "those f*cking sons ofbitches"."My legal team must see the tape" I say and I take it.They both get upset "that's their onlyevidence and the only copy." I go toward the door and walk down to the front stoop.I turn around andWith my big smile I say "Don't worry I'll be back, and vengeance will be ours." Then with the biggest,happiest voice and smile I can muster, I wave bye bye! Like I had just made two new best friends.Withthem still standing in the doorway, I walk across the lawn to the street.As I reach the street a car pulls upwith two men inside.I walk right up to it.The man on the passenger side asks me if I got the tape."Ofcourse I got the tape" I reply.He says "give it to me" and I do.The man tells me that I did good, anddon't forget to wave goodbye to the nice people.And the car pulls away.From behind me I hear a voicefilled with unmeasureable anger and pain screaming "YOU F*CKING SON OF A BITCH, YOUF*CKING BASTARD, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!" I turn back and see a man with a baseball bat halfway across the lawn on his way towards me.Words cannot describe the anguish on his face as he cannotcontrol his tears.The moment I make eye contact with him he freezes like a statue from fear, he tries tomuster the courage to continue but instead collapses with the pain now overwhelming him as he screams"NOOOOO" and begins to sob uncontrollably.AND WHAT DO I DO! With the biggest, happiest voice and smile I can muster, I wave BYE-BYE! ITWAS NICE MEETING YOU, BYE-BYE! BYE-BYE.Just like I had just made two new best friends.Iget in my car, and turn the key.All the while I can't help but feeling really good about myself, proud,noble, and majestic as I drive away.I remember doing this because no matter how hard I fought back, no matter how strong I felt I was allfile:///D|/My Documents/Avidya/Mind Control/Project Superman/PROJECT SUPERMAN.htm (79 of 99) [8/28/2000 03:16:19] PROJECT SUPERMANthey had to do was say the "Magic word" and I was back under their total control.This is my biggestfear, is being discovered of what I really remember before I can find the right people who can help me inremoving their "programming" and their "Magic word" so I can fight back and not lose my memoryagain.February 2nd 1998- Through the internet I have found contacts who have had similar experiences asmine.I have found some one who can help me as he is a specialist in these "deprogramming" and mindcontrol cases.I have gone to see him AND HE HAS BEGAN TO DEPROGRAMMED ME.Hespecifically knows their tactics as he was once involved with them.Again not by choice.As part of the "deprogramming", once you have been deprogrammed you have to have to wait 21 days asyou memories must come back gradually as not to shock you all at once.Over the 21 days my memory isslowly coming back but is still in bits and pieces.But I (theoretically) now have control of my self andthey can no longer control me.This has all been accomplished without any knowledge to my mother.March 1st 1998- I have completed the 21 days and have put together some more of the pieces.But I Feelit is only a fraction.THE MOST IMPORTANT AND UTMOST CRITICAL FACT THAT I HAVEREMEMBERED IS THAT I HAVE A SON! He is about 7 or 8 years old, and his mother is the womanthat I am meant to marry.I remember Aaron telling me about him at his apartment (against all wishes ofthe Illuminati) but he did it for his mother as she is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in yourlife or your imagination.My son's IQ Aaron tells me is 150, (not unsimilar to my own) and they have'big' plans for him.To make things easier and as not to try and put all the events back in the places where they belong in thetime line (as the story becomes very complicated if you try and write two parallel time lines and twoalternate sets of reality at once).I now remember that I have many many sons as I was used in breeding experiments as well.Here is asummary of what I believe happened and of the events as I can remember what happened at this time.As my memory comes back I discover that I was not only used as an assassin but that I actually was oneof the "Montauk boys" as well.This is in regards to the Montauk project as described by Preston Nicholsin his book "The Montauk Project".ALL the events he describes in his book are 100% true [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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