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.Feelyourself lifted up and expanded, as though your vision was made clearer, and sense of purpose, and destiny moredefinite.Imagine the lungs being charged with bright, warm healing energy, vitalizing the breath and blood.After a few days, imagine the vital power moving from the middle of the shoulders, down the arms, and to thehands.During this period experiment with projecting, circulating, and receiving energy through your hands.In general, theright hand should project positive, expansive, electrical energy; and the left should project magnetic, passive, andreceptive energy.By holding the hands together, in the classic prayer position, in front of the chest with the back ofyour thumbs just touching the sternum, the heart center can be energized.In addition, the energy circulated creates apsychic  belt or  dome around the upper portions of the head and shoulders.Practice pulling energy down from thesun, moon, planets, and Cosmic through the left hand and into the earth or a talisman with the right.Use the classic Sign of the Philosophus, or hands raised above the head with thumb and forefingers touching to form a triangle, to pull energy down into both palms and out through your feet.Try storing it in your solar plexus (youmay want to use the Sign of Practicus for this) and projecting it as previously described.[9]Then, move to the Yod.Here after the energy has moved up to the brain, see the head grow bright and luminous.Feel it absorb the fire from below and rejoicing its return.Sense the center of your head growing powerful, warm,and bright.Focus on this single point of brightness, and then send it back down to the earth, while reaching out tothe universe with it.Feel yourself lost in s fiery world of primordial power, wisdom, and love.Feel as though youare of vast stature, towering immensely through out the solar system.Feel as though the planets themselves are yourpsychic centers, and the sun is your heart, the Earth your footstool and the original point of creation your crown.When you are done, shrink yourself back, and shut down the meditation.This energy once experienced has tremendous healing potential.By freeing our negative and destructive thoughtsinto the center of the earth for purification and renewal, we open ourselves to a more energy and expandedconsciousness through the removal of psychological blocks.Through drawing up the fiery healing energy of theearth, and packing it slowly, smoothly, and methodically deep into our cells, form the bones and its marrow upwardand outward, we can increase our psychic sensitivity to telluric currents, weather patterns, and magnetic conditions.In addition, we add strength, energy, and vitality to our physical bodies.[10]The Flashing Sword and the Rising SerpentYesod, Hod, and Netzach in the Secret FireThis section examines the relationship between the sepheroth of the Tree of Life to the Secret Fire, and the impact oftwo spheres in particular that govern the nervous system, early psychic awakening, and sexual power.The rising of psychic power from Malkooth, effects not only the feet and perineum, but also triggers a response inthe adrenals atop the kidneys.This is often accompanied by a surge of energy, as these glands are the seat of out fight or flight response.They are also secondary sexual organs, and as the energy drops down, to enter into thebase of the spine (also a Malkooth center) before rising up the spinal cord and erergyzing the entire body, itstimulates those nerves and psychic clusters associated with Yesod and Netzach.It is from this stimulation thatimages, fantasies, sexual potency and aggressiveness, and psychic awareness, sometimes bordering on pszophreniaand psychosis, are experienced.Intense heat and a sense of purging may also be experienced as a result.When the energy reaches the area of Hod, or Mercury, usually prior to Netzach, but not always, it is said to befollowing the Path of the Serpent.This Path is illustrated by a Serpent climbing the Tree of Life, reversing thedirection of the descent of the Lightning Flash.Here, the Secret Fire awakens the mind to magical possibilities andstructures, but without power.It may energize the brain and speedup patterns of thought, insight, and association,but often this may be vented through excessive talking and verbalization, or routing it through the throat center.If the energy is not spent, but directed in its upward Path of Return, or ascent, then the very real problem of havingto direct the will and consciousness in a singular fashion toward creating a pathway for the energy to flow isencountered.These pathways are the mental and astral constructs, or symbols, used in magical, religious, andesoteric rites.The principle pathway, or map used to direct the Secret Fire is the caduceus of Mercury.Here, the twin serpentsintertwine themselves around the central pillar, and themselves form two side or supporting pillars, leading to awinged apex, or crown, shaped like a pine cone, or the pineal gland.When it reaches this point, then Crown, it bestows illumination, Cosmic Consciousness, and can be directed furthertowards greater spiritual activity, or toward material or psychic manifestation.This energy, or light, is like the raysof the sun (Tiphareth) being split into the many rays of the spectrum (Netzach) by the use of optical filters (Hod).In Hod we not only create, but also clean any existing mental filter, so that the energy rising back towards its sourcemay be properly identified and experienced for what it is, prior to its being harmonized into a single ray of light byNetzach.Even after harmonization however, the energy may not have to be returned to the Tiphareth.If left to itsown devises, it probably will, as that is its natural inclination.The sudden influx of power and energy may create astrengthening of the recently vivified astral worlds, of which Netzach is the symbolic apex.The Death card which rules the Path between Netzach and Tiphareth signifies the task of the initiate at this stage ofthe journey, and of the sacrifice that lies ahead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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