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.Two plus two equals four.The number 10million will always be greater than 24.These statements are facts and not subject tointerpretation by some mystical theory of philosophy.Math is law. Secrets and mysticalphilosophies are not.If you want to get rich, start observing the true law of the universe MATH and not somehocus-pocus law that can neither be proved nor documented.Singing positive platitudesaround the campfire isn t going to make you rich.Oh, don t get your panties in a wad; I knowthe Law of Attraction sounds great and has practical applications.For those not familiar with The Law of Attraction ( LOA ), it s a mystical philosophy that statesyou become what you think and that your conscious and unconscious thoughts make yourreality.The LOA contends that if you know exactly what you want, ask the universe for it, see itcoming, then you will eventually receive it.Think riches and you will have riches! Sounds easy,huh?I won t hide my candid sacrilege to the LOA crowd; I think it s a bunch of baloney orchestratedto sell books to those who think  thinking will make you rich.In fact, the LOA is nothing butold principles of belief and visualization repackaged and remarketed for mass consumption.Who are the true Fastlaners? The LOA marketers!THE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) BAKE A CAKE WITHOUT SUGAR?Why did this book take me so long to write? I spent two years wishing and thinking positivelyabout it.I let the Law of Attraction do the work.I asked the universe for this book.I was opento it.I saw it before my eyes.I even snapped a picture of a bookstore shelf and Photoshoppedmy book on the shelf.What happened?Absolutely nothing.Nada.Zilch.The universe never gave me my finished book.The fact is, despite all my positive thinking andmeditations to the universe for my book, it never materialized until I sat my butt down in achair and started to write it.I made a coordinated commitment to ACTION, a conscious choice,and then a commitment to that choice in the form of massive action.If you re a Law of Attraction fan and find this critique offensive, that s OK; I didn t write TheMillionaire Fastlane to make friends or to book speaking engagements about being a positivethinker.I wrote it to tell you exactly what you need to do to get rich.Thinking never madeanyone rich, unless that thinking manifests itself into consistent action toward application oflaws that work.In fact, I find it insulting that someone might assume my success is due to positive thinking.I m a realist who understands human nature, and that nature is to take the path of leastresistance.It doesn t surprise me that these  attraction books sell millions.The books thatpromise the easiest roads to wealth do well because, like sex, easiness sells.Events of wealth sell.Process does not.Yes, positivity is favored over cynicism.Belief is the starting point to change.Visualization iscrucial.Yes, if you don t believe you can do it, I ve got news for you you can t.This stuff isn tnew, it s OLD.While The Law of Attraction is a nice hammer in the toolbox, its flaw is that itignores the real secret behind wealth, the real secret that transcends all wealth, all people, allcultures, and all roads and that is the Law of Effection.The  Flaw of Attraction is that itignores mathematics.THE LAW OF EFFECTION: THE FASTLANE PRIMERThe Law of Effection states that the more lives you affect in an entity you control, in scale and/ormagnitude, the richer you will become.The shortened, sanitized version is simply: Affect millionsand make millions.(Grammarians, I can hear you screaming.Relax.I know the differencebetween  affect and  effect. I m using  effection as it appears in Webster s RevisedUnabridged Dictionary, published in 1913 by C.& G.Merriam Co., as a noun meaning creation; a doing. )A while ago, I wrote an article titled The Shortest  Make Millions Article Ever Written.Guess howlong the article was? A paragraph? Maybe a sentence or two?THE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) Nope.Just two words.And those words?Impact millions.Impact millions and make millions.It doesn t get any simpler than that!In other words, how many lives have you touched? Who has benefited from your work, yourassets, and your handiwork? What problems have you solved? What value are you to society? Ifyou re working the front desk at a hotel, you simply aren t making much of an impact, and yourbank account will represent that same fact.The amount of money you have (or don t have) is adirect reflection on the amount of value you have provided (or not provided).EFFECTION IS SCALE, MAGNITUDE, OR BOTHTo exploit the Law of Effection, your business needs to make an impact of either scale ormagnitude, or both.Within our Fastlane wealth equation,  scale and  magnitude are implicitto our  net profit variable.Net Profit = Units Sold (Scale) X Unit Profit (Magnitude)An example of SCALE is reflected on our Fastlane roadmap via the profit variable in our wealthequation: units sold.If you sell 20 million pens and make 75 cents profit on each, you just earned $15 million.Thisis having an impact on SCALE with tiny MAGNITUDE.Obviously, selling a writing pen doesn thave a major impact on anyone s life.The wealth is transmuted via SCALE, not magnitude.Conversely, magnitude is having a great impact on a few and within our Fastlane wealthequation is reflected in UNIT PROFIT.Price always reflects magnitude.If you sell a product that s worth $50 million, you have access to magnitude.For example, ifyou owned an apartment complex with 400 units and profit $100 from each unit, you dgenerate $40,000 in monthly income.Because you are providing housing for 400 families, youare making an impact of magnitude, not scale.Shelter has magnitude.Activities of magnitudehave higher profit potential with smaller scales.Magnitude is always reflected by an item sprice.High value = high price = high magnitude.If you can combine both scale and magnitude, we won t be discussing millions but billions.Donald Trump makes an impact on both magnitude and scale and therefore is worth billions.Scale creates millionaires.Magnitude creates millionaires.Scale and magnitude createsbillionaires.THE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) FOLLOW THE MONEY!Unfortunately, the word  law is loosely tossed around to represent concepts that aren t reallylaws.The Law of Attraction isn t a law but a theory.The word  law is absolute.It works 100%of the time.When you drop a watermelon from your tenth-floor dorm window, the Law ofGravity takes over the watermelon falls to the ground every single time.The outcome is a100% certainty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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