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.This alone I give ye as safe commandments in yourpestilent schisms.Better is it to go without than to borrow.Finer far to take than beg.From Puberty till Death realize "Self" in all.There is no greater virtue than good nourishment.Feed from the udder, and if the milk be Sour, feed on.Human nature is the worst possible!Once I lived among ye.From self-decency now I habitate the waste places,a willing outcast; associate of goats, cleaner far, more honest than men. Within this heterogenousness of difference, reality is hard to realize;evacuation is difficult.These spiritualists are living sepulchers.What has decayed should perishdecently.Cursed are they who supplicate.Gods are with ye yet.Therefore let ye whopray acquire this manner:Self my God, foreign is thy name except in blasphemy, for I am thyiconoclast.I cast thy bread upon the waters, for I myself am meat enough.Hidden in the labyrinth of the Alphabet is my sacred name, the SIGIL ofall things unknown.On Earth my kingdom is Eternity of DESIRE.Mywish incarnates in the belief and becomes flesh, for, I AM THE LIVINGTRUTH.Heaven is ecstasy; my consciousness changing and acquiringassociation.May I have courage to take from my own superabundance.Let me forget righteousness.Free me of morals.Lead me into temptationof myself, for I am a tottering kingdom of good and evil.May worth beacquired through those things I have pleasured.May my trespass beworthy.Give me the death of my soul.Intoxicate me with self-love.Teachme to sustain its freedom; for I am sufficiently Hell.Let me sin against thesmall beliefs.AMEN.Concluding his conjunction, Zos said:Again, O sleep-walkers, beggars and sufferers, born of the stomach; unluckymen to whom happiness is necessary!Ye are insufficient to live alone, not yet mature enough to sin against the lawand still desire women. Other than damnation I know no magic to satisfy your wishes; for ye believeone thing, desire another, speak unlike, act differently and obtain the livingvalue.Assuredly inclination towards new faculties springs from this bastardy!Social only to the truths convenient to your courage, yet again beasts shallbe planted.Shall I speak of that unique intensity without form? Know ye the ecstasywithin? The pleasure between ego and self?At that time of ecstasy there is no thought of others; there is NO THOUGHT.Thither I go and none may lead.Sans women-your love is anathema!For me, there is no way but my way.Therefore, go ye your way-none shalllead ye to walk towards yourselves.Let your pleasures be as sunsets,HONEST.BLOODY.GROTESQUE!Was the original purpose the thorough enjoyment of multitudinous self, forecstasy? These infinite ramifications of consciousness in entity, associatingby mouth, sex, and sense!Has the besetting of sex become utter wretchedness-repetition madenecessary of your scotomy?bloody-mouthed! Shall I again entertain ye with a little understanding? Anintrospection of cannibalism in the shambles of diet-the variating murderagainst the ancestral? Is there no food beyond corpse?Your murder and hypocrisy must pass before ye are uplifted to a worldwhere slaughter is unknown. Thus, with a clean mouth, I say unto ye, I live by bread alone.Sleep iscompetent prayer.All morality is BEASTLY.Alas, there has been a great failure.Man is dead.Only women remain.With tongue in cheek I would say: "Follow me! That ye realize what ishidden in all suffering.I would make your self-mortification voluntary, yourwincing courageous."Still will ye be with me? Salutation to all suicides!With a yawn Zos wearied and fell asleep.In time the stench awoke him-for he hadslept amidst the troughs- and he observed that the crowd were no longer with him-that only SWINE remained.And he guffawed and spake thus:Not yet have I lost relationship and am thereby nearly asphyxiated! Caughtup am I in the toils of sentiment, the moral hallucinations within the ebb andflow of hopes and fears?Shall age alone transmute desire? Not yet have I disentangled illusion fromreality: for I know not men from swine, dreams from reality; or whether I didspeak only unto myself.Neither know I to whom my anathema would be themore impressionable.My insensible soliloquy is eaten as revelation! What I spake with hardstrived conceit to increase enterprise brings forth only swinish snorts.Wateris not alone in finding its level.I have not me tragedy, no, not in this life! Yet, whether I have spewed theirdoctrines upon the tables of the Law or into the troughs, at least I have notcast away the flesh of dreams. And turning towards his light, Zos said:This my will, O Thou Glorious Sun.I am weary of my snakes descending-making slush.Farewell antithesis.I have suffered.All is paid.Let me go forth to recreate my sleep [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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