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.Maybe.Except she looked up to discover half-hooded eyes, fire in the depths as their gazes met.The greenof his irises was nearly eaten up by the darkness of his pupils.Ashley wanted to wrap her armsaround his neck and drag their mouths together.To strip them both and deal with the aching need.What she got was ignored.He couldn t back up and set her free, not without letting the rope loose, so she got to savouranother moment of being trapped.Once he d finished feeding the rope through the hole, though, hehanded it to Travis. Grab hold and tie it off for me, T. Then as if he hadn t been rubbing her with a full-sizederection, he was off the platform altogether, gathering tools with his gaze deliberately focusedelsewhere. Well, that s done.Thanks for your help, Ashley.She wasn t sure if she should laugh, or crowd in and start all over again. You re welcome. Travis stroked her arm softly before kissing her cheek. You want to go get us a couple drinks?She dragged her focus off Cassidy to look up into dark grey eyes. Sure.No problem. Oh, and Ash? Travis helped her down off the edge of the platform. Lots of ice.Great idea.Maybe she d pour some over her head until he was done for the day. You are sogetting jumped as soon as you re free, she whispered. Looking forward to it. Travis gave her a wink then turned to help Cassidy who was all business,attaching the bottom section of canvas to the underside of the platform.Studiously ignoring the both ofthem.She took one final look before heading back to the pile where her gear waited.Cold drinks would never take the place of hot fucking, and that was the truth. Sorry about that, Cassidy muttered.Travis frowned as he grabbed a handful of screws and picked up his drill. For what? For getting too close to your girl.She surprised me there.It was the last thing he d expected to hear. You re apologizing for& ? Good grief.Okay, you renuts.She s not my girl.Cassidy paused, drill held in midair. But you said&  Total confusion crowded his face asCassidy tried to figure it out.Travis leaned on the edge of the platform and waited. She s sleeping with you, asshole, Cassidy grumbled. She spent the night in your cabin.What thehell? Oh, that. Yes, that, Cassidy snapped.Travis knelt and put in a screw. Number one, Ashley is all woman, so forget that girl shit. Don t be more of a fuck than you have to be, Travis.Cassidy was feeling snarly, was he? Travis had a good idea why. Number two, I didn t seeanything to apologize for, so this tells me you re the one with the filthy mind.What were you thinkingof doing to her, you dog? Shut up. She wouldn t mind getting dirty with you, you know, Travis confessed. She as much as said itwhen we got here.Cassidy choked, retreating from Travis, his expression gone skeptical.Travis patted him on the shoulder. It s okay, you can breathe.She s not cheating on me.She srather& intense in how she lives life.Sex is something she grabs with both hands and has fun with. And you re good with that? Why the hell would I want her to change? Not my business if she wants to look at your ugly mugwhile she s getting off.For a moment he thought Cassidy was going to fall over.The evil glare his friend finally deliveredwas shaky at the edges. You really are a bastard at times, aren t you? Hell, you already knew that. Travis lowered his voice. Think about it.You could come andgive me a hand this afternoon.I was planning on tying her to the chair in my cabin and putting a scarfover her eyes.She loves it when she has no idea where I m going to fuck her next.Cassidy swallowed hard, his gaze drifting to where Ashley had entered the cookhouse, the door swinging shut and blocking her from view. She sucks cock like no one s business.Get her between us, and you can  Enough. Cassidy pushed his drill into Travis s hands. I m not fucking around with Ashley.I mglad you re so progressive and open, and you re not upset, because that s all I was apologizing for.We have to work together for the summer, and I didn t want there to be any misunderstandings,okay? No problem.Cassidy abandoned his tools and fled in the opposite direction from Ashley.Travis flipped a mental coin.Heads, he slowed this down, tails, he kept the pressure up.Cassidywas damn hot under the collar, and if he wanted Ashley that badly and Ashley was game, what rightdid Travis have to stop them?The teeny trickle of something in his belly nudged him toward slowing it down.He wasn t exactlyjealous Ashley was in charge of herself, and she d made that clear many times in the past.Only the idea of Ashley and Cassidy tangled together, all long legs and taut muscles and blond onblonde made his own limbs weak.If the two of them were going to be fucking around, he wanted tobe in the middle, watching.Plus, he really didn t know who he felt more possessive of.Ashley.Or Cassidy. Chapter EightThe crew spent a couple more days at Base Camp.They were nowhere near finished getting thingsready, but a good start had been made before Cassidy announced it was time to head up the hill andadd to the staging area.Ashley had switched from clicking pictures to carrying around a pad and pencil [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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