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.If there are products you ended up lovingwhere you respected the ethics of the product owner, then you can eitherapproach them or say yes to an invite they give you for a JV.The JV might be for a new product you two could create together.It could be fora list swap for another product.There s a whole host of opportunities for youwhen you become someone whose reviews are well respected in the InternetMarketing community.Just be careful  because sometimes one product and experience doesn t reflectthe entire nature of what this person is all about.Do some digging.Ask aroundabout their reputation.Another option is product creation on what s missing in the product you reviewedor what was done wrong in your opinion.You might find gaping holes in theproduct  why not fill it with a product of your own? You can even link to it in thereview on your blog and tell your readers,  The product was missing informationon how to set up a blog, so I created a short report for you here, and link to yourown sales page for it.Site flips are another way for you to earn money from your implement and reviewstrategy.Once you implement the course, you may have sites in niches you renot interested in as far as upkeep goes.So put them up to flip to someone else.Many of your review readers will askabout buying the site anyway, but you can also put it up for sale and announce toyour list that you re flipping it.If they ask why, tell them! You don t want the upkeep in that niche.Or you justdon t want to manage so many domains.During my Bring the Fresh review, Istarted a brand new site with every lesson, so I wound up with tons of domainsand I flipped them (not all of them)  because they ranked high (#1 or 2) forkeywords with a good deal of search volume and profit potential with promotions.No need to babble on with motivation  you have review work to do.Get yourSNO addiction in full swing and go for it! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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