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.She snapped her head at the box and felt so ipsy pipsy as sheundressed and nestled between the sheets and fell almost instantly asleep.Her sleep was restful, as far asshe remembered, void of dreams of troubles, then she suddenly bolted up in the middle of the night, herforehead pitted with cold sweat, and for endless seconds she sat there staring into the darkness, listening,wondering why she was awake and what had awakened her and wondering if someone had broken intoher apartment and was about to hit her and she strained her ears but heard nothing and sat perfectly still,barely breathing, for many seconds, then jerked the covers off and rushed to the living room, goingunerringly through the dark to the table with the piece of chocolate and scooped it up as if her hand hadbeen divinely directed and almost fainting as the first rush of flavor assailed her brain and she folded inher viewing chair and listened to herself chomp the milk chocolate covered cherry with the cherry juicefilling, then staggered back to her bed.The next morning she awoke early and sat in the soft filteredlight, trying to remember something, but not knowing what.She vaguely sensed that something hadhappened and assumed it had been a dream, but as hard as she tried she could not remember the dream.She rubbed the soles of her feet and then her temples but still she could not remember the dream.She hither head for many seconds with her knuckles trying to stimulate her memory, but still.nothing.She gotup and wandered, unthinkingly, into the living room instead of the bathroom, turned on the television,and suddenly became aware of herself as she was standing over her viewing chair looking at the emptychocolate box.She stared for many long moments, then she remembered her dream and almost collapsedin her chair and shook slightly as she fully realized that she had eaten the chocolate covered cherry withthe cherry juice filling the night before and couldnt really remember eating it.She tried rememberingbiting into it and feeling the cherry juice oozing onto her tongue, but her mind and mouth were empty.She almost cried as she remembered how she had fought so hard to make the box of chocolates last twodays, something that had never happened before, twice as long as ever before, and she was going to savethe last for morning so she could say it was three days and now it was gone and she didnt evenremember eating it.That was a bleak day in the life of Sara Goldfarb.She never let that happen again.Never again was she so foolish as to try and make it last or save it for later or the next day.Tomorrowwould take care of itself.God gives us one day at a time, so one day at a time shes eating her chocolatesand knowing she ate them.She smiled at the handsome announcer and reached over and gently pickedup her final chocolate, the milk chocolate covered cherry with the cherry juice filling, and placed it onher tongue and sighed as she teased it with her tongue and teeth, feeling the tingle of anticipation in herbody and the slight knot in her stomach and then she could fight no more and started to ease her teethinto the softened chocolate covering and continued to exert pressure as the flavors of the chocolate andthe cherry juice twitched in her mouth and then the covering was parted like the red sea and the capturedcherry floated to freedom and Sara Goldfarb rolled it around her mouth filled with flavors and fluids thatshe allowed to slowly trickle down her twitching throat and then she rolled her eyes back as she bit intothe cherry, but didnt roll them back so far that she would miss any of the action on the screen.She lickedher fingers and then held her hands, one at a time, in front of her and inspected the cherry red nail polishthen stared through her spread fingers at her television set, and snuggled into herself as she walked fromthe rear of the stage to the front, wearing her cherry red dress that fit so good since she lost the weight,and the gold shoes that look so rich on her feet, and her hair was such a gorgeous red like you wouldntbelieve O, I almost forgot.The hair.It should be red.Its so long since it was red.Tomorrow I/ll askfile:///D|/Documents and Settings/René/Bureaublad/Selby/SELBY_JR.,_Hubert_-_Requiem For A Dream.html (25 of 132)9-4-2005 20:39:44 Hubert Selby Jr.- Requiem for a DreamAda to dye my hair.So who cares if red doesnt show so good.Im wearing red.Except the shoes.Exceptthe shoes Im all red.When they ask my name I/ll tell them Little Red Riding Hood.Thats what I/ll say.I/ll look the television camera right in the eye as the little red light is winking and blinking and tell themIm Little Red Riding Hood.Harry walked Marion home.The night was warm and humid, but they werent too aware of the weather.They knew it was warm and humid, but it remained a fact outside themselves and not something theywere experiencing.Their bodies still tingled and tensed slightly from the poppers and the laughing, andthey also felt loose and cool from all the pot and hash.It was a delightful evening, or morning, orwhatever it was, for walking the streets of that part of the Apple called the Bronx.There was a skysomewhere above the tops of the buildings, with stars and a moon and all the things there are in a sky,but they were content to think of the distant street lights as planets and stars.If the lights prevented youfrom seeing the heavens, then perform a little magic and change reality to fit the need [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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