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.Nuk was lovely and bigand white and fabulous and wow.Just wow.Nuk kept holding his hand, smiling at him.Maybe.maybe measuring him up."So, S4.Have you found the dining room and stuff?"The S cabins were right there.Four huge standalones.Pretty.Number Four was the farthest one and it wasseparated from the others, too.145 "I don't need the dining rooms.I'm not.I don't like.Thank you for showing me.I'm not used to so manybuildings in the same place.""Oh.Okay.Well." He stroked one big arm;someone was nervous."There's room service, too.That'sneat and quiet.Do you eat bacon?"Nuk seemed to almost purr under his touch."I loveall meat.""Well, I suggest the bacon and eggs and waffles forsupper.It's weird, but so tasty.Also, I love the ham andcheese croissants.I have one every day for lunch withmy coffee.I love coffee.Love it."They came up to the cabin and stopped at the door."You drink a lot of it, don't you?""Coffee? Yes! I love it.I did a spell that condensedan entire pot of espresso into a grain of rice and youcould just swallow it and BOOM, awake, but it mademy pee purple and then, well, I sort of got a little bouncyand Mik said he was going to beat me, so I don't do thatoften."Nuk blinked at him."You don't like being beaten,then?""Well, not by Mik! He's mean!""Would you like to be beaten by me?""Well.I don't know.I know I'd like to lick you allover, but sometimes people aren't as wonderful as theyseem.I'm not opposed to a nice friendly beating, ifeveryone's interested in getting off." He could evenhandle punishments, sometimes.Maybe."Licking me all over sounds good, too.Give yousomething else to do with that tongue." Nuk smiled, theskin around his eyes crinkling.Al laughed, the sound ringing out."I think it soundsamazing, but I'm not off work until five and it's onlytwo."146 "I only have a month before I return home.I wouldwant more than evenings of your time." Nuk looked athim like he was fascinating."Where's home?" Oh, bummer.They weren't going tolet him off work, well, unless he cloned himself.Thatwas, conceivably, possible.Not particularly probableand the last time he'd tried he'd been magicallyexhausted for eight months."The Arctic Circle." Nuk stroked his cheek."Really? Wow." He cuddled into the touch, thebeginning whispers of happy sexual magic starting tobuild."You're so warm.""It's my nature." Nuk's eyes never strayed from him."Will you come back at five?""I'd love to.I could bring you food, if you wanted.Ortowels.I know where they are.""Yes, please.If there's something with berries fordessert.""I'll talk to the kitchen.I promise." Alain leaned up --and up and up and up and up -- and kissed the dear manon the cheek."I'll see you this evening.Have a fabulousday!""Thank you.Until this evening." Nuk took his handand kissed the back of it.Al beamed and waved, bouncing back to hiscomputers.The Arctic Circle.How amazing was that?147 Chapter TwoNuk found his bags just inside the door of his cabin.The place was quite large, for which he was grateful; itwould be the only space he could control, the only spacewhere he was in charge of what people were there.Itwasn't that he hated people so much, he just wasn't usedto them.He'd been truthful about where he came from and hehad hundreds of miles all to himself at home.He madethe trek south once every year or two to deal with hisurges, his need to dominate other men, but that was it.He usually never had to deal with more than one ortwo people at a time.The trip to Cereus had been quiteoverwhelming and then to have to find his buildingamong so many others.he'd gotten turned around.Al, though.the boy was fascinating.Strange andnoisy and so very chatty, but intriguing.Nuk knew Duke had several men lined up to auditionas subs for him while he was here, but Nuk thoughtperhaps he'd already found the man he wanted.Making short work of his unpacking, he puteverything, including the bags, away and then went andfilled the giant tub with cold water, adding in the twobags of ice he found in the freezer in the kitchen.Then,shifting, he climbed in, growling happily as the coldwater surrounded him.He was woken from his dozing some time later by aknock on the door.He climbed out of the tub andshifted, grabbed a towel and went to get the door."Good afternoon, I." Warm eyes met his, and he gota smile."Forgive me.I've interrupted you.I'll comeback later."148 "No, it's okay.I was just cooling down.It's verywarm here." He pulled the door open and invited Dukein."Warm? Winter will be here about the time youleave." Duke slipped in, a clipboard in hand."Iseverything good to go in your cabin?""I'm used to a much colder climate." He nodded."Yes.It will do.Although I didn't check the playroomyet.There is a space here in my rooms, right?""Absolutely.You should have everything arranged,just like you asked." Duke looked at his clipboard."Ihave three submissives that might be just what thedoctor ordered.""Hmm.Actually, I think I've already found one, butapparently he isn't available during the day." Thememory of Al's bright eyes and happy chatter made hisprick stir lazily beneath his towel."You have? Who? We're not fully staffed.""His name is Al." Really, that was all he knew aboutthe lovely man."Al? Do we have an Al?" Duke grabbed a walkie-talkie from his waistband."Donovan?""Yeah, boss?""Do we have an Al here?"There was a short pause, then a burst of laughter."Sweet little tweaker in IT, boss.Alain Dechamps?Daniel's little sorcerer.""Oh.Oh! Right.Thanks, Van."Duke looked back at him."You've met him? Inperson?""I have.He's bringing me dinner when he's finishedfor the day.""Ah.He's.not a professional, Nuk.I mean, he's anengineer, not a submissive." Duke chuckled."I have noidea if he's even queer, to be honest with you."149 "He's queer." The attraction between them had notbeen one-sided."Well, I can't.I'm not exactly sure what to do in thisposition.I can't assign him to you because that's not hisjob."Nuk felt disappointment go through him.He wasn'tsure he would be happy with anyone else now that he'dmet Al, now that he'd imagined doing scenes with thepretty little man."That's a shame.""Well, there's no reason you can't.come to anarrangement together."Nuk smiled, the disappointment melting away."Hecould have the time to be with me? I only have amonth.""I'll see what I can do.He's our specialist, so therewill be times I have to put him to work, make him do histhing.""I shall try not to be greedy." Nuk supposed therewas always the possibility, too, that Al wouldn't want toplay with him."Well, it's not like Alain sleeps.He can go on sheermagic for days.""His touch certainly was magical." There wassomething about the man that called to Nuk.He wasn'tused to connecting so quickly with people.But if his gutsaid Al was it, then so be it."Is there anything I can get for you right now? Tomake your stay more pleasant?""No.Al is bringing me food." He looked for a clockof some kind.At home he would know exactly whattime it was from the light outside.Here he just didn'tknow."It's five p.m."150 "Excellent.That's when he said he was finishedworking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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