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.This tells you that theyhave back injuries, such as a pulled muscle or scoliosis or just general back problems.The heat alerts you that they are responding to the healing.This is a good sign.Heatrepresents a strong healing is taking place.Sensations of coldness in your hands.If you notice that your hands are cold when you are doing a healing on an area of apatient s body, you are being alerted that an area has had damage but has been healedat some stage.What you are picking up is scar tissue - even though the area may behealed, it is left with some scarring, internally as well as externally on the body.Leaveyour hands on the area until you feel warmth or just a flowing of energy, as Reiki willheal the scaring.Thus the area will be totally healed and you will remove the memory ofthe injury from inside of the body.You may also find that the area is also very blockedand that there is no life force energy running through to the area.They may have badcirculation problems.You need to spend a lot of time on the area to bring it back to lifeagain and flowing with energy. Definition of scarring in Reiki terms.I want to make a point of discussing the meaning of scarring in relation to working withReiki.Scarring in reference to a healing means an area has been damaged by injury orillness.Even though the area has healed, it leaves an imprint on the body, thus keepinga memory or record of the old injury or illness.This is not a serious problem but it canmake the area weak and vulnerable to other infections and injuries.By Reiking the areayou can remove this vulnerability and make sure that the area is strong and aligned withthe rest of the body.Normal reference of scarring in layman's terms.When someone has scarring from burns or stitches you can also help the scar tissue toheal much quickly than normally and decrease the risk of infection.However, never tell apatient that you can remove the external scar completely because it is up to theindividual s healing capacity to be able to do this.Do not give false expectations, but ifyou do manage to help remove the scarring then it will be because you have worked withthe patient and their will to be healed with Reiki.Working with Advanced Reiki and the feeling sensations.When you are doing a mental healing with Advanced Reiki, and you experience theabove sensations of warmth and coldness, I want you to be aware that the situation maybe on an emotional level rather than a physical level.You can achieve the same successwith Reiki in removing deep painful memories and emotional issues from the person on amental level as you would on a physical level.Sensations of buzzing and popping in your handsThese sensations indicate that the patient s energy centres or Chakras, as alternativehealers call them, could be out of alignment or shut down.Their may also be a build upof negative energy in the person s body and you may feel like flicking and removing theenergy out of their aura until the sensations have left your hands.Although sometimesyou may not feel these sensations do not be alarmed because in my experience withReiki, when you give a healing you automatically align the Chakras anyway.Why can I not feel any sensations through my hands?Do not be alarmed if you do not experience any sensations in your hands when you aredoing a Reiki.As with all procedures it can take time and practise before you learn todistinguish any sensations flowing through your hands.Once you are attuned to Reiki itnever leaves you and it never shuts down.Reiki is like an oil heater, with some people itneeds to warm up with every Reiki healing they do.The more you give Reiki the strongerit becomes.It is essential to allow the Reiki to flow regularly, that is why you should giveyourself a self-treatment every day if possible.Sometimes people who have been verysick and ill may find that their Reiki energy does not seem to work well when they do ahealing on others.You may feel that your hands are cold and that they are not sendingany energy out to others.This is because the Reiki is concentrating on you personally.Ifyou are sick, the Reiki will go to you and meet your needs first before it will go to others.If you have this reaction you are being told to spend some time working on healingyourself.After awhile you will feel more energy and share it with others.Why do some people reject Reiki? Fear can block you from being open to the Reiki energy.Some people are afraid ofbelieving in something that is different from what they are used to.This does not matter,you do not have to believe in Reiki for it to work.I have seen people who are very waryand non-believing of the power of Reiki, come in, have a healing and walk out refreshedand feeling good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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