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.He climbed out of the car straightening hisshirt and checking his gun was secure in his waistband.In afew steps he was at the front of the SUV and wasn'tsurprised when Dale stood in his way.He looked up thefew inches to Dale's face and could see very clearly in thestreetlight that he had dark eyes, probably brown.He was a good-looking guy, kind of rough aroundthe edges, not pretty but incredibly intense and rugged.Hislips were full and soft and a complete contradiction to thegranite expression on his face.Joseph found himselfwondering what it would look like to have those lipsaround his dick, or to taste them.Maybe he'd even holdDale down and show him who was boss.Startled, he pulledhis head together.Sexual attraction was something hehadn't experienced in a long time.Hard to lust aftercolleagues, even harder to lust after the people he protected80 The Only Easy Day RJ Scottor the people he was intent on to kill.It was proximity.Nothing more.Anyway what were the odds that MrHardass was even gay let alone interested in being pinnedto the bed by a scarred and battle-worn SEAL?"Morgan Drake is my friend," Dale said verycalmly.Joseph tore his stare away from full lips andconcentrated back on the serious brown eyes."And?" he asked cockily.That was good.It was away to pull control of this back to his side."If you hurt him in any way, then Frogman, I willkill you, SEAL team bent on revenge on my back or not."He blinked steadily, and Joseph had to admire the guy'sballs for standing up to an active SEAL and threateningsaid sailor with death."Noted," Joseph replied with a nod.He hadunderstood the threat; that didn't mean he was worried byit.Dale wasn't convinced he had just spoken the truth;Joseph could tell that by the threatening posture and thenarrowing of his eyes.The front door opened, interrupting the steely-eyedface-off.Another man stood in the light.Was this Morgan?"Any problems?" possible-Morgan asked."He rolled over like a pussy cat." Dale smirked.Joseph restrained himself from shooting Dale there and81 The Only Easy Day RJ Scottthen.He was being severely underestimated if what hadhappened could be called rolling over.He opened hismouth to speak but was interrupted by a second man in thedoorway.Nik?" the newcomer said.Given Dale was by hisside, that made the other guy Nik, which left the third guyas possible-Morgan.A black Labrador sat by his side,leaning against his leg.It bought back a flash of memory toJoseph of his first dog when he was six.The dog had diednot long after his seventh birthday.Where had that memorycome from? He mentally shook his thoughts free of thedepressing loop and watched Morgan closely.Morgan appeared confused and looked from Nik toDale and back again.Joseph caught sight of a scar thatmarred the side of his very pretty features, but thankfullyMorgan couldn't see him staring given he was standing inthe dark.Joseph's focus flicked away deliberately.He hadseen a lot in war, and scars in theater weren't somethingnew.God, he had a few himself.Just& to see a civilianwith scars was something he couldn't handle.He didn'tthink he ever would be able to."Nik? Is something wrong? Is he the reason we hadto move?""Morgan Drake?" Joseph interrupted, and quickly82 The Only Easy Day RJ Scottsidestepped Dale to reach the stoop.He wasn't waiting forpolite introductions."That's me," Morgan said in response, and thenadded another worried, "Nik?"Nik moved to place himself between Morgan andJoseph.He was tall, blond, built and dressed from head totoe in black, his holster tight across his shoulders."This is Joseph Kinnon," he stated simply.Nikstared directly at Joseph, and there was a distinct warinessin him.For a moment there was no movement fromanyone, then suddenly, Morgan was pushing past Nik, whogrimaced at the smaller man.Morgan stopped inches awayfrom him, and toe-to-toe, they looked at each other in thelight spilling from the open door.He didn't appear to benervous to see Joseph; in fact, his expression was open andfilled with compassion.Joseph flinched as Morgan placed a hand on hischest.Jeez.The other man's eyes were filled with so muchsorrow and empathy it hurt to look."God.Joseph.I am so sorry for your loss."83 The Only Easy Day RJ ScottCHAPTER 8Joseph was torn between an instinctive movebackwards and punching the shorter guy in the face.Insteadhe removed Morgan's hand from his chest with a brush ofhis own fingers."Morgan Drake, I assume," he said quickly."Yes.And this is Nik." Morgan indicated the blondwho couldn't have been standing more than a few inchesbehind Morgan with a scowl on his face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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