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.selves with the  social and abandon11) A head of Freemasonry, Minister the  supernatural.of State of the Supreme Council of the And so on along this line.Scottish Rite in France, Mr.Marsaudon, in his book:  Ecu- And thus Freemasonry, with Paulmenism From the Perspective of a VI, had not only penetrated theFreemason of Tradition , speaking of grass-root Church, but also the eche-all Pope Montini had done, wrote: «& lon of the Vatican, both with clericsThe Christians should not forget and secular.And that is conceded atthat all avenues (all religions) lead to the highest levels, too8.It is sufficientGod, and stay within this brave no- to read Chapter IV ( His Opening totion of freedom of thought.One Freemasonry ) of our book,  Paulcould really speak of a Revolution VI& beatified? to realize this fact.that from our Masonic Lodges hasspread out magnificently, reachingthe top of St.Peter s Basilica».***12) Finally, his  Liturgical Reformhad been foreseen by the Freemason To conclude: who was, then, Paul VI?and apostate Roca, in 1883:  The di- It will suffice to recall that Paul VI hadvine cult  Roca wrote  in an Ecu- been opposed to Pius XII s  political-menical Council shall undergo a religious line with his own  political-transformation that will put it in secular line , through which he,  Pro-harmony with the state of modern Secretary of State , betrayed Piuscivilization 7.Roca s plan for the in- XII, setting up  secret channels withtroduction of Christianity into the Ma- Moscow and other Communist Headssonic  Universal Religion , provided of State, forgetful of, or in contempt offor: what Pius XI had written in his En-cyclical  Divini Redemptoris Promis-a) A doctrinal adaptation, which pre-sio (1937) against Communism, clear-supposed the equivalence of all cultsly branding it as  intrinsically per-and religious views;verted and as a  tragedy to humani-b) New Dogmas, primarily that of ty.Evolution, which presupposes Gnos- But now, Paul VI s  betrayal standstic Pantheism and Integral Human- before the tribunal of History.7bishop of Genoa From 1946 To 1987 ,Pierre Virion,  Mystère d Iniquité , ed.Bologna 1990.Saint-Michel, 1967, p.21-43.8Raimondo Spiazzi,  Cardinal Siri Arch-316 Paul VI.317 Paul VI.317 WARNINGS FROMOUR LADYOur Lady, Mother of God, our Mother In her apparitions of Fatima, Our Ladyand Mother of the Church in recent confirmed what she had said at Lacenturies, has given us warnings on the Salette, and the punishment that willtremendous crisis that the Church fall on the entire human race  withinwould suffer from the mid-Twentieth the second half of the Twentieth Centu-Century and beyond.ry ; both tell of the  horrible crisisShe uses words that are precise and un- in which the Catholic Church willambiguous, though tragic and terrible plunge.in its contents.She tells us that Satan will marchIn her appearance at La Salette, Our amidst the rows of Cardinals and Bish-Lady was displeased with the conduct ops and, in Rome, there will be greatof the Ministers of God for their  evil changes, that Satan will reign in thelife for their  love of money, honors highest places and will even infiltrateand pleasures , but most especially to the top of the Church!for their  irreverence and impiety in But She also predicts that the rot incelebrating the Holy Mysteries.Rome will fall and never rise again!She already knows the reality of the But in the meantime, the Church willbetrayal of so many ministers of God be obscured and the world deranged bywho, having thrown themselves into terror, will be taken in by errors madethe arms of the infamous Sect of by the partisans of Satan, who for aFreemasonry, do not worship the true while, will be able to reign over theGod, but worship only themselves: world, until God will again be pro- Tremble& you who proclaim to claimed and served as before.worship Jesus Christ, but on the in- There were, however, Apparitions (toside, worship only yourself. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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