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.Accordingly, the vessels show a movement that should be a goodmix of stomach qi and of qi originating in the core organs.How such a mixis achieved, readers are not told.They are informed, however, that well-defined aberrations from an ideal mix are signs of various degrees of diseaseand possibly fatal.Why a certain abnormal mix indicates a more or less se-vere disease, or even imminent death, is explained, in addition to the con-cept of a presence versus absence of stomach qi, in terms of the five-agentsdoctrine.The system underlying the quote below is such that an absence of stom-ach qi is fatal.Presence of much stomach qi and a little qi associated withthe respective season (i.e., in spring, qi of wood, which causes a stringlikemovement; in summer, qi of fire, which causes a hooklike movement; in latesummer, qi of soil, which causes a soft and weak movement; in autumn, qiof metal, which causes a hairlike movement; in winter, qi of water, whichcauses a stonelike movement) indicates a  normal situation.A reversed mixof little stomach qi and much seasonal qi indicates a disease in the core or-gan associated with the respective season.A movement indicating a mix be-tween stomach qi and a qi associated with that season which is representa-tive of the agent dominating the agent of the present season (i.e., a hairlike/metal movement mixed with stomach qi in spring/wood) is a disease asso-ciated with that dominating season, possibly indicating that the main prob-lem is yet to come.Finally, a movement indicating a mix between stomachqi and much qi associated with the agent dominating the agent associatedwith the present season is called a  present disease.The text is quoted here in full, including comments already added in an-tiquity and indicated here by curly brackets { }.The regular qi of a normal person is supplied by the stomach.{The stomach [qi] is the regular qi of the normal person.}When someone has no stomach qi, that is called  movement contrary [to aregular course].A movement contrary [to a regular course results in] death.When in spring [the vessels have] stomach [qi and exhibit a] slightly string[likemovement], that is called  normal.If it is mostly string[like] with diminished stomach [qi present], that is called liver disease.If it is only string[like] with no stomach [qi present], that is called  fatal. Unschuld,Huang Di nei jing 12/2/02 1:34 PM Page 158158 survey of the contents of the su wenIf stomach [qi is present] and if [the movement] is hair[like], that is called autumn disease.If it is very hair[like], that is called  present disease..When in summer [one feels] stomach [qi together with a] slightly hook[likemovement in the vessels], that is called  normal.If it is mostly hook[like] with diminished stomach [qi present], that is called heart disease.If it is only hook[like] with no stomach [qi present], that is called  fatal.If stomach [qi is present] and if one has a stone[like movement in the vessels],that is called  winter disease.If [the movement is] very stone[like], that is called  present disease..When in late summer [one feels] stomach [qi together with] a slightly soft andweak [movement in the vessels], that is called  normal.If [the movement is] mostly weak, with diminished stomach [qi present], thatis called  spleen disease.If it is only intermittent with no stomach [qi present], that is called  fatal.If [the movement is] soft and weak, and also stone[like], that is called  winterdisease.If it is very weak, that is called  present disease..When in autumn [one feels] stomach [qi together with] a slightly hair[likemovement in the vessels], that is called  normal.If [the movement is] mostly hair[like] with diminished stomach [qi present],that is called  lung disease.If it is only hair[like] with no stomach [qi present], that is called  fatal.If [the movement is] hair[like] and if there is also a string[like movement],that is called  spring disease.If it is very string[like], that is called  present disease..When in winter [one feels] stomach [qi together with] a slightly stone[likemovement in the vessels], that is called  normal.If [the movement is] mostly stone[like] with diminished stomach [qi] present,that is called  kidney disease.If it is only stone[like] with no stomach [qi present], that is called  fatal.If [the movement is] stone[like] if there is also a hook[like movement], thatis called  summer disease.If it is very hook[like], that is called  present disease. 346The mix in the vessels combined the stomach qi and the qi of specificcore organs.The latter were called true qi, zhen qiuÿø.An absence of stom-ach qi means a presence only of true qi.In Su wen 19, the compilers of thetext construed the following dialogue to clarify why the arrival of the latterwithout the former signals death.Huang Di:When one notices a [movement of the] true [qi of the] depots, this is called fatal.Why? Unschuld,Huang Di nei jing 12/2/02 1:34 PM Page 159survey of the contents of the su wen 159Qi Bo:All the five depots are supplied with qi by the stomach.{The stomach is the source of the five depots [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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