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.If servicehas been held at house the lodge returns at once to hall and close.PROVISION FOR MILITARY HONORS INMASONIC FUNERAL SERVICEADOPTED 1955.(The following provision is made for military honors at the grave underthe Worshipful Master's direction, when appropriate and requested.These honors shall be given immediately preceding the Chaplain's prayerof committal.)Master:~Inasmuch as our departed brother, having rendered to his country loyalservice in the armed forces, is entitled to military honors, these honorswill now be rendered by a detail from.(The Master will here mention the organization or branch of service Maine Masonic Text Bookofficiating.Military honors will then be rendered according to serviceregulations.)(Following the military honors, the Masonic ritual will be concludedwith the Chaplain's prayer of committal and benediction).EVENING MEMORIAL SERVICE.Adopted 1959.TO BE USED BY LODGES.The Committee offers the following brief and simple ritual as asuggested Memorial Service to be held on the evening before a funeralfor a deceased Brother.The directions governing the Officers and Brethren of the Lodge at aMasonic Memorial Service shall be those directions provided in theMaine Masonic Text Book, found in the chapter on "Funeral Service,"that would apply to this Memoria] Service.Where the room is limited when this service is conducted we suggest theMaster take his position at the head and the Chaplain atthe foot of thecasket; the Deacons with crossed rods at the head and the Stewards withcrossed rods at the foot, retaining their places throughout the MemorialService; the assembled Brethren remain in their seats until the conclusionof the service.The Brethren will deposit their Evergreen in the usualmanner at the conclusion of the Service.On those occasions when the Lodge is requested to participate in thefuneral of a Brother, if the Master so desires, this Memorial Service maybe substituted for thc regular Masonic Funeral Service.We submit a brief Committal Service to be used at the grave if desired.The Ritual for Masonic Memorial Service is as follows:MASONIC MEMORIAL SERVICEMaster:Friends and Brethren, we who are Masons have assembled on thisoccasion to express our respect and esteem for our Brother who haspassed beyond our mortal sight and to share with those near and dear tohim our belief in the immortality of the soul. Maine Masonic Text BookIn this time of sorrow, when we all need comfort and consolation, let usturn reverently to God who, in the midst of the trials and tribulations thatare a part of life, can alone endue us with that quietness of spirit and thatpeace of mind and heart which the world can neither give nor take away.Let us pray.Chaplin:God, our Father in Heaven: Thou art the giver of life and light and love,our help and solace in times of trial and sorrow.Thou hast assured usthat when we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, Thou artwith us.Thy rod and Thy staff comfort us.Thou art our light and oursalvation, our refuge and our strength in every time of trouble.We thank Thee for the life of our Brother.We thank Thee that he wasone of our fellowship and that we were privileged to labor with him inthe mystic tie of brotherhood.We are grateful to Thee for the preciousmemories of him which we shall always carry in our hearts.We thankThee for all that he has meant to those who were near and dear to himthrough the ties of family and friendship.Most of all, we are grateful to Thee for teaching us that, while the bodyis mortal, the soul is immortal.Though the outward form we knew andloved be removed from our sight, we have the assurance that Thou hasttaken to Thyself his soul, which is the enduring essence of life.Thisconviction Thou hast implanted in us through Thy Holy Word, which isthe Great Light of Masonry.We earnestly beseech Thee that this short time which we spend togethermay renew and strengthen our convictions and our hope [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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