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.Butterfly ButterflyL obi che vestii da sposa.My wedding obi.Qua ch io lo vesta.I want to wear it.Vo che mi veda indosso il vel del primo I want him to see me in it like it was ondì.our wedding day.E un papavero rosso nei capelli.And in my hair, we ll put a scarlet poppy.Così.Like so. MADAMA BUTTERFLY Page 83Nello shosi farem tre forellini In the shosi we ll make three little holes,per riguardar, that we can look out of.e starem zitti come topolini And we ll be still like little mice and waitad aspettar.here.Suzuki closes the shosi screens.As the night grows darker Butterfly leads the baby to the shosi screenButterfly makes three holes in the shosi screen: one at her height, one lower down forSuzuki, and a third lower still for the child.She seats the child on a cushion, and indicates that he is to look through the hole.Suzuki crouches down and also gazes out.Butterfly stands in front of the highest holeand gazes through it, remaining rigid and motionless as a statue: the baby, who isbetween Butterfly and Suzuki, looks out curiously.The rays of the moonlight illuminate the shosi screen from without.A humming chorusis heard in the distance from the harbor.The baby falls asleep on a cushion; Suzukistill in her crouching position, also falls asleep.Butterfly remains awake, rigid and motionless. OPERA CLASSICS LIBRARY Page 84ACT IIIButterfly stands statuesque: the boy sleeps on a cushion with Suzuki next to him.Sailors (from the harbor in the distance)MarinaiOh eh! Oh eh!Oh eh! Oh eh!(Butterfly rouses herself)SuzukiSuzuki Tis daylight!Gia il sole!Cio-Cio-San.Cio-cio-san.ButterflyButterflyHe ll come, he ll come with daybreak.Verrà, verrà, col pieno sole.Butterfly takes the sleeping child in her arms to bring him to his room.SuzukiSuzukiGo and rest, you are weary.Salite a riposare, affranta sieteI ll call you when he arrives.al suo venire vi chiamerò.ButterflyButterflySleep my love, sleep on my heart;Dormi amor mio, dormi sul mio cor.you re safe in God s keeping,Tu se con Dioand I with my heavy heart.ed io col mio dolor.Around your head golden stars dart;A te i rai degli astri d or:sleep, my beloved!Bimbo mio dormi!Suzuki (sadly, shaking her head)SuzukiPoor Butterfly!Povera Butterfly!Butterfly (from the room above)ButterflySleep my love, sleep on my heart;Dormi amor mio, dormi sul mio cor.you re safe in God s keeping,Tu sei con Dioand I with my heavy heart.ed io col mio dolor.SuzukiSuzukiPoor Butterfly!Povera Butterfly!(a light knock at the door)Who is it?Chi sia?(Suzuki cries out in great surprise)Oh!Oh! MADAMA BUTTERFLY Page 85Sharpless Sharpless (signals her to be silent)Stz! Hush!Pinkerton Pinkerton (also motions her to be silent)Zitta! Hush!Suzuki SuzukiZitta! Hush!Pinkerton PinkertonZitta! Zitta! Hush! Hush!Pinkerton PinkertonNon la destar.Don t disturb her!Suzuki SuzukiEra stanca sì tanto! Vi stette ad aspettare She was so very tired! She stood awaitingyou all night with the baby.tutta la notte col bimbo.Pinkerton PinkertonHow did she know?Come sapea?Suzuki SuzukiFor three years, no ship has entered theNon giunge da tre anni una nave nelporto, che da lunge Butterfly non ne harbor that Butterfly has not scrutinizedscruti il color, la bandiera.for its flags and colors.Sharpless Sharpless (to Pinkerton)Ve lo dissi? Didn t I tell you?Suzuki SuzukiLa chiamo.I ll call her.Pinkerton PinkertonNo non ancor.No, not yet.Suzuki SuzukiLo vedete, ier sera, la stanza volle sparger Look around you, the room is full withflowers.di fiori.Sharpless Sharpless (touched)Didn t I tell you?Ve lo dissi?Pinkerton PinkertonWhat torment!Che pena! OPERA CLASSICS LIBRARY Page 86Suzuki SuzukiChi c è là fuori nel giardino? Who s that outside in the garden?Una donna! A lady!Pinkerton PinkertonZitta! Hush!Suzuki Suzuki (becoming more agitated)Chi è? Chi è? Who s that? Who s that?Sharpless Sharpless (to Pinkerton)Meglio dirle ogni cosa [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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