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.'`I see,' she murmured quietly, a little disappointedly.She had hoped he was beginning to relent in hisattitude.Perhaps some regret was evident in her tone, for now his well shaped brows lifted to their more familiarmocking slant and he taunted, `You surely hadn't persuaded yourself I'd succumb beneath the avalancheof those crocodile tears of yours?'She should have known he would think they had only been put on for his benefit! But rather than let himfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20al.0%20%20the%20challenge%20TXT/THE%20CHALLENGE.txt (27 of 77)05/05/2010 14:40:01 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1980%20%20the%20challenge%20TXT/THE%20CHALLENGE.txtknow they hadn't been feigned, she merely shrugged indifferently.`It was worth a try,' she perjuredherself with brittle lightness.`But not quite good enough to take nie in, sweetheart!' he retorted, an unmistakable note of contemptentering his voice.`You forget, I know just what a hard-headed, conniving little piece you really are!'Somehow Debra managed to smother her furious indignation beneath a fragile veneer of unconcern.`Then I shall just have to find some other way to spike your guns, shan't I?' she proposed chaffingly.`Who knows what worthwhile method for getting under your guard a coldly calculating little brain likethe one you keep crediting me with is capable of devising.I notice you're not exactly averse to changingyour attitude when it happens to suit your purpose.''Meaning?' ominously.She swallowed hard but refused to be outstared.`This evening.your precious records,' she remindedhim ironically.`Perhaps if I.'Before she even had a chance to finish what she was saying her head was abruptly snapped back as ahandful of her long hair was wrapped around strong fingers and pulled tight.`Don't you try threatening me, you little vixen, or you'll wish you'd never heard of a McAllister, let alonemet one!' he lowered his head to grate implacably.Actually, a threat had been the furthest thing from her mind, and for a moment she could only stare up athim in shaken surprise.Then, as the pain from her captive hair began to register, her eyes darkened witha smouldering resentment.`You seem to do it often enough!' she glared accusingly, and futilely attempting to break his hold.`Sowhy can't I?''Because I happen to be the injured party!'With her hair feeling as if half of it was being dragged out by its roots, Debra wasn't quite sure how hecould make that statement.`That's a laugh!' she jeered insolently.`I didn't think it was possible to injurecase-hardened steel!'His cold blue eyes roamed over her critically, insultingly.`And I didn't think it was possible for anyoneto look so desirable, and yet be such an undesirable!' he derided harshly as he released her.`Then you obviously haven't taken a good look at yourself in the mirror of late!' she hurled backsarcastically, her breath coming in shuddering gasps, her eyes watering.Her scalp was stinging fiercely,but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her massage it with him present.Recovering his equanimity, Saxon flexed solid shoulders imperturbably.`You can always leave.'`I'll see you in hell first!' she gibed.He laughed, a short, scornful sound.`Don't count on it ! ' was his parting advice as he strode from theroom.CHAPTER FOURDuring the next three days Debra worked harder than she had probably ever done before, and at thesame time had been criticised-unfairly on most occasions, she believed--more often than ever before aswell.Evidently Saxon was determined to be the hardest taskmaster imaginable, with the result that shehadn't seemed to have a minute to herself since arriving on the property.Oh, he'd allowed her a coupleof hours off during Sunday afternoon-only because Prue had managed to cajole them out of himpreviously, she was positive-but for the rest of the time there had hardly been space for her to drawfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20al.0%20%20the%20challenge%20TXT/THE%20CHALLENGE.txt (28 of 77)05/05/2010 14:40:01 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1980%20%20the%20challenge%20TXT/THE%20CHALLENGE.txtbreath, and by Monday morning she was looking forward to the break from his ever watchful scrutiny,and needling, while she drove Prue to school in Acacia Crossing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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