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.He darted the bident at me,weaving it into the flick-retreat of the net, testing me, trying to read howfast I was and what I knew about netmen.And he was maneuvering me closer toLugat.This was a doubleduel, nothing against one of the partners breaking offhis or her fight to help the other.Adelaar eased closer.The left-hand lead balls shot out, their chain loopssuddenly released.She duckedaway.One sphere whistled over her head, the other hit but not solidly (itwould have cracked her skull if it had); it grazed her temple, slid off herhair, banged into her shoulder, catching for an instant on one of the pointedstuds on the back of her vest.In spite of the dizzy dark that blurred hervision and slurred her mind, she took advantage of that brief catch, turnedthe duck into a low attack and managed to carve a piece out of Lugat's leftleg, only a deep scratch, but it started bleeding sluggishly.She droppedflat, rolled frantically away before all four of the lead spheres slammed intoher; she scrambled onto her feet outside the limit of the chains and beganprowling once again, watching Lugat as she drew the chains in and brought theballs to order.The net flicked out, low, no feint this time, he was after my ankles if hecould get them; if I jumped clear, he'd twitch the net open and have me like agasping fish which he'd skewer on the double prongs of his lance.At the sametime, he beat Harska aside with the lancepole, hitting her against the flat,careful still of her edge.Instead of jumping clear, I brought Harska in aquick circle, freeing her from the push of the pole; continuing the move, Ijumped into the net, falling flat on it, pinning it temporarily while I swungHarska one-handed at Trewwa's legs; she went through flesh and bone likebutter; he fell over, screaming with rage, too angry to feel the pain yet; hehadn't expected her to swing that fast and easy; I'd cheated him and he wantedblood for it; he hauled back on the bident and tried to puncture me with thosediamond points.I took his head off and that was that.There were a few appreciative hisses and clicking sounds from the watchers,but the room was mostly quiet, there was still a fight to finish.Page 77 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAdelaar had an oozing bruise on her brow, another on her left shoulder nearthe joint.Her left arm was disabled; she carried the sword in her right handnow.Lugat had a deep scratch on one thigh, she favoredthat leg when she moved, and there several small bloody rents in the tightstretch silk of her sleeves.As I turned around, Adelaar took advantage ofLugat's leg drag, tossed the sword into her left hand (freeing her right), gotmomentarily behind her and close enough to rake her neck with those poisonclaws; she whirled away too fast for Lugat to manage a solid hit, butcollected some more bruises and was staggering by the time she was beyondchain reach.Lugat went after her, but with Trewwa down and out, Adelaar hadroom enough keep clear until her head was working again.Lugat stumbled, the lead balls seemed to shudder, their swings turned erratic;she pulled herself together, went after Adelaar, ignoring the rapier, ignoringpain and disorientation as the poison took effect; the lead balls whirredviciously, she caught Adelaar in the heel, the small of her back, slammed oneinto her side (I could almost hear those ribs go) as Del stumbled over one ofTrewwa's severed legs.Del threw herself aside and into a shoulder roll; onher feet again she turned and ran, around, across, along the oval, ignoringbroken ribs and other bruises, running, dodging, ignoring grazes as Lugattried to get at her, running beyond exhaustion until Lugat was gasping andstaggering, eyes glazed, blood trickling from her nose and the corners of hermouth.Adelaar whipped back; a bound, a stride, a lunge and with beautifulextension she slid the rapier into the k'durin's chest, a perfect heart kill.A burst of applause, then sounds of movement, the shuffle of feet, argumentsover who won as bets were settled and the bettors went off to celebrate theentertainment with a drink or snort or whatever suited their needs.Adelaar drew the sword clear and stood holding it against a twitching leg,exhausted; the adrenalin that'd kept her going and partially anesthetized wasdraining away, leaving her with the dead-ash feeling you get after an all-outstruggle when still being alive doesn't seem worth all that effort.The Referee stumped over to Hra Trewwa, grunted onto his knees and dug aroundin Trewwa's clothes until he found his ID; he tucked it away, got to his feetand moved over to Lugat.While he was finishing his business with the dead, Iunbuckled the straps to Harska's sheath and pulled it round where I could getat the shimmy cloth I kept in a squeeze pocket.There wasn't much blood on mylady, she cut too fast and too clean, but I never put her away mussed.Wipingher was tricky, I could lose a finger myself if I got careless; flesh wasflesh as far as she was concerned, didn't matter whose.Not a lady forsentimental sighing.I rubbed the blood off her alloy and crystal, then slidher back in her sheath.As she vanished I could hear something like acollective moan out there in the dark, she was a lovely thing."You getting old, Swar." A man came out of the dark and leaned his elbows inthe dueling floor."Nearly five minutes this time.Came close to costing mesome money.""Always complaining, eh Barker? Didn't expect to see you here, I thought youwere howling out near the Rift.""Was.Found me a nice little Belt full of plums, now I've got to track downsome financing.""Hmm.I've got a little extra on my hands, if you're still hunting investors,why not drop round and we'll have a talk? Benders Trucetel.I'll key theclerabot to give you my number.""Why not.Want some company to walk you home? Hay and Apelzan are in the bardrinking up their winnings, by the way, they said to say hello and bring yourfriend around, they'd buy you both a sop whatever you felt inclined to, and Isaw Ahehtos with a set of boy-girl twins around three hours ago, he ought tobe winding up about now and ready for something new.""Thanks.Wouldn't hurt."Adelaar'd got herself together; she came over and stood listening to us talk.Her hand closed on my shoulder while the Barker was making his offer; I easedher fingers loose, I didn't want her to forgetPage 78 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwhat she was holding onto and stick those claws into me.Be one helluvun ironyto die from a client's fingernails after winning that mix-up with the enemy."You think they'd come after us again?""You're tired, Del, or you wouldn't say something so stupid."She scrubbed the back of her hand across her mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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