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.He met a girl named Sasha hisfirst year away and they had grown increasingly close.Over the summer, James asked her tomarry him.The last me I d seen James was when he came up briefly for my birthday.He dbrought Sasha with him.They stayed long enough to go out to dinner and sing happy birthdayto me, then they were gone.I was briefly upset about his short visit.I d soon go en over itwith Derrick taking me out and surprising me.I was not presently dressed up, but I was thinking about what I was going to wear when Iwent over to the Wilson s house.I decided on a sweater that I knew Derrick liked to see me in,which I hardly ever wore.As hard as I tried to get into watching the game, I kept fidge ng andwas eager to get dressed up and go.Eventually dad suggested we get ready to head out for our prospec ve other engagements.We both hurried up stairs and got ready.I could not wait to go over and hang out with Derrick.I was spending the night and we were going out shopping on Black Friday with his mom.In myexcitement of ge ng to spend the night next to Derrick, I found myself ge ng hard.It felt likeforever since we d go en to spend the night together.His parents did not like the idea of usspending the night together, especially under their roof, with us being a couple.I was dressed and wai ng to hear back from Derrick about coming over earlier than we dplanned.Although I tried to think about other things, I found myself as hard as a rock.Dadknocked on my door and came into say goodbye.We shared a hug, which I made strange bytrying to hide my arousal. Once I heard dad s car pull away, I carefully pulled off my sweater and shirt and undid mybelt and pants, dropping them to my ankles.I almost fell on my face as I shuffled over to mydesk to grab some ssue, then I decided to sit in my desk chair.The fabric was not comfortableon my ass, but I knew it was not going to take me long to get my business done.As I pleasuredmyself, I decided to not move at all and just enjoy feeling of my hand on my rock hard cock.Usually I was into ge ng down to business and finishing up, but now I was taking my me andmaking the pleasure last.When I finally came, I was panting.My phone rang, it was Derrick.I quickly wiped off my hand and tried to shallow mybreathing before I answered.All I could manage to say was,  Hello!Derrick said,  Hey! You can come over any time you are ready. Thanks! I was still panting and trying to slow my breathing.Derrick asked although he sounded like he knew,  What were you doing? I had to run up the stairs and grab my phone, I thought this was a believable excuse butDerrick pointed out how I picked up a er the first ring.I knew he was not going to let it go.So Idecided to come clean,  I just finished jerking off.While I was ge ng dressed up to go over toyour place, I found myself ge ng hard.I thought I d be er take care of it or risk spending mostof dinner with your family trying to hide my excitement.Derrick started laughing,  I know what you mean.I did the same thing twice today. Oh no? I was surprised.Derrick typically did not whack off as o en as I did.Today he wasone up on me. Oh yes! Derrick giggled some more,  Get dressed and get over here.My cousins are drivingme fucking crazy.We said our goodbyes and I got dressed again.Before leaving, I did another check to makesure I d packed everything I wanted to bring over with me.I decided to put on some cologne.Iput a spray down by my package, hoping it would be noticed later.Then I was on my way.On the drive over to the Wilson s I started to feel guilty.Most of my day with my dad I dspent looking forward to later.I knew dad had tried hard to make it a special day and I felt likeI could have done more to make the holiday be er for him.I decided to give him a call to thankhim and tell him I was glad we got to spend time together.The first me I dialed his number, his phone went right to voicemail.I decided to try onemore time and this time he picked up,  Hey Justin! Is everything all right? Yes, it is.I just wanted to call and say thanks for today.That was all I d gotten out before he cut me off,  You already thanked me. I know, but I wanted you to know how much it meant to me.He sounded short,  All right.No problem.You go have fun at the Wilson s. Before I could say anything else, he was off the phone.He sounded all put out to even takemy call.This irritated me.It reminded me of when he and mom were arguing all the me.Theywere so busy with each other that I never felt like either of them had me for me.It was thiskind of treatment that led to my turning to alcohol.It had been seven months since I d had a drink.This was the first me the idea of actuallydrinking had crossed my mind in ages.I tried to get my mind off being frustrated with my dadas I drove over to Derrick s house.DerrickWhen Jus n arrived, he seemed a li le off.The first chance I had to talk to him alone Iasked him if everything was all right.He told me that everything was fine and that he wasexcited to be at my place.However, his words did not match his outward appearance.Typically,Jus n was charisma c and enthusias c.Today he seemed put out.I thought even if he was notin the best of moods, I was having more fun with him there than before he arrived.I knew oncewe started ea ng Jus n s spirits would improve.Even when his mom lived with him andprepared a Thanksgiving feast, he preferred my mom s cooking to his own mom s.Instead of having an adults table and a kids table, my parents had brought in another tablethat extended into the living room area.Our dining room table was quite huge to begin withand with this other table a ached made it enormous.When my mom was out of earshoteveryone commented about how overdone it looked.The food was set-up on the table in the kitchen.Thankfully, Jus n started to snap out ofwhatever funk he was in while we were dishing up.As always Jus n no ced anything new andraved about any dish he loved that my mom cooked, which was most everything.He heaped uphis plate as full as he could get it.I on the other hand grabbed some turkey and small scoops ofother items.Jus n would nudge me if there were anything he thought I should grab more of.Iknew he would eat whatever I did not, as he had in previous years of coming over onThanksgiving.The plan was that we would dish up and take our spot at the table.My mom always hadplace cards so everyone knew where they were si ng.I had to admit, she was good at pu ngthe right people together and keeping the right people apart.I was thankful my cousins were atthe opposite end from me and Jus n was si ng right beside me.The downside was thatfootball seemed to dominate the conversation.This was nothing new, but it still bugged me.At one point during the meal, my hand was on my lap as I was listening to my uncle and mydad talk.Jus n reached under the table and grabbed my hand.He kept ahold of it even as theyasked him his opinion, about football of course.Jus n squeezed my hand while not missing a beat in contribu ng to the conversa on.It felt so good to be loved that I could care less if allthe guys talked about was football.We held hands throughout the rest of dinner.Jus n, whowas doing most of the ea ng, ate le -handed, though he is right-handed, with ease.No onenoticed our handholding under the table.Thanksgiving was fast becoming my favorite holiday [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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