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. We haven t seen anyone since we leftthe crowds behind. That s how it works here, Jace explained. If you are lonely and desire company, you find itinstantly, but because we currently need to be alone, we are. Funny, Dante said,  I keep getting the feeling that you two want to be alone.Jace smiled. That would explain why the walk has taken this long.  You mean it s optional? John asked. I ve enjoyed talking with you, but time is of the essence.Jace nodded. And so we are there.Ivy crawled over the worn, rounded stones of the cottage, a thatched roof covering its single story.Thick glass filled the round windows on either side of the entrance, while ancient yellow paint peeledoff the wooden door, the color matching the sunflowers growing around the cottage.A pathway of flatstones led to the door, passing first a small herb garden barely distinguishable from the wild brush thatfilled the valley.The cottage was surrounded by a swarm of angels.They flew in a cylindrical formation,stretching from the ground to higher than the eye could see.The dozens of angels, each winged androbed, looked just as they were usually depicted, but rarely did any artist capture their colors.Everyangel s wings had a different shade of feather, some sporting a single color such as cobalt blue orchartreuse, while others had wings like tropical birds, orderly patterns of feathers in multiple colors. They re beautiful, John said. They are, Jace agreed. This is the only place in Heaven where you see angels.Old souls saythat it once was different, that angels and even God would walk among the people.But now theycircle that cottage.Anyone who comes too close is always carried away by the angels.They re sort ofintimidating, like the glass men are, but more like a big brother or parent.The glass men are just  Monsters, John said when Jace failed to find the right word. Yes, monsters.Anyway, I think he s in there.I think that cottage is God s home. Then this is where we part ways.It s going to get dangerous from here on out. I m not afraid, Jace said coolly. I believe the angels are good, that they re protecting God, asridiculous as that might sound.Besides, I d like to meet the big guy, too. This isn t a social call, Dante said. There s a bloody huge army hot on our heels, and we haveto get past those angels and warn God as quick as we can.Once we re in there, I m going to ask himwhy no one in the afterlife ever does anything heroic but us because it drives me mad. Okay, Jace said, taking it in stride,  but I still don t see what makes you any more qualifiedthan me. I m still alive, and he s possessed by a demon, John said. And the dog? Jace asked without blinking an eye. He s the team mascot. John grew serious. You re right that we don t belong here, and theretruly is a tsunami of trouble rising up behind us.It s best if you go somewhere safe, if only for yourcat. Ah, the old  concern for others trick, Jace said. Very well, I ll respect your wishes, but it wasa pleasure to meet you.And thanks again for springing Samson out of jail.John offered his hand and Jace accepted it. Awkward timing, I know, John said,  but if thiswere Earth, I d ask you for your phone number.Jace raised an eyebrow but smiled. Good luck, John.If you do find God, give him my love.With his cat dozing contentedly on his shoulder, Jace returned to the flower-covered valleys theyhad passed through.John watched him leave before the importance of their mission came rushingback. We have to hurry, he said, marching toward the cottage.Bolo barked in excitement andbounded ahead of him.Before they even reached the garden, two angels dropped from the sky.One had black and goldwings striped like a bumblebee, which complemented his ebony skin.The other, slight and female,had narrow wings of pale blue.Both angels were smoking hot, like supermodels who had just finisheda heavenly photo shoot. This area is off limits, the female angel said. Look closely, Zophiel, the male angel said, a golden spear appearing in his hand. These soulsaren t from Heaven. Well spotted, Sariel.We shall escort them to the astral plane. We have to speak with God, John said, taking a step back. It s important! There s an armycoming at this very moment. No one is allowed to see God, Shields appeared on Zophiel s wrists. You will return to yourown realm. John shook his head. Aren t you listening? We re here to warn God, to save him! Or are youholding him hostage rather than protecting him? Enough, Sariel said, stepping forward.Rimmon leapt out from Dante and pounced on the male angel, snarling like a wild animal.Heturned his head to spit fire at Zophiel before shouting at them to run.Dante tried to flee away from the cottage, but John caught his arm and pulled him along.Moreangels were beginning to descend.Bolo leapt off the ground, barking and snapping as if he weretrying to catch a small bird.Another angel landed directly on top of Dante, but John couldn t stop.One of them had to make it into the cottage.He was so close now, just a couple more paces to theunguarded door.John was reaching for the worn wood, his fingers inches away, when it opened.An angel stepped out of the cottage, his beauty stopping John in his tracks.His hair was auburnand barely reached his shoulders.His face was perfection: a strong brow with dark, delicately archingeyebrows and eyes like serene sapphires.Full lips carried the slightest touch of arrogance, his well-defined jaw flexing against his strong neck [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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