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. I faced him unflinching.The glory of the morning still rilled me withresolution despite the black shadow that encircled his head. I have the timeand patience as well as the authority to teach you differently, LadyResmiranda. I recognize only the authority of the church.  And of your king? A chucklefilled with satire began deep in his chest and bubbled outward.He continuedto lean against the gate.That sense of safety I had felt so many years agowhen he invaded Kirkenwood repulsed me now.The haven he offered reeked ofevil and black sorcery. King John is now my guardian.I must acknowledge hisauthority over me.  Ah, so you will also accept the betrothal agreementsigned by your late guardian, Lord Henry Griffin.A chill began in my belly and threatened to freeze my muscles again.I foughtit with a deep breath and flexing fingers.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html I did not know that agreement still existed.Uncle Henry died before any vowsor bride gifts could be exchanged.As far as I know, no one has attempted tosee it through. Oh, but vows were recited yours by proxy before King John, mine by proxybefore HenryGriffin when the agreement was signed and witnessed by the church as well asthe king s representative.The betrothal was the price he paid for his releasefrom King John s prison.Did your great-uncle even tell you the name of yourbetrothed your husband in all but ritual consummation? Ishook my head, unable to say the words.My heart stuttered and began to poundfuriously. Your uncle and your king arranged for you to marry me.The decree is signed.You are mine, LadyResmiranda, you and all of the secrets hidden within Kirkenwood.We have onlyto consummate the relationship to complete the transaction.Chapter 18WHAT happened last night? Hugh shook his head.The images of his dreampersisted, as vivid and tangible as if he lived them again.He could evensmell the damp earth, burning sulfur, and the blood within the cave.Hethought he d buried that memory so deeply even God couldn t find it.Groggilyhe made his way into the courtyard and the corner well house.A few splashesof very cold water raised goose bumps on his arms and banished the memoriesfrom the realm of reality back to nebulous dream quality.Ever since he dconfronted the burning ruin of Mendip Mor, he d been seeing things, hearingthings, now remembering things best left alone.What was happening to him?None of this had anything to do with the practical business of everyday life.The only difference in his life was Ana.Beautiful, vulnerable Ana, who neededprotection and guidance, and probably a severe reminder of court etiquette.Rumors surrounded the Griffin clan with witchcraft.Never anything truly sinister, like his memory of Radburn Blakely in thecave he quickly banished those images but things like their strange affinityPage 84 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwith animals.That dog, Newynog, seemed almost human.Ana communicated with it on a level more intimate than normal mistress andpet.And the high-strung gelding she d commandeered outside of Wells.Thatbeast had needed a tight rein and steady balance.Hugh didn t think she had the physical strength to manage the beast, but itobeyed her slightest whim easily.She d even scratched Orage s ears withoutlosing a hand.His emotions as well as his sensibilities had been in upheaval ever since hecarried her out of the fiery cellar.He had no doubt that Ana could manipulatehim as easily as she did her dog.He cringed at the possibilities.Enoughdithering.He had never retreated from a fight before.He wouldn t start now.Blakely was the enemy, not Ana, not his Ana.He needed to talk with her, nowbefore the crowded manor came to life and King John made demands upon themboth.A single female voice chanted a morning hymn in the garden.Who else but Anawould be up and singing at this hour.Though he thought her exhausted by thelate night disruptions and restless dreaming.He wended his way around the outbuildings and the dawn bustle toward thevoice.Dew caressed the spring flowers bursting from their buds.Sunlightglistened on the drops of moisture, bathing the walled square in mistyrainbows and shimmering otherworldy colors.Hugh paused at the gate, drinking in the sense of peace here.A few brightlycolored insects flitted from flower stalk to tree branch.Ana knelt in theexact center of a circle of silvery herb plants.Her purple gown spread aroundher like an uncut amethyst.Radburn Blakely stood before her.Gently thesorcerer cradled Ana s face in his hands and kissed her forehead.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlThe insects disappeared with an audible pop.Heat and pressure shifted in Hugh s ears. How dare you? He raised his fist to Blakely and charged forward. Youquestion my attention to my betrothed? Blakely raised one blond eyebrow inamused query. Betrothed? Ana, you never said anything about a betrothal&   You neverasked.What else could I say? I was trapped.Trapped by promises made by men whothought only of their own political gain and nothing of my welfare [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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