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.Siporex, also known as cellular concrete, is lightweight autoclaved aerated concrete which is completely cured, inert and stabStudy the graph and complete the description with the expressions given below.There are two extra expressions which you do not need to use.Complete the answer table.(6X0.5=3points)A) DROPPED, B) FLUCTUATED, C) INCREASED BY, D) LEVELLED OFF,E) RAPID DECLINE, F) SHARP RISE, G) SLIGHT DECREASE, H) THE PEAK OFSiporex, also known as cellular concrete, is lightweight autoclaved aerated concrete which is completely cured, inert and stable form of calcium silicate hydrate.It is a structural material, approximately one quarter the weight of conventional concrete, composed of tiny cells which give the material light weight and high thermal insulation.Its excellent properties place siporex high in the list of the most popular building materials.The beginning of production in Poland dates back to 1951 and despite very insignificant amounts in the 1950s, there was a 1) ______ in sales of more than 850% until 1970.The trend continued gradually in the next 5 years.The production and sales 2) ______ dramatically in the late 1970s due to a lower number of objects built, but then grew from 3.05 mln m3 in 1980 to 4.24 mln m3 in 1989 together with the revival of the building industry.The following years brought an economic crisis causing a 3) ______ of almost a half in sales of siporex.The restructuring of economy in the country helped to improve the situation and in 2000 the production reached 4) ______ 5 mln m3.Later, after a 5) ______ in 2003, it 6) ______ up to the mark of about 4.5 mln m3 and has been stable until today.123456 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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