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.He patted the stiffly heldshoulder."We won't give up."Max jerked away, not from Doug's pity, but because he'd spottedsomething bright riding the ridge of a wave before it plunged down and Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlout of sight.He moved to the side of the yacht and stared, waitingfor it to resurface on the next wave.When it did, he spun around,pushed Doug out of his way and raised his arm to get Jim's attention onthe navigation deck.He pointed to where he'd seen the object, thenfelt the big Rolls-Royce engines dig into the water as Jim changedDoug grabbed hold of the railing to keep from being knocked over,thankful for the millionth time that he had on a life preserver."What'd you see?"Max didn't hear him, didn't even know his friend was standing at hisside as he kept watch for the object he'd seen.For ten minutes theycircled the area, rolling and rocking with the waves.Finally it wasDoug who spotted it again, and Jim steered the big yacht closer.A destroyed boat bow, the wood crushed and ripped apart, scraped theside of the yacht as it swept by.Max closed his eyes.He knew in hisheart it had to be from Gillman's boat.His hands tightened on therailing and his body bent forward as he swayed back and forth with theweight of loss and pain.He'd been so sure he wouldn't lose her.Now,faced with the truth, he was haunted by the agony of his loss, knowingshe couldn't possibly have survived.Jim's shout and the urgency in his voice roused Max from the dark pitof despair.Suddenly Doug was tugging him across the deck and up the Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlsteps to the fly deck.He stopped in the doorway, watching as Jimpointed to the radar screen.Hope surged through him.For a second helifted his gaze toward heaven and said a quick prayer:"I'm getting two blips on radar." Jim turned his back on his bosses,opened the throttle and changed the yacht's course."It's an emergencyhoming device with a light that emits a signal.I may be wrong, but Ithink it's the kind used on life vests."Max decided to stay on the navigation deck with Jim and Doug.He had abetter view of the surrounding water.He was the first to see the redblinking light.Then he caught sight of something orange and knew Jimwas right.His heart leaped into his throat.Heshouted orders at Jim and Doug, then scrambled down the steps.Doug was directly behind him and had to bodily tackle Max to keep hisfriend from diving over the side."Don't be stupid." Max reared backas if to hit him, then caught himself and waited."Get the safety line." When Doug didn't move, Max forced his musclesto relax and said, "Please do it and hurry." He endured the torture ofwaiting for Doug to return with the safety harness and rope.Waitedlonger for him to secure the rope to the loop in the harness.As soonas Doug had tested the knot, satisfied it wasn't going to come undonein the water, Max pushed himself over the side of the Yacht.He came Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlup fast out of the darkness.With strong steady strokes he battled theroller-coaster waves and began swimming toward the blinking redlight.Nicole heard Max calling her name.But she ignored it telling herselfit was just one more hallucination.She'd become accustomed to thelulling motion of the waves, comfortable with it and longed to go backto sleep.Her limbs were like leaded weights, and she'd long sincestopped trying to swim to stay awake and alert.If it wasn't for herlife preserver, she would have simply sunk to the bottom of the sea.Max's voice wouldn't go away."It was like a pesky fly that refused tolet her go back to sleep, and it was getting closer.She struggled toopen her eyes, then lifted her head.As the motion of the wave pulledher upward to the crest, she thought she saw a face cutting through thewater.But then she rode the motion of the wave down and lost sight ofit.She must be dreaming.Then she saw the face again and heard hername.Max.Her lips were cracked and swollen and her tongue was too big forher mouth, but she strained to call his name.Then she felt his handson her shoulders, her face, heard his strong voice crack with emotion.She thought she saw tears in his eyes."I knew.you'd come," shecroaked. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Hush.Hush, honey.You're safe." He couldn't believe it--she'dsurvived! He touched her face, her hair, reassuring himself she wasreal.Filled with wonder and relief, he let his eyes drink in thesight of her.He wanted to take her in his arms and hold her so she'dnever get away or be scared again.But the bulky life preservers theywere wearing kept them at arm's length.Suddenly Doug was in the waterbeside them, lending his help to get her to the yacht.The sea didn't want to give her up, and it took all three men to pullher out of the water and on board.Then she was in Max's arms, and hecarried her across the deck, through a door and into the beautifulstateroom.The air-conditioned interior made her shiver and shake, butbefore she could voice her discomfort Max was stripping off her lifepreserver and wrapping her in blankets.He placed her on the whiteleather couch, sat beside her, then pulled her into his lap.She couldn't talk, just watched as Doug brought over a couple ofbottles of fresh water and Max helped her drink.It tasted like heavenand she would have emptied it if Max had allowed her."Sip, don't chugalug it Montana.You'll get sick." She wanted tolaugh, wanted to tell him how many times she'd been sick already.Butshe was too exhausted to talk.Her smile, when she tried, hurt, andshe touched her mouth and winced.Max captured her hand to keep herfrom exploring further."Prolonged immersion in salt water ravages Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlthe skin, but it's nothing that won't heal with some attention andtime.You'll be fine." He gave her a big sloppy grin when she glaredback [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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