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.And you re going to tell me all about cat sex even though Dad told you not to tell me.Aren t you? Sure, Greta. Tension.Edge of combat tension eased out of his muscles.He d coiled to pounce, but so had I. I m sorry, where s the nailpolish?Fang dropped open the glove box and Talbot fetched the bottle and a small round tub of nail polish remover. You want to do this here? he asked. It might mess up the upholstery. Fang would just regenerate it. I kicked off my shoes and put my foot in Talbot s lap. Now, tell me all about what happened while you weregone.53ERIC:SHAKING HANDSTabitha suddenly turned and slapped me, which answered my question about Rachel s death undoing the magic memory whammy I d had doneto her. You had a three-way with me and my sister on our wedding night and then you had my sister erase it? She slapped me again. You letMagbidion show Rachel.Rachel.how to alter a vampire s memory? Technically, it was a four-way because of the Asian girl.Claws sank into my shoulder and Tabitha hurled me at the wall of my bedroom at the Pollux.I spread my arms and legs, letting my impact hit inas wide an area as possible.It hurt like a bitch, but at least I didn t go through the wall. If you hadn t had her learn  I know.Her hands were in my hair and suddenly she was using my noggin for a battering ram.  What happened in Paris.What happened here.It was all your fault. Each word acted as some strange punctuation, spacing out each newmeeting of my head and my bedroom wall. Right again, I managed to choke out. Damn it! She climbed off my back and I rolled over.She sat on the edge of the bed, crying real tears. I m sorry. I know you re sorry, you dumbass. She wiped at her eyes, makeup smearing. Of course you re sorry.If you weren t sorry, I d know what to do.Itwould be the last straw, but this.What am I supposed to do with you apologizing? And meaning it?!I sighed. Maybe this will help. I slid to a sitting position. I m going after Marilyn.I saw her down there and.I can t let her stay down there, evenif I have to destroy her soul.I bought her some time, but it s just another kind of torture.and I can t just charge in after her there s that whole dealwith Scrytha. Well obviously. Tabitha threw her arms up. It s you.The rules don t apply to you.You just do whatever the hell you want and  I ll understand if you want a divorce, I said softly. I mean, I don t know if Rachel was already controlling you or not, but if you want one, I Tabitha got up, and I winced despite myself because letting your wife beat the shit out of you without taking a swing back at her is harder thanyou might think even if you have it coming and know it. You can have pretty much whatever you want, but.She put a finger to my lips. Wait here. Tabitha pulled me to my feet. Why? Because I m not going to Hell in these shoes. She kissed my cheek and turned to go. Like I said, I can t go down there again, not to fight, I said,  but it s nice to know you re in. It s official.I will never understand women. Let me gorun it by Magbidion. Don t get kidnapped, Tabitha called after me as the door shut. You don t deserve that one, said a ghost with a familiar southern drawl. She went to Hell and back for  No. I scanned the hallway and saw a figure by the rail at the top of the stairs. That s what I did for Greta. It could have been John Paul, but hisclothes were untorn, and his neck was all in one piece.Clean-shaven except for his mustache, the cowboy wore a blue button-up shirt with cleanpants.Even his coat was clean and whole.The hat and cigar were the same, though. John Paul. I gaped. How the hell? That s fer me to know, son. He smiled and took a puff off his cigar, the last puff, and this time the cigar burned down.His eyes closed as he letthe smoke out through his nostrils, the vapor pooling around his body. I ain t one to tell tales what ain t mine to tell.Let s jest say you ain t likely tobe borrowin that gun o mine agin fer quite some time.She ain t likely to do ya much good, the shape she wound up in, anyhow. So you re free? I laughed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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