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.Her brown eyes were open-wide and, where her hair was swept back to allow the handset to nestle gently against her ear, a large brass earring was visible.Something about her expression suggested an air of mystery.At the bottom of the ad was the line, “More cities coming soon! Horoscopes and tarot readings also available.”The base of the ad was taken up by a panel of microscopic small print that gave details of call charges and conditions.'What do you think?' said Anne.'It's Nolan's latest little plan.He reckons there's a market for chatting to girls from your local area.Same accent, same sense of humour.He's trying to cash in on all this stuff in the news about call centres being moved to India and places like that.'Clare was scrutinising the small print, 'But it's still a premium-rate number.How can it be a lower call rate?''It isn't really.He's got chat rooms in other cities to come in on it.All calls are routed through the exchange here, but he's persuaded the other operators to cut charges by a few pence.That way the caller reckons he's getting value for money too.According to Brian, Nolan thinks it's going to make him a million.'Clare thought for a few seconds.'I suppose there could be something in it.''Anyway, how's the course going? You finish soon don't you?''All right thanks.And yeah - graduation is in a few days.If I've passed.''Oh don't give me that, Clare,' said Anne, wagging her finger.'You're a bright one.You'll get a top grade and then you can kiss this game goodbye.Get yourself a proper job somewhere.''I'll have to do something - got enough debts to payoff, that's for sure.''Well good luck to you.I'd better get back on the phones, talking about debts.'At that moment Vanessa and Jayne pushed through the door, both of their faces covered with a damp sheen.'Fuck,' gasped Vanessa.'Can I pinch a fag off you, Anne?''Yeah, sure,' she took a Berkeley’s from her pack on the counter.'Jayne?' she said, holding one out to the other woman.'Cheers.' Jayne stretched out a hand, the fleshy underside of her arm swaying back and forth.'There's your brews girls,' said Clare.'I'd better clock on.''Thanks love,' they both replied.Clare and Anne left the two women leaning against the kitchen wall.In the main room, Clare walked over to the supervisor's Perspex-walled office.He beckoned her inside.'Hiya, you OK love?' he asked cheerfully.'Yeah fine, cheers Brian.''Good.How late are you wanting to stay?' He was looking at the switchboard console before him.'You've got a few hours to make up from last week.'‘Till midnight then, if that's OK.''Fine love - take cubicle 16.I'm signing you on at,' he glanced at his watch, 'oooh - let's call it six.' He held a clipboard out to her.‘Cheers Brian,' she replied, signing her name in the space next to her clocking-on time.As she picked her way between the cubicles the voice inside each one became momentarily audible above the general hum.She heard snatches of sentences as she walked along.'.go on, go on, tell me more.I want you to take them off, then I want you to.rub it on, spread it all over.my eyes? People say I look like Cameron Diaz.that's good, and what will you do to my.red silk, it's sliding off my shoulders.oh God, you're making me hot.’She reached cubicle sixteen and placed her bag on the bare desk.Then she shrugged off her cardigan and hung it on the back of the battered and slightly wobbly office chair.A price label was still stuck to the black plastic on the rear of the backrest.Thin biro read, '£18 - front roller broken.'From her bag she fished out clippings from various newspapers and magazines, a pack of tarot cards, a pack of normal playing cards, a book entitled, 'All you need to know about star signs' and a copy of Animal Farm.She put on the headphones with their mouthpiece, then pressed the button on the console to let Brian know she was ready.A couple of seconds later the tiny display screen on her phone changed to 'Live' and the noise in the headset altered pitch as the line opened.Clare turned to the bookmarked page in her novel and leaned back, waiting for her first call.Chapter 8The sun had slipped to within an inch of the distant hills and from the top of the bulk-bin by the southernmost shed, a solitary blackbird sang defiantly up at the rapidly darkening sky.Submerged in the inky shadows pooled under the beech trees lay Rubble.Completely oblivious to the cloud of midges jangling silently in the air above his head, he studied the bird's silhouette through the SMK 6 X 40 telescopic sights mounted on top of his Beeman FH5OO air rifle.As he did so his fingertip caressed the trigger of his weapon.The movement was so delicate he could feel the reverberation as each ridge of skin brushed over a microscopic imperfection in the metal.Then, in the hazy borders outside the tight circle his vision had been reduced to, a lithe shape twisted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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