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.But people tell a great deal so long as they talk about everything except themselves.These two had talked so often and so long about all the things that they cared for so much less than for each other, that they had come to an almost uncanny omniscience, and could sometimes have deduced what one or the other thought about cookery from remarks about Confucius.And, therefore, at this unprepared and apparently pointless crisis, they talked in what would be called parables; and neither for one moment misunderstood the other.“My God,” said Braintree, out of his full understanding.“You say it,” she said, “but I mean it.”“I am not an atheist, if that is what you mean,” he said with a somewhat sour smile.“But perhaps it is true that I only have the noun and you have the possessive adjective.I suppose God does belong to you, like so many other good things?”“Do you think I would not give them all to you?” she said.“And yet I suppose there is something in one’s mind one cannot give up to anybody.”“If I did not love you I could lie,” he said; and again neither of them noticed that a word had been said for the first time.“God, what a gorgeous feast of lying I could have just now, explaining how much you mystified me by your incomprehensible attitude; and what had I done to forfeit our beautiful intellectual friendship; and had I not at least a right to an explanation; and all the rest.Lord, if I were only a real politician! It takes a real politician to say that politics do not matter.How lovely it would be to say all the ordinary and natural and newspaper things–widely as we differ upon many points– opposed as we are in politics.I for one am free to say that never–it is the proud boast of political life in this country that the wildest party differences do not necessarily destroy that essential good feeling–oh, hell and the devil and all the dung-heaps of the world! I know what we mean.You and I are people who cannot help caring about right and wrong.”Then after a long silence he said: “I suppose you believe in Herne and all his revival of chivalry? I suppose you really believe it is chivalrous; and even know what you mean by it?”“I never believed in his chivalry,” she said, “till he said he believed in yours.”“That was very good of him,” said Braintree quite seriously.“He is a good man.But I am afraid his compliments would do me a good deal of harm in my own camp.Some of those words have already come to be symbols of something else with our people.”“I might answer your people,” she said, “rather as you have answered me.I know I am called old-fashioned; and your people have all the new fashions.I feel cross with them; I feel inclined to insult them by calling them fashionable.But they really are.Don’t they take up all this business about a woman living for herself and sex making no difference and all the rest of it; just like the intellectual duchesses? They would all say that I was behind the times, and talk of me as if I were a slave in a harem.And yet I will challenge them on that, out of the tragic and hateful tangle in which I am standing to-day.They talk about a woman thinking for herself! They talk about a woman standing alone! How many of the wives of your Socialists are out attacking Socialism? How many women engaged to Labour Members are voting against them at the polls or speaking against them on the platform? Nine-tenths of your revolutionary women are only going along with revolutionary men.But I am independent.I am thinking for myself.I am living my own life, as they call it; and a most miserable life it is.I am not going along with a revolutionary man.”There was again a long silence; the sort of silence which endures because it is unnecessary, or rather impossible, to ask questions; and then Braintree took a step nearer and said: “Well, I am miserable enough, if that is part of the logic of the case; and yet again it is just part of this infernal furnace of reality that I cannot attack logic.How easy it is to attack logic! How impossible to find anything else except lying! And then they say that women are not logical; because they never waste logic on things that do not matter.My God, is there any way out of logic?”To anyone who had not known their knowledge of each other, this conversation would have seemed a series of riddles; but Braintree knew the answers before the riddles were asked.He knew that this woman had got hold of a religion and that a religion is often a renunciation.She would not go with him without helping him to the death.And she would not help him; she would resist him to the death [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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