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.He reminds me of a Ken doll.When Not-Park smiles, I notice he has perfect teeth.They’re whiter than his hair and I can see the pink of his gums.“Kyle is majoring in business,” Bree says.“He only has one more semester before he graduates.His family owns their own business.A restaurant.He wants to expand and open another location around here.” She continues to list his qualifications.I zone out, imagining Bree standing behind a podium as Kyle struts up and down a walkway, trying to sell him to the highest bidder.“Lulu loves Mexican food,” Bree says loudly and I know I missed something.“Mexican’s great,” I agree.Kyle smiles and I return it.He seems really nice.I bet he’s the relationship type.He probably doesn’t screw everything with two legs and a vagina.I mean, he knows what he wants in life apparently.He wants to finish school and open a restaurant.He seems reliable.Promising.“Ah, good,” he says.“You had me nervous there for a second.” He offers me his hand.“You ready?”“Sure.” I let him hold my hand and ignore that his is a little sweaty.“You look really nice.Bree said you were pretty, but I wasn’t sure if she was biased.” He grins.“She isn’t, obviously.You’re stunning.”Stunning.I’m not sure I’ve ever been called stunning.And then I wonder what Kyle would think if I’d worn my cut-off shorts and tank top like I would prefer.How would he feel if my hair wasn’t curled and my face was free of make-up?I feel like an imposter.Little Lucy playing dress-up in Mommy’s clothes, on a date with a perfectly nice boy I have absolutely no interest in.Because Kyle’s hair isn’t black and messy.Because his eyes are blue and kind instead of brown and warm with hidden pain.He’s too tall and too husky.I prefer the tight swimmer’s build and six foot, tattooed frame of—I am so mad at Park.He has ruined men for me.I realize as Kyle opens the car door for me that he doesn’t smell right.He’s all musky woods scented.I miss that light undertone of smoke and ash.Ugh.I just miss Park.Damn him.Before I step into the car, my eyes flick up to the second floor fire escape.I shouldn’t have looked.My chest tightens and my face grows hot as I meet his dark gaze.Park’s bent over, forearms resting on the railing, cigarette between his lips.He’s too far away and covered in shadow.I can’t make out the expression on his face, but his body looks rigid.Frozen.He doesn’t appear happy to see me.Kyle touches my elbow, pulling my attention back to him.I blink slowly and allow him to help me in.He closes the door and as he runs around the back of the car, a half smoked cigarette hits the windshield.The burning cherry explodes across the glass as the filter rolls down the hood.I look back up to the fire escape, but Park’s gone.18ParkI close the window and stalk out to the living room.Where the fuck is he? I might kill him.I want to.I go to the fridge for a beer.I chug it down and go for another when I hear Jessie and Bree.They sound happy and it pisses me off more.Why do they get to be happy? Why does everyone else get to be fucking blissful when I don’t even get a taste?“Hey man,” Jessie says as he reaches past me, grabbing out two beers.“Bree wants to watch a movie.You want to hang with us?”I clench my jaw and pop the top on my bottle.I glare at him as I take a long drink.He raises his brows and starts to turn away.“Did you do that?” I ask.He sighs heavily.“Did I do what, Park?”I push out of my slouch and step close to him.“Did you hook Lucy up with that douche bag?”“Kyle? He’s cool, man.”“Kyle,” I repeat.Even his name is douchey.“Who the fuck is Kyle? Do you know anything about him?”Jessie barks out a harsh laugh and rubs his chin.“I’m not in the mood for your shit today.” He turns around and walks away from me like he’s ending the conversation, but I’m not done.I follow him to the living room.Bree’s curled up on the couch and he settles in next to her.Something rolls inside of me.I can’t explain it.There’s no name for it.The closest that comes to mind is rage.“Is it a date? Are they dating?” I need to know.“Jesus, Park,” Bree huffs.“They aren’t getting married.He’s taking her to dinner.”I narrow my gaze on her.“Did you set this up?”“Yes.I did.I’m sick of seeing her turn down guy after guy because she’s waiting on you to notice her.”I notice her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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