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.Requires Java Export Xtra included with D6.5 and D7.5Saves any open movies or castLibs that have been modified.6Batch updates movies and castLibs from D4 or D5 to D6, or from D5 or D6 to D7.110 Chapter 4  CastLibs, Cast Members, and Sprites Importing, Inserting, and Creating AssetsCastLib preferencesThe File Preferences Cast option, except for the Label option, can be setseparately for each Cast window.They are not castLib properties and cannot beaccessed via Lingo.Maximum VisibleControls the number of thumbnails (from 512 to 32,000) visible in the Castwindow.Set it slightly larger than the number of members of castLib to affordfiner control with the vertical scrollbar in the Cast window and to improveperformance marginally.If you set it too low, you won t see all available castmembers, but can still access them via the media editor windows.Row WidthControls how many thumbnails are displayed across the Cast window.Thefixed options (8, 10, and 20) prevent the cast members from wrapping as theCast window size changes.When using a fixed number of thumbnails per row,if the Cast window is too narrow, cast members will seem to be missing.UseFit to Window to wrap the display to the window s width.Thumbnail SizeUse a smaller thumbnail size to see more cast members.LabelControls whether the cast member number, name, or both are shown in theCast window, Sprite Toolbar, Sprite Inspector, and in the Score when theDisplay mode is Member.Media Type IconsSet this to All Types to display the small icons shown in Figure 4-3 to identifyeach asset type within its cast member thumbnail in the Cast window, SpriteToolbar, and Sprite Inspector.Show Cast Member Script IconsSelect this option to distinguish cast members with cast member scriptsattached.A small icon (separate from the media type icon) appears at the leftof the thumbnails in the Cast window, Sprite Toolbar, and Sprite Inspector.Tovisually distinguish sprites with attached cast member scripts, use the Director5 Style Score with the Behavior display mode (cast scripts are indicated by  +signs if no sprite script is attached).Importing, Inserting, and Creating AssetsYou will often create your assets in some external program and then import theminto Director.You can also create bitmaps, text, and buttons in Director.Shock-wave audio can be exported from SoundEdit or Peak LE on the Mac, or createdusing the Xtras Convert WAV to SWA option under Windows.Importing, Inserting, and Creating Assets 111 Importing, Inserting, and Creating AssetsDirector requires the MIX (Media Information Exchange) Xtras toimport various sound and bitmap formats.Without the MIX Xtras (inthe MIX subfolder of the Xtras folder), the corresponding file typeswill not appear in the File Import dialog box or work via drag-and-drop.Importing Media into the CastDirector for Macintosh will import files with either a recognized file extension orthe corresponding Macintosh File Type shown in parentheses in Table 4-4.Macin-tosh File Types are always four characters, case-sensitive, and space-sensitive (thespaces in  BMP  and  RTF  are required).Director for Windows files imports filesbased only on their three- or four-letter extension.Name all your files with nomore than eight characters followed by a three-letter extension.It will make lifeeasier, when copying files across networks with some Windows systems.Refer to the TechNote,  File Types, Creator Codes and Extensions at http://www.zeusprod.com/technote/filetype.html and Chapter 14 in Lingo in a Nutshell for moredetails on Macintosh File Types and cross-platform file names.A database of Macintosh Creator Codes and File Types is available from:http://www.angelfire.com/il/szekely/index.htmlQuickTime Pro reads and writes numerous file formats:http://quicktime.apple.comDeBabelizer by Equilibrium Technologies reads and writes numerous file formats:http://www.equilibrium.com/ProductInfo/DB3/DB3ReadersWriters.htmlhttp://www.equilibrium.com/ProductInfo/DBPro/ProReadersWriters.htmlIrfanView32 is a freeware graphics file viewer for Windows 95/98/NT:http://members.home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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