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.Projectors operating in sparsely populated areas will notice much less background noise.Heavily populated areas have greatly increased background noise.For this very reason, seriousmetaphysical pursuits and magic rituals are never carried out in densely populated areas.The brow center or third eye of a projector is also capable of receiving visions during an OBE.Primary energy centers are far more active during OBE than during the normal waking state, due tothe increase of energetic activity within the physical/etheric body.An active brow center during aprojection can thus act as something like an untuned vision receiver.(This varies according to thelevel of the clairvoyant ability of individuals and is hence less frequent.) It can cause strange visionsand unexplainable imagery, seemingly unrelated to the projector during a real-time OBE.Brow center activity can also cause complex visions to be experienced during OBEs.If aprojector's brow center receives a strong vision during the course of an OBE, the projected doublecan find itself experiencing that vision firsthand, from inside the vision.In effect, a strong visioncan cause a dimensional shift that transports the projected double into an astral realm.A visionexperience like this will usually end the real-time aspects of an OBE for its duration.Once reality fluctuations start during a real-time OBE, it can be difficult to make sense of whatis happening.I do not recommend even trying.Attempts to do so will lead to further complicationsand generate even wilder reality fluctuations.It is usually best for projectors to accept whatever ishappening, to keep their mind as clear as possible, and to continue on with their OBE as best theycan.If reality fluctuations become pronounced, though, it often helps to move away from theaffected area and hope things will be more stable elsewhere.If this fails, wise real-time projectorswill attempt to reenter their physical body while they still can, or risk losing the memory of thatexperience entirely.While energetic development can extend the objective real-time aspects of an OBE, a mixed bagof perceptions is to be expected by most real-time projectors shortly after the exit.The norm is astrange and fluid mixture of objective and subjective perceptions, with reality fluctuations steadilyincreasing as the projection continues.This leaves most projectors floundering for some kind of alogical cause or explanation, which is unlikely to be found.While annoying, reality fluctuations arenot bad or negative elements of an OBE.They are usually just a little on the wild and ridiculousside, that's all.Avoiding Reality Fluctuations" Focus on what you are doing at all times and don't let your mind wander.Keeping controlduring a projection strengthens it and makes shadow memories stronger." Keep moving at all times and do not stay in one area for too long." Move away from your physical body immediately after the exit and stay at least twenty feet(six meters) away from it at all times  the farther the better." Concentrate on forward vision and turn slowly and deliberately." Keep up a running commentary during the projection.Talk aloud to yourself at all times,describing what you are seeing and doing.If your voice does not work, say it in your mind." Do not concentrate on any one object or scene for too long.Observe each object and sceneonly briefly in passing, noting it aloud, then moving along." Glance briefly at your hands frequently, and whenever reality fluctuates, but not for longenough to cause them to melt.Each time you do this, a small shock wave is sent back downthe silver cord to the physical/etheric body.This gives it a small shock that slows its entryinto the dream state, thereby strengthening the projected double." End the OBE when reality fluctuations become pronounced, while you still can.192 Confusing Astral EffectsYou do not have a real body during an OBE.You are an infinitesimally small point ofconsciousness, a spark created by the pure energies of your consciousness.You have no real size orshape.You are totally free of the limitations of your physical body and of all the laws of thephysical universe.In many ways, the physical body and its projected double can be likened to a car battery and theenergy stored within it, or to an electrical capacitor and its stored charge.If you could somehowseparate one of these physical devices from its stored energy, releasing yet containing its energy ina single cohesive unit, what size would the energy unit be? What would the energy unit weigh?What would the energy unit look like?There are no real answers to these questions, as energy has zero size, zero mass, and zeroweight.But the product of these questions would exist in some form and have an energy potentialthat could be calculated.It should, hypothetically, exist as pure energy once freed of the restraintsof matter.I asked a friend of mine, a mathematical physicist, if these questions could be stated orproven mathematically, and a comparison drawn to the projected double.I received a chapter-lengthreply [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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