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.ÿþ Running Wild! Courtesy New York Amsterdam News, 30 November 1963.Artist: Melvin Tapley.Negroes.53 In a front-page editorial the Chicago Defender wrote:  Theentire state of Mississippi stands guilty of the cold-blooded murder ofMedgar Evers.inspired and perpetrated by decades of racist ideologythat finally resulted in one addle-brained brute ending the life of a dedi-cated man. 54 UPI reported from Jackson:  Club-swinging violence brokeout here during a demonstration inspired by the murder of civil rightsleader Medgar Evers. 55 The Defender organized a Medgar Evers MemorialFund to help educate the three Evers children.56On 21 June 1963 President Kennedy welcomed the Evers family at theWhite House.With them was Medgar s brother Charles, who was desig-nated to take over his slain brother s job as field secretary for the NAACP.The president presented son Darryl (9) with a model PT boat and daugh-ter Reena (8) with a charm bracelet with a PT boat engraved on it.[ 1 0 0 ] M a r c h O n , D r.M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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