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.It was mine. No! It wasn t your fault.There was no fault. Leslie caught Dev shand, pressed her lips to Dev s palm. How could there be, when weloved each other?Leslie s touch, Leslie s words the nearness of her.It was morethan Dev could take.She pushed her hand into Leslie s hair and kissedher.It was so like that first kiss, and so much more.She hadn t knownthen what lay beyond the soft warmth of Leslie s mouth, just as shehadn t fully recognized what her own body craved.She knew now withaching clarity.When Leslie s lips parted to allow her entrance, Dev" 125 " RADCLYfFEkissed her more deeply.She wrapped an arm around Leslie s waist andpulled her tightly to her.Leslie s tongue met hers, not hesitantly, butevery bit as questing.Every bit as demanding.Leslie fisted Dev s shirt in both hands, pulling Dev closer still.Dev reeled under an onslaught of sensation.Leslie s mouth was sohot, her body so firm and pliant as it cleaved to every curve of her own.When Leslie drew one thigh high over Dev s so their legs entwined,Dev groaned as heat rushed through her.She broke the kiss and crushedher mouth to Leslie s throat. God, Les, Dev moaned.Leslie arched her neck and clasped the back of Dev s head,pressing her flesh against Dev s teeth, wanting to be devoured.Shesnaked her hand beneath Dev s waistband and yanked her shirt free,wild for the feel of Dev s skin.When Dev s hand skimmed beneath hersweater and closed over her breast, she cried out and raked her nails upDev s abdomen.Dev levered herself over Leslie s body and braced her hands on theback of the stone bench on either side of Leslie s shoulders.While hermouth roamed ravenously over Leslie s throat and jaw and mouth, sheground her hips between Leslie s legs.When she felt Leslie s fingersdig into her ass and Leslie s hips surge to meet her, the roaring in herhead drowned out all thought.She was back in that other night, helplesswith longing, drowning in emotions she couldn t even name.Lesliewas her answer.Leslie was everything. Leslie, Dev groaned, dropping to her knees on the pine-needle-covered ground.She pushed up Leslie s sweater and kissed her stomachwhile she fumbled at the button on Leslie s jeans.She needed her.Morethan breath.More than the beat of her own heart.She needed her.Dazed, Leslie thrust the fingers of both hands into Dev s hair,her back bowed off the bench, her head thrown back, her eyes nearlysightless as the inky sky and silver moon raced overhead.Leslieclutched Dev, afraid she might disintegrate and fly into pieces like somany bits of stardust.Dev groaned. Les, I love Mike s voice roared out of the darkness.Jesus, what the fuck Oh my God, Leslie gasped. No!Dev jerked as if she d been shot.She raised her head, her visionas wavy as if she d been clubbed.It took her a second to realize where" 126 " WHEN DREAMS TREMBLEshe was, what she was doing.Leslie s clothes were askew, her jeansunzipped, and she had her hand inside them.The expression on Leslie sface was something very close to fear. Oh, Jesus, Dev whispered.Leslie shuddered, tears streaking her cheeks, staring at the shadowswavering around them, half expecting Mike to drag Dev away from heragain.Then the dream trembled and broke and she knew where shewas.What she d done. Dev, she murmured. I can t. No, I know. Breathless, Dev forced herself upright.Her stomachwas a hard ball of arousal, her legs shaking as if she d run a marathon.She curled her hands into fists at her sides. I m so sorry.I don t knowwhat happened. She took a step back, then another, then the darknessclosed around her. Dev, Leslie called, but there was only the night.Dev drove along Lakeshore Road for miles.This time, she wassober and careful, but her mind and body still echoed with memoriesof Leslie.Like the first time, but infinitely more intense.She smelledher, tasted her on her lips, felt her body along every inch of skin.Herstomach cramped with wanting.Her hands trembled on the wheel. Oh Christ, she groaned aloud. Why can t I get free of her?She didn t expect an answer, because she knew there wasn t one.Because it wasn t Leslie, not the woman she d practically accosted anhour ago, who haunted her.It was the girl she d lost and never gottenover missing.It was the dreams that had died and that she couldn t letgo of.It was something inside of her that kept the memories alive, eventhough she d thought she d put them to rest.She drove until fatiguereplaced desire, at least for the moment.By the time she pulled into the parking lot at Lakeview it was themiddle of the night.The lodge was dark.She took a small flashlightfrom her glove box and used it to light her way through the woods toher cabin.She did not look toward Leslie s as she passed, although ittook effort not to.When she turned onto the path to her own place, shefelt a change in the air.She slowed. Les? Can we talk? Leslie said from the darkness." 127 " RADCLYfFEShe sounded as weary as Dev felt. Okay, Dev said as she climbed the steps to the porch.She satnext to her and switched off her light. Have you been here the wholetime? Yes. You must be cold.I ll get you a jacket.Leslie caught Dev s arm to stop her, then quickly let go. No.That s okay, I have one.What about you? I ll get one if I need it. Her voice was raspy, as if she hadn t usedit in a long time.She dangled her arms over her knees, careful not totouch Leslie.She drew a breath to speak, but Leslie did first. There are some things I need to tell you, Leslie said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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