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.He sat up and shed theboxers at last and pulled the young man to him. I love you somuch Jack.They kissed again and held each other tight.Bernard ran hisfingers through Jack s short tresses and held him close.Jacksuckled his lover s neck and danced his fingers down the largechest to his large cock, which was finally awake.Jack wasted no time and quickly enveloped the man s dickinto his mouth, past his rosy lips and began to suckle him.Bernard cried out with elation! He reached for a headboard,but found only pillow.He felt tears stream down his face again, butthey mixed with the sweat of their passion. Baby!Jack glanced up and winked at him, and after two full minutesfinally pulled away, just before Bernard s spray of white fluidwhapped him in the abdomen.Jack moaned and rubbed the fluidover his body as he would sunscreen.72 Bernard watched, entranced by not only the man s body, buthis demeanor.His eyes barely left the sight of the naked, sweatybody in front of him.He pinched himself slightly to make sure itwasn t a dream. Good job, hottie! Jack said with a lusty smile on his lips.Bernard sat up at bit. Did I make you come too?Jack took hold of himself and only the slightest touch set offthe fountain of fluid from him. You did now.See? I knew you coulddo it.Bernard sat up and ran his hands up Jack s exposed legs andlooked at him lovingly.He cupped the moist dick in his hand andmassaged it briefly before moving on to rubbing his hands overJack s ass.Jack saw the look in his lover s eyes and leaned over to kisshis lover s chest.He nuzzled his face amidst the thick gray hair thatcovered most of the pale skin.Bernard used his rosy lips to suckle at Jack s pink nipples,and massaged them with his hands.Jack moaned aloud.Suddenly, Bernard tensed up. Hon& I think I m gonnaagain&  A second spray of fluid exited him again, this time it camefaster. Damn, baby, two in a row? That s incredible for a first-timer! Imust really turn you on. Jack lay down on his side beside his newlover and propped his head up on his lover s ample chest. So, whatdo you think of sex now?73 Bernard grinned widely and kissed the man. You made it easyfor me.I m so sorry about the ridiculous scene at the restaurant.You are the most awesome looking guy, are you kidding? I love itand I love you! I d come almost every night just thinking about you. You know how I feel; in all respects.Want some sparklinggrape juice? Let s celebrate this wonderful night.Bernard grinned. Absolutely.Let me clear off some of theserose petals first. He plucked off a few of them from his sweaty bodyand took the flute into his hand.Jack intertwined their arms andthey drank at the same time. To our love. To our love. Bernard echoed.They drank it down and savored the bubbly sensation on theirlips.They kissed to share it.Jack stood up and pulled back the bedding. Come, before weget chilled.Bernard stood up and pulled back his side s bedding andjoined the naked Jack under the covers.They cuddled together andfell asleep for a short time.Bernard awoke and felt around for his underwear.He slidthem back on, and walked out to the kitchen.He had two glasses ofwater to cure his thirst.He lingered for a moment and sat down atthe foot of the bed with a legal pad he swiped from Jack s office.November 14th, 200974 It happened! I finally had sex! OMG! It was with someone wholoves me, respects me, and is hotter than hell to boot! OK& what swrong with him? Heaven help me if my momma reads this diarysomeday and finds out I m gay like this! I ve gotta tell her, especiallynow!75 Chapter 7: Attn: B CovingtonNovember 21st, one week after the two had become lovers;Jack came over to visit on his day off.Bernard greeted him warmlyat the door. Hey, baby! They hugged and Bernard invited him inside.Jack put his arm around his boyfriend s broad shoulders. So,how s my man today?Bernard groaned loudly. Ugh, don t ask.Things are notexactly great.Can I get you a drink or anything?Jack shook his head. No thank you.So, what s going on,hon?Bernard walked over to the breakfast bar and picked up alarge stack of paper and slapped them down on the coffee table infront of Jack, startling him. This is what s got me all fired up.Damninsurance covered lab work and part of the hospital stay, but noteverything.Only about 80%.I owe $5,000!Jack reached for his hand and tried to calm him. Don t youhave an out-of-pocket maximum? Yes, $5,000.This ll take it all.Good thing next year isn t thatfar off.Better stay healthy!Jack rubbed his clean-shaven chin and frowned.His gray eyeslooked up at the angry man. Can you pay it?Bernard rubbed his eyes to stave off the coming migraine. NoI can t pay it! I barely scrape by as it is.What the hell am I gonnado?76  Move in with me. Jack quickly countered in a dead serioustone.Bernard walked closer and cupped his ears.His mouth gapedopen. My hearing must be going now.Did you just say what I thinkyou said?Jack laughed gently and stood up. Oh, Bern.You are such atrip.You heard me.Move in with me.That way you won t have rentor separate utility payments.You can make arrangements with thehospital finance office.I can help you out too. He tried to takeBernard s hands, but was denied. What s wrong?The older man shook his head and looked away. Jack, I-Ican t ask you to do that.I owe you so much already.The brunette walked over and captured Bernard s large handsinto his own and kissed them. Dammit, baby.Don t youunderstand what you mean to me yet? You ve been the only onewho could reach down through my own pain and loss of Randy.Iwant you with me all the time.Bernard fought happy tears. Are you absolutely sure aboutthis? I m not the easiest person to live with.I ve been alone most ofmy life.I ve gotten pretty set in my ways.Old men do that.Jack kissed his hands again. You re not old, first of all.Secondly, I love you.I want you to be able to survive and be withme at the same time.My place isn t far from your hotel either.Bernard cocked his head and twisted his lip. Well, that muchis true. He looked into Jack s eyes and embraced the man warmly.77  I ve never lived with someone before except my family.I hope youknow what you re doing. Of course I do.I m a doctor after all. Jack quipped.Bernard smiled and kissed the man soundly. I d love to livewith you.My lease is up in a couple of months.Guess I d better givethem notice. Fantastic! Jack said with a big smile. I m lonely in thathouse all by myself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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