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. Mike shook his head. Dammit.Raising you boys was easier when youwere all trying to kill yourselves building tree forts on rotten limbs instead of getting involved withpeople I have no control over. She helped me clean stalls today. Joel had no idea why that bit of information popped out. Justtalked, mostly.She s fun to be around.Easy to talk to. Easy to kiss as well. Joel nodded. Hell, yeah.Mike shrugged. You make your decisions.I m not about to turn into some fool of a tyrant, sincelaying down the law and ordering you to stay away from her would probably be the stupidest thing Icould do, right? You ve never interfered before. Exactly.I don t know what brought you two together more than she s a pretty little thing, and Idoubt she minds looking at you either.It s not my business.Only I hope you trust me enough to saythere are warning signs here.Be careful.Don t let your dick lead you into trouble.Joel bit down on his lip and swallowed his laughter. Yes, sir.Mike flipped the shelf over and pounded in another nail. You bringing her to Thanksgiving dinnernext week?Oh hell.He d forgotten.Suddenly the entire Vicki as girlfriend was rolling along way faster thanhe d expected. Not sure.She welcome?Mike tossed him a glare. Don t be an ass.If you re going out with the girl, bring her home to ourtable.If you don t want to bring her home, then you re not dating her, you re fucking her.And if that sall you re doing, I don t want to know the details, but I d be hell of disappointed in you.The fact he was doing Vicki a secret favour eased the flash of guilt at his father s words. I m notfucking around.For once. Smart ass.Joel chuckled. Well, I m not.The pause that followed was long enough to get Joel wondering.Mike crossed his arms in front ofhim and refused to break eye contact as he asked,  Jesse fooling around with her as well ? No. The word burst out like a shotgun blast. And whoa on this conversation continuing. Why? Mike asked. Because you think I don t know about some of the games you and yourbrother play? I m not stupid.Don t treat me like I am.His dad wanted blunt, Joel could give him blunt.Even though his cheeks were burning. No,Jesse s not invited to play any games with me and Vicki.Not anymore.They were fun at the time, butthey re done.At that, his father looked him over carefully before nodding. Maybe you are growing up then.Damn good job I m doing with you boys, if I do say so myself.Joel snorted. Nothing to do with Ma, right? Hell, no, it s all my work setting a shining example that s coming to the foreground. Mikeglanced around the barn. Although if you repeat that to your mother, I ll deny I ever said it.They stood quietly for a minute, Joel thinking everything through.He wanted to reassure his father,but without breaking confidences he was caught.Which pretty much meant his father was right.Hewas growing up.Thinking of more than himself and his pleasure for the first time in his life.Still, his family deserved something for all they d given over the years. It s going to be a goodthing, me and Vicki.Really.Mike nodded. Thanks for that.You know where to find me if you need a butt kicking.Or ashoulder.Or whatever.You re my son, and that ll always be true, no matter what.Mike patted him on the back, which was about as close as his father got to saying I love you to hissons.Joel grinned and went in for a hug.Masculine back pounding ensued before they broke apart, Mike to return to his repairs and Joel to head home.He was pulling into his driveway before his twin s truck reminded him he had another set ofexplanations coming.He wasn t looking forward to lying to Jesse at all.Vicki was still buzzing when she pulled up to her apartment complex, lips tingling from thememory of his kisses.The oh-my-God-goodness of touching him.Being touched.The fact she d spenta couple hours doing chores with the guy was totally forgiven because there d been no actual horsesinvolved poop didn t count.She might have been a little light-headed from the sheer hormone overload.When her key twistedin the stubborn door lock far easier than usual, it took a second for her to realize why.She d already swung the door open as it registered.The door had been unlocked already.Fuck.Vicki froze on the spot.Released the handle and prepared to back away and call the RCMP.Shewasn t about to be one of those too-stupid-for-words women who wandered in on a thief and gotkilled for her troubles.Only the room was small enough she d already spotted her intruder, squatted down and rummagingthrough the bottom drawer of her dresser [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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