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.He rose from the chair and caught the back of her head in one hand, drawing their mouths togetherwhile he played and teased her body with the other.Her muscles felt tight, ready to explode, and sherubbed wantonly against him, trying to find the missing component that nagged her.Then he pulled away.He stepped back, breathing heavily, and his gaze swept her body like a heated brand.He wiped hismouth carefully, then lowered a hand and adjusted himself through his jeans.A wave of desire rolledover her.Fucking on the desk sounded better and better by the minute.They stared at each other, Beth clutching the edge of her desktop.The solid surface prickled herfingertips, the minute scratches from a thousand pens itching her hypersensitive skin.Daniel stepped closer and tugged her blouse together, slowly doing up the buttons.The cool fabricbrushed her nipples, driving her crazy. You have to pick up anything on the way home? He smoothed his palms down her waist beforelifting her off the desktop.What?  Daniel, I&  Her nipples stood proud, stabbing the front of her blouse. Aren t we goingto do anything else?He chuckled as he touched a fingertip to one of the points. I came to talk to you, to plan a date.You ve got enough time to beat the boys home if we head out now.The boys.Her blood was boiling, and she was going to die if she didn t get& something.But hewas right. I can t believe you re stopping. Samuel would never have left himself unsatisfied. We ve got time, sweetheart, and anticipation is a part of the fun.If you ve had nothing but slam-bam sex, you may not know it, but delayed gratification is very rewarding.She shook her head in frustration and turned to gather her things. Didn t have it on the list youmade me start, that s for sure.He brushed the tattered bra scraps on her desk into his fingers then shoved them all into his pocketbefore offering her his hand.She accepted it, his clasp warm and solid.The admiration in his eyesfelt good, even as the fabric rubbing her nipples sent shivers down her spine and made her sex ache.He unlocked and opened the door and offered his elbow. You really surprise me, Daniel. He made her body tingle, and not knowing what he was going todo next had the potential to drive her nuts.But it was a good uncertainty.She didn t feel as if he was amoment away from taking a swing at her, more of a  what s inside the box kind of curiosity.Sheadjusted her jacket to cover her breasts better since her nipples still stood at attention. I surprise you because I think your body is beautiful?She stumbled, and he caught her, steadying her easily.The mischievous twinkle in his eye made heat flash across her face. Shh, not in the school. The second-floor hallway was empty now, doors wide open, her fellowteachers gone already, but the echoes of voices grew louder as the two of them moved toward thestairs. You planning on hiding from me some more, Miss Beth, or are you going to start answering mycalls?Somehow she had to make this work.No matter how awkward, she wanted it. I ll answer.Itwould be best to talk when the boys are gone to bed.Can you call later in the evening? I could.I could also come over.The way her whole body reacted she figured something had to give, and soon.But she would stayin control of the situation. I don t think that s wise.He tugged her to a stop, turning her to face him. I m not going to do anything to upset the boys onpurpose, but either you re serious about this or you re not.I m not going to be led around like somedog for you to pet when you get the urge.Either you say no right now, and I ll bow out of your life, oryou stop saying yes with your body and no with your actions.Beth s heart pounded, her mouth gone dry from a momentarily rush of fear.But when he stoodclose, his hands gentle on her arms as he looked into her eyes, there was nothing there that said hewanted to control her.He only wanted her to decide. What s it going to be? Do you want to go ahead? You think about it, and let me know, becausewhile I m a patient man, Beth, I won t let you yank my chain like this.I won t let you start one wayand expect you to change later because that s not fair to either of us.It s all or nothing.So why don twe make it your call.You contact me if you want to go ahead any further.She hadn t been fair, even if she had good reasons to hesitate. It s impossible to think straightwith my bra in pieces in your pocket.A reluctant grin shimmered to life. I m hoping when you call, you say yes.Then the next time I cutsomething off you, it ll be your panties.Beth swallowed, the racing beat of her heart making her lightheaded.He was right.She needed tostop being wishy-washy about this.Although, when they did find a time and place to be truly alone,she wasn t sure her body was going to survive. Chapter SixIn the middle of clearing away supper dishes, Beth looked longingly at the recliner in the livingroom.A simple flick would light the gas fireplace, and she could lean back and rest her head on thesoft cushions.The incredible sexual tension Daniel had lit in her body after school refused todiminish.Combined with the sheer workload of being a single mom she was beat.A chance to putup her feet, even for a few minutes, would be paradise.A crash jerked her from her blissful daydream.Nathan gasped then complete silence reigned.Ather feet the broken bowl from the evening pasta dish lay in pieces.A few leftover noodles clung tothe shards, the rest scattered over the floor like miniature snakes. Shit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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