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.Something inside him eased a little."You're looking better.""Yeah? Good.""Yeah, very good." He moved in to carefully kiss Graham."I told you coming home wouldhelp.""I wanted to come home.You know that, right?""I know.You just didn't want to have to deal with the physical therapy.""Yes.That was hard.I just want to rest.""You do realize you'll still have to do physical therapy, right?" Graham couldn't just sleep orwish this away; he was going to have to put in hard work."Shh.Sleeping."Elliot laughed."Brat.""Mmmhmm."He chuckled and slid a little closer.When Graham was better, he'd take his lover to the cabin.Then they'd see who the brat was.Meanwhile, Graham wasn't hurt as badly on this side, so hecould touch.Caress."I like my brat."Just the Right Notes - 159 "Good, because I'm here.""Thank God for that." He leaned up on one arm and slowly, carefully kissed his lover.Graham kissed him back, tongue tip slipping on his lips.He groaned; it had been so long sincethey'd shared a proper kiss.There were going to be more tears, he could taste them in Graham'skiss, but they hadn't come yet.He kept kissing, the touches gentle.He held their mouths together."Love." The single word was breathed rather than spoken."Uh-huh." He touched Graham's face, fingers gentle on the warm skin."I missed this." There were the tears, sliding quietly.They didn't seem to be hurting, though, andElliot took them as a release."It's good to be us again, even if it's not quite the way it used to be yet." He slid his fingersthrough the tears, wiping them from Graham's face."You think it will be?""I do.You're going to get better and start composing again.I'm going to get this green consultingthing going and we're going to go to the cabin to blow off steam.You'll see.We just need to be alittle bit patient -- it won't happen overnight." What had happened overnight was a much neededinjection of sleep, and the proof that simply coming home had made things so much betteralready."I love you." Graham was starting to doze again, the pained look a little sharper."I need anotherpill soon, I think.""I'll get it now." He'd rather get it into Graham before the pain had built up to really bad.He gaveGraham one last soft kiss and climbed out of bed.Searching the cupboards in the kitchen, he came up with some soup to heat up in the microwave.He figured Graham should be able to get down a couple of mouthfuls before taking the pill.Hemade short work of the preparations, grabbed a couple of crackers in case Graham was up tothose as well, and hightailed it back to the bedroom.Graham wasn't in bed, and he could hear panting from the bathroom.Jesus fucking Christ, he couldn't turn his back for two minutes."Graham.If you'd waited, Iwould have helped you.""I couldn't wait.I almost didn't make it."Just the Right Notes - 160 He almost suggested they get a bed pan, but didn't because that would have been a step backwardfrom where they were now, and he knew Graham would fuss."Next time, I'll make sure you'regood before I take off to the other end of the house," he promised instead, poking his head intothe bathroom."You want help getting back to bed?"Graham was sitting on the pot, pale as milk, sweat pouring off him."I need help getting up.""Christ, love." He went over and carefully got his arm around his lover's waist."I'd rather have toclean up a mess on the floor than have you hurt yourself, you know?""I'm okay." Stubborn man.Elliot didn't have an answer for that -- not one that wouldn't see him nagging or berating, and hedidn't want to do that to his lover."Come on, G.Let's get you back to bed, okay? Maybe afteryou've had a bit to eat and the pill kicks in, we can move you to a chair for a bit.That'd be nice,wouldn't it? Not to be lying down all day?"Graham nodded."I could handle that.""Yeah.You can listen to music, watch TV, whatever." He helped Graham into bed, piling thepillows up behind him again."It's tomato soup, and I've got crackers, too."He propped Graham's arm up and grabbed the little bed table.Putting it across Graham's legs, hesnagged a chair and brought it over."Want help?" He picked up the spoon and dipped it into thesoup."You don't have to." Still, Graham opened up and took a bite."No, but I like taking care of you." He scooped up another spoonful of soup.Graham opened up."It's good.""I just heated up a can." He grinned."Of course, you've been living on hospital food, so.""Mmmhmm.I want something fabulous.Pan dulce or, oh, chocolate mousse.""I could call Denofrio's.I bet you they'll deliver." He got another spoonful in and then another."Maybe tonight, hmm? As a treat.""Yeah, that's a great idea.Of course, that means you have to be good -- to earn the treat.""'M always good."Elliot chuckled."Right."Just the Right Notes - 161 "Always.""You're going to make me snort from laughing too hard," he warned."Snort? That's not classy.At all.""Oh, we're worried about being classy now, are we?""Just worried about you being classy."Elliot almost cried; Graham was playing."I'll have you know I can do classy in my sleep.""Who is this classy and where did you meet him?""Why, you." He tried to look put out, but he couldn't manage it, not when he wanted to laughand pounce on Graham.Graham chuckled, one fingertip brushing his nose.He grabbed the finger with his mouth, pullingit in between his lips.Graham looked surprised, honestly surprised.It was adorable.He suckedon the finger, his tongue rubbing against the pad."I.That still feels good."Smiling around Graham's finger, he scraped his teeth over Graham's skin."Perv." Graham wriggled, then moaned."Oh, that hurt."He let go of Graham's finger immediately."I'm sorry!""You weren't hurting me.""But you said.""I shook my head, love.I hurt myself.""Oh." He rolled his eyes at himself."Sorry.""Dork."He stuck his tongue out at Graham.Graham grinned."Yep.Absolutely a dork.""Fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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