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.Rock's hands were solid bands on his hips,tugging him down onto that sweet prick over and over.Oh.Oh, fuck.Yes.There was nothing likethis, like the heat and pleasure and pressure.One of Dick's hands slid around to pump his cock,his Pretty's prick like a brand against his spine.His body rippled, his balls just giving it up, spunkspraying."Yes!"Rock roared, pulling him down several more times before that fat prick throbbed inside him,filling him deep with spunk."You now, Pretty.Come on.All of us.""Oh." It was a breath of air, surprised, wanton and then heat splashed along his back."Mmm." He smiled, leaning down to cuddle against Rock, Dick warm on his spine."Better."Rock chuckled."Slut."Out of the Closet 155 He blew a raspberry against Rock's neck."Y'all's."Rock's chuckles turned to laughter, one warm thumb teasing long his ribs.Dick rubbed against his back."We're all packed and ready, Rig.We can leave first thing in themorning."He blushed a little, grinned."I told the clinic we were leaving tonight, so I wouldn't get paged."Dick laughed and Rock just grinned at him."We gonna screw the night away?""Fuck, yes, kid.""I'm so there." He nodded, settling in for the duration.***The mountains were nice.They could spend all day hiking and being rugged, studly men and thenreturn to the cabin, which was the fucking lap of luxury.Rock was impressed.The kid had spentdays researching to find them the perfect spot and he'd succeeded.He brought in a last armful ofwood, stacking it near the fireplace and then wandered into the little kitchen for a beer and, if hewas lucky, a taste of supper.Of course if he was really lucky he'd also get a taste of the cook.Rig was stirring a pot of stew, cornbread already made, looking relaxed and cozy in sweats andsweater."Kid wanted one last look at the trees.He's convinced there's deer out behind the cabin." Hewrapped his arms around Rig from behind, burying his face in Rig's neck."You took a shower.""I did." Rig made a soft, happy sound, leaning back against him."Feels good.""You should have waited until I had a chance to lick you clean first," he murmured.He did love agood, sweaty man."Mmm." Rig stretched, swallowed."You make me want, Blue.""Yeah? I notice you made stew." Food would still be good if they let it sit awhile.He let hishands wander, sliding over Rig."Yeah.Cheesecake in the fridge.Oh." Rig moaned, head falling back against his shoulder."Chocolate?" he asked, one hand sliding beneath the sweatshirt to play with Rig's belly."Yeah.Love your hands.""Love your chocolate." He grinned, snaking his other hand beneath Rig's sweatshirt as well.156 Out of the Closet Come to think of it, the sweatshirt looked like Dick's.Rig chuckled, rocking a little for him,rubbing against his cock with that tight little ass."We should take this to that big bear rug in frontof the fire, make sure the kid can find us when he comes in."He started to slowly back up."I'd hate Dick to think we've been snatched by Bigfoot." Rig came easy, leaning against him.He chuckled, kept moving, kept touching."He might get jealous, especially if what they sayabout big feet is true."Fuck, but that little laugh was the sexiest fucking thing in the whole world.He managed to getthem all the way into the main room with its big comfy couches and its fireplace and bear rug.Then he turned his Rabbit right around, taking that talented mouth with his own.Rig opened rightup, eager and hungry and willing as ever.The kid found them like that, lip-locked and rubbing slowly together.Rig reached out, drew Dick in, making the kiss a three-way.The kid tasted fresh and outdoorsyand like cinnamon.He purred, hands sliding along two spines.Rig was humming, relaxed, thoseeyes shining and clear.He chuckled as the kid started to work on their clothes."What? Someone has to do it." Dick gave him an unrepentant grin."Mmm.don't throw them in the fire, Pretty.""Why not? If you didn't have clothes, you'd have to be naked all the time." Rock had to admit thekid had a point."I'd freeze.""We'd keep you warm." The kid nodded in agreement with him.Rig chuckled, leaning in for another kiss, this one slow and deep, stealing his breath.He purred,hands stuttering on Rig's back as the kid pulled off Rig's sweatshirt.Rig cuddled into him."Keepme warm, Blue.""Is there any doubt that I will?" He tugged Rig right in, only giving the kid enough room to slidethe rest of their clothes off.Then Dick was pressing up against Rig from the other side."Not even a little." Those grey eyes smiled at him, making him the center of the fucking universe."You got that right." He puffed up some, Rig just bringing it out in him; he could do anything forthat look.Out of the Closet 157 Rig just hummed, snuggling right up, arms sliding around his neck.With the kid plastered upagainst Rig's back, he had a whole armful of men.He kissed Rig, trusting Dick to push in and jointhem, which the kid did, after licking at their lips for a few moments, the sensation maddeningand sensual.They finally made it to the fur, close together, rubbing.And fuck that was nice against the skin.Ifthey had one of those at home, he'd not be so averse to winding up on the floor over the couch orbed.His cock was hard, leaking against Rig's belly as the rug rubbed along with them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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