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.Thing about coming home, it didn't solve any problems, but it sure as fuck was a good place to lay your burdens down.* * * *Rock handed Dick a beer and sat next to him. So you had a spot of trouble back home?Dick sighed. Damn it, I asked Rig not to say anything.Rock snorted. He didn't.Dick looked at him. Then how.He snorted again.You think I don't have eyes in my head, kid? You think he's the only one I see?Dick went a little red and looked at the ground, hands curling to hide the split skin over his knuckles. Yeah, that's right, Dickwad.The fucking banged up knuckles, the bruised ribs and that goddamned hangdog expression you've been wearing ever since you got off the fucking plane. I thought I was hiding it better than that. Hell, no, kid.I just figured you'd either tell me on your own or Rig would worm it out of you he's better at this talking shit than I am.Dick gave him a wry grin. He did.Rock nodded. And then you got all macho and made him promise not to tell. Pretty much. You think I wouldn't care? No, Rock, not that. You think I'd think less of you?Dick shrugged. No, that wasn't it either. Than what?Dick shrugged again. Well you find an answer, kid, because I want to know why I wasn't good enough to share this with why you thought you had to leave me out of this.I was the one that found you, kid.Brought you home, took you under my fucking wing.And you weren't the first kid; I've been taking baby marines under my wing for years, even before Rig.I fucking chose you, Dick.So I give a good god damned fuck if you come home from a visit to your fucking family looking like a fucking kicked puppy. I'm sorry, Dick said quietly. Well that's not fucking enough I want to know why.Dick started peeling the label of his bottle. Truth is I kind of look up to you and Rock laughed. What? Dick sounded just a little ticked off. Don't go doing that, kid. What? Turning me into some kind of fucking hero.I'm just another fucking grunt like you only difference is the fucking mileage. And you've got a great bod.He snorted. You don't look in the mirror much, do you kid? He shook his head. Look.Just because I'd rather fuck than talk doesn't mean I don't give a shit.You should fucking know by now that I do. I do, Rock.I just didn't want you to think I was some kid whose brother beat him up all the time. Just tried to by the looks of it.Dick gave him a wolfish grin. He's been beating the crap out of me all my life.You should have seen his face when he realized not only wasn't it going to be so easy this time, but he was gonna be lucky to avoid a trip to the hospital. And did you send him there? Nope.Thought I was going to, but when it came down to it, just knowing I could him knowing I could that was enough. Dick shook his head. A couple of years ago, I might have kept whaling on him until he was dead.Rock nodded. Corps not a bad place to grow up, kid. Neither are you and Rig.He brushed it off, wetting his whistle with a long drink. So you didn't want me to know you'd managed to whip your brother's ass? Nah, it was more the parental unit's crap.Lectures from Dad and crap from my mother and shit like that.Rock nodded. Cuts, don't it? Yeah. And Rig he can sympathize and make you feel better make you forget but he doesn't really understand because his Momma.Well if we all had one like her Oprah'd be out of a job.Dick gave him a look. Your folks give you grief, too? You ever once heard me talk about them, Dick? Even in passing?Dick shook his head. It doesn't seem to bother you. I've had a lot longer'n you to get used to it.Look, kid.Your Mom, your Dad, your siblings you don't choose them and they don't choose you and sometimes the fit isn't so fucking good.Sometimes its just plain as shit lousy.Now the families you do chose that tells the true tale of a man's character.Rig he stuck with the family he had, a damned fine choice given who they were, and then he built himself a new one too you and me in case you weren't following.And you, kid the Corps, us.That's some fucking fine choices and I'm damned proud. So next time you come home from shit, you don't pretend I don't matter enough to tell.Got it? Yeah, Rock.I got it. Dick smiled at him. Good. He drained the last of his beer. All this fucking talking's dry work.What do you say we go get ourselves another one and some slightly less liquid lubrication so I can go back to being that macho prick you want to be just like?Dick gave him a grin. Works for me.Chapter 43He put the bottle of oil in the hot water and put the oldest sheets on the bed before stripping himself down.Then he turned down the lights and turned on the lamp by the bed, turned on some soft music and called for his Blue who was probably still glowering at the television.Something shitty had happened on post.Nothing earth shattering, but his Blue was irritated and getting growlier day by day.Dick was on CQ duty until midnight and Rig decided it was time for Sergeant South to back the fuck off and his Blue to come home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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