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.Oh.Oh, please.He pushed intothe kiss, rocking a little harder.Chris picked him right up, using the weight of hisown body to add to the friction on his prick.It was all hecould do, hips rolling as he cried out.Yes.Yes.Leaningback against the wall, Chris kept moving him, bringinghim closer and closer.Justin was gonna.right here in the garage.Chriswasn't slowing down any, the hand on his ass squeezing66 hard.His eyes closed and he let go, let his body moveand rock and drive until he couldn't bear it anothersecond.Chris' mouth left his."Come for me."He shot, just like that, head back, throat working.Chris latched onto his throat, pulling hard and makinghim shudder, stretching out his orgasm.He moaned, thepleasure going on and on, sweet as anything.Chrismoved his mouth over, lips wrapping around a new spot."Coach.Fuck." That was hot.Coach just hummed around his skin, making itvibrate.His knees were weak, his heart slamming in hischest, and he couldn't stop moaning.Coach startedwalking backward, in through the garage door.There hewas pushed up against the wall, Coach pressing hardagainst him.He was swampy, his body trying to recover.Coach's fingers wrapped around either side of hisshirt and pulled it open.Buttons went flying and hewould have complained, but it was too hot.Coachpushed the shirt over his shoulders and down his arms,trapping them against his sides, Coach's mouth neverleaving his except to let them take short gasps of air.He was on fire.On fire.Fuck.Coach plucked at his right nipple, teasing it withalternating hard and soft touches.It was just starting tobe normal, to not be swollen.Coach seemed intent onchanging it back to swollen."Coach." He was going to bruise.Again."Huh?" Coach went down to bite at his nips."You'll leave marks." His toes curled.God.God, thatthrobbed."Yes.""You can't.They'll ache." His cock was filling again."Yes," Coach said again, pinching his right nipplehard.67 "Fuck!" He went up on tiptoe."Eventually." Coach gave him a grin, tugging on hisother nip."You have to stop." He groaned, then wrinkled hisnose."I need to clean up.""We'll shower in a minute." Coach took his rightnipple in and began sucking."I." Fuck.Fuck, that was intense.He felt each andevery pull, balls deep.Coach wasn't stopping, either.No, if anything, thesuction was getting stronger.These sounds startedleaving him, tearing from him.He felt that everywhere.Then Coach's teeth closed over the very tip of his nipple,biting.He screamed, the sensation overwhelming, sharp.Perfect.Coach's smile pulled at the edges of his skin,and then the hurt was soothed by a hot tongue.The room was spinning and he was shaking, cockhard again.Coach finally let go of his nipple, the airhitting it hard, surprisingly cold.Then Coach headed itright for his other nipple.He shifted away, shook hishead, hand hiding his nipple.Coach growled -- growled!-- at him."Coach!""I'm going to make it a rule, Justin.You never, everhide your nips from me."He covered the other one, too."A rule?"Coach growled again, and took his hands, pullingthem away."No hiding your nips from me.Or you willbe punished.""You can't." He couldn't quite breathe."Is that a challenge?""I'm not going to let you." He was achingly hard."You aren't going to have a choice." Coach leaned inand bit his left nipple."H.hey!" Oh, God.He was burning up.68 "Right here." Coach grinned and snapped his teeth inthe air just over his other nipple.He pulled away,stepped away, heart racing.Coach grabbed his hand."Okay.Shower, bed, and if you're very good, makinglove.""I." He shivered, nodded, so close to melt down itwas crazy.Coach wasn't waiting for him to say more, stridingdown the hall with him in tow.He stumbled alongbehind Chris, heart pounding.He dropped his shirt offhis arms, the thing dangling from his wrist where Chrishad his hand and refused to let go until they reached thebathroom.He toed off his shoes, hurrying to get hisnasty pants and briefs off."I made you cream your jeans." Coach lookedawfully proud of himself.His cheeks burned and he ducked his head,embarrassed.Coach cupped his cheek and tilted his head back up."I made you come in your pants; that's not anything tobe ashamed of.It's something to revel in."He swallowed hard, then just pushed back into Chris'arms.He needed touch.Chris' mouth dropped down onhis, the kiss hot and hard and whipping everything elseaway.He sobbed into the kiss, shattered, overwhelmed.He had trusted this man with everything, his whole life."I have you," whispered Chris.He nodded.Good.Good.He needed that right now.More kisses followed, Chris making his head swim.Somehow they were in the shower together, naked,hot water making things fuzzy.Chris' hands soothed andexcited him, sliding on his body and touching himeverywhere.His nerves and worries faded, and he couldbreathe, touch Chris back.Eventually, Chris leaned himup against the tile, taking kiss after kiss from him.Justin69 gave them, moaning and sighing happily with everykiss."Sensual.Sexy.Amazing boy.""Coach.So good.""That's what I want to hear." Coach took his mouthagain.Justin could happily drown in Coach's kisses [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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