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.Francis arched, rocking up into his touch, easy as pie.Such good instincts.Groaning, still not wanting tonecessarily wake Francis, but needing to touch, hesqueezed gently.His boy moaned."Master.Nick.""Right here, boy." He pressed a kiss to the top ofFrancis' head and stroked a hand along Francis' back.God, his boy.His beautiful boy.He'd never been inlove.He'd thought he had been, he had, but now heknew better.He took a deep, hitching breath."Nick? Nick, are you okay?" Those eyes poppedopen, his boy so fucking sensitive.He beamed at Francis."I've never been better.""Oh, good." Francis kissed his nose."Hungry, though," he admitted as his belly growledagain."Pizza!" Francis' joy just made him laugh.124 "How do you want it dressed, Kitten?""Yes, please.I've never met a pizza I didn't love."That had him laughing again."So bacon and pepperswould suit?""Uh-huh." Francis winked at him."Baaaacon."He grabbed Francis and rolled them, putting hissweet boy beneath him so he could tickle Francis' ribs.Francis squealed, wiggling under him, laughing hard.Hetook a biting kiss, fingers still working.The little stinggot a reaction, a moan, a delicious shiver.Francis wasthe sweetest pain slut he'd ever met.He tried hard not to wonder about the asshat who hadtried to break this.He flicked his tongue across the skinhe'd bitten, fingers gently switching to touches insteadof tickles."Mmm." Francis eased down, soft and snuggly,responding easily to him.His stomach growled again, making him chuckle, andhe reached for the phone.He ordered them a pizza, and acheesecake for desert.Then he hung up and pouncedFrancis again, finding that sweet mouth.Francis kissedhim back, tongue fucking his lips.He grabbed hold of Francis' tongue on one of thethrusts into his mouth, sucking it hard between his lips.Francis stilled, legs parting, body stilled, focusing onhim.His hips moved in time with Nick's suction.Such agem.So focused.Nick found Francis' hands with his own and linkedtheir fingers, dragging them up over Francis' head.Those pretty eyes watched everything he did."I want to bind you.I want to use my crop on you.Iwant to make you fly.""I'm nervous." That was probably the most honestanswer Francis could give."That's okay.No reaction you have is wrong."125 Francis leaned up, kissed him."I don't want to fall inlove with you.You have to stop being what I wantpretty soon."He shook his head."I can't do that, because I'malready in love with you.""I'm not ever going to be in love again.It makes medo stupid things.""I'm not sure you can control it, Kitten." He hadn'tbeen trying to fall in love with Francis.He simply had.Francis pushed into his arms and held on, tight,seeking comfort."I can promise you to do my best never to hurt yourheart, and to honor your safeword.""I don't know what to do." Francis held on tight."Let things happen?"That got him a nod."I can do that.""Good.Because I'd hate to have to stop seeing you.""Oh, God.Me too."He chuckled and rubbed their noses together.Francis winked at him."You're not like anyone else.Ever.""Good.I don't want to be anyone else.""I like that."He answered that with a kiss.Francis kissed himback, one hand sliding through his hair."I have a crop.I want to use it on you.I can picturethe criss-cross patterns on your ass.""I trust you.""And I trust you to use your safeword if needed."Francis nodded, fingers holding onto his, squeezingtight."After we eat, boy." It would be better if they let theanticipation build.Francis shivered."Would you be offended if I askedyou not to call me that?"126 "Not at all.I happen to be pretty fond of Kitten.""Thank you.Thank you." Francis looked right at him."I'm afraid it would pull me out of a scene.""And that would be a bad thing.Thank you for yourhonesty, Kitten.It's what's going to build the trustbetween us."Francis offered him a shaky smile."Thank you."He kissed Francis' cheek."Do you want to see thecrop I'm going to use?""I do." That sounded almost eager."Awesome." He got up and held out a hand.Francis took his hand, following him."I have a beautiful crop made by Marcus Goodfellow.The leather is unbelievably soft, but it's wrapped arounda hard core."He could feel Francis' heart, pounding against hisarm.He flicked on the light in his playroom.Thefurniture was all handmade, the St.Andrew's cross inone corner.He went to the wardrobe against the far wall,and opened it, taking the crop from where it hung on theinside of the door.He handed it over to Francis toexamine."Do.Can I ask you a question?" Francis turned thecrop over in his hand."Of course.What is it, Kitten?""The cage, in your bedroom? What is it for?""It's for when my sub needs a time out.It'ssomewhere safe." He'd never used it; he hadn't found theright sub yet."Who.Have you.Is there." Francis took a deepbreath."God.Is there someone you keep in there?"He shook his head slowly."I have never used it.There's never been anyone it belonged to before.""Oh." Francis nodded."Cool.""You'd look beautiful, curled up in it."127 "I.I don't know.I won't lie; it's scary, but intriguing.Maybe.Do you think I'll heal, in my heart?""I really hope so, Francis.I really do." He wanted tobe in Francis' heart."Me too." The crop was handed back."Do you wantto do this in here?""We could.We could do it in my bedroom if you'd bemore comfortable there.""I think I'm easy." Francis leaned into him."Wheredo you want me?""We have to eat first." He slid the crop along Francis'chest, letting the lovely skin warm the leather of thecrop.Francis blinked, then laughed."You're right.Yousaid that.I swear, sometimes you make time stop in myhead.""Oh, I like that.I also want us to anticipate this,though." He ran the crop across one of Francis' nipples.Francis stretched tall, the poor scarred nip tightening,responding."Every inch of you is sexy as anything.""Thank you." Francis leaned into him again, themovement natural as breathing."Did you want to look around in here a bit while wewait for our pizza?" He drew the crop along Francis' leg.Francis shivered, nodded."Sure.""What would you like to see first?" He went to thewardrobe."I made this myself." He'd rubbed the woodwith cherry oil until it shone darkly.It had taken days,the work almost a meditation."Can I touch it?""Please." He loved watching Francis explore thethings he'd made."It's amazing." Francis ran his hands over the wood,adoring it.128 "Thank you.All the work is worth it to watch youtouch it.""I love it.It's like touching water.""Mmm.Thank you." Such a sensual boy."Do you have a favorite?" Francis asked."Piece I've made or toy?""Wood, but I'd like to know the other, too.""I love the cage.I've spent hours and hours on it,making it perfect, making it soft and sensual."Francis' ass clenched, a dull flush covering the man'sback.Nick hummed softly."As for toys." He shook hishead."My favorite is you.My sub."Francis made a soft sound, fingers stuttering on thewood.He slid his hand along Francis' shoulders."And you,Kitten? If you could only choose one item?""Your bed.I love your bed." Francis moaned, leanedback into his touch.He brought their mouths together, tongue pushingbetween Francis' lips.Francis was hard, body hot andclose.Groaning, he tugged Francis even closer, hand onhis boys ass as he ground their cocks together.Francisfed him one cry after another, rocking into him.He heldthe round globes, moving Francis, the pleasure racketinghigher.Francis arched against him, cock leaving littlewet kisses."I want you." He knew it was just stating the obvious,but he wanted to make sure his Kitten knew, always."Yes.I mean, I know we just did, but yes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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