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.I'm keeping you."Giles nodded, moaned for him."My hand is inside you, Giles.You'll never be able toget rid of me now.""Swear it?""I swear it, Giles." He pushed his hand deeper again,reminding Giles exactly how he was holding his lover.Giles answer was a full-body shudder, a deep cry."That's right.Anytime you wonder, remember this.""Remember.Oh, God.Help me.""Help you what, G?" He pushed his fist forwardagain, then back."I don't know.I don't know.I only know you're theonly one who can.""That's because you were made for me and I wasmade for you." He kept moving his hand.Drawn - 210 "Yes." Giles nodded and Harrison wanted to screamwith pure, unadulterated joy."Yes!" He moved his hand faster, and Giles arched,face going a dark red."Mine.You're mine."Giles only nodded, face a study in passion.Harrisonstretched his hand open and then curled it up into a fistagain."Love." Another weak orgasm rocked Giles, the longbody going limp.His Giles was fucking amazing.He rubbed the come into Giles' belly with one handand slowly began to work out the one buried insideGiles' body.Giles moaned softly when his hand left,cock bobbing weakly.Bending, Harrison kissed Giles'hole, then his balls, his cock.His lover was gone -- melted, boneless, all for him.He reached up and undid the tie holding Giles' handsover his head, then Harrison wrapped himself aroundGiles, settling them together.Giles pressed close, armsand legs wrapping around him, holding on."I've got you," he told Giles.He did.***Giles woke up, blinked at the clock, at Harrison, thenslept.Then he did it again.And again.And again.At some point he must have wandered into thebathroom, because he woke up in Harrison's arms,floating in the huge bathtub.The water was warm andthere were bubbles.Bubbles.He laughed softly, poppedone.The whole world smelled like strawberries."Mmm.You're awake." Harrison's hand slid down hisfront to his belly.Drawn - 211 "Mmmhmm.I'm sorry, I was so tired." He lifted hisface, kissed Harrison's jaw.His world felt soft, paddedalmost, like he was in a perfect bubble."No need to apologize.You don't sleep enough as arule."Giles rested against his lover, legs floating, bodyrelaxed."Has it been long?" Last thing he remembered,it had been Saturday morning."Two days.You needed the sleep.""Two days? Wow." He smiled, fingers sliding overHarrison's belly."Am I okay?""Well, I imagine that you're pretty hungry, but yeah,you're okay.More than okay.""Good." He'd never felt like this before.Ever."It is good, isn't it?""Yes.Thank you." His fingers tangled in the heavymass of curls above Harrison's cock, just playing lightly."This is what it's all about, G.All about this feeling.""Hmm? It what?"Harrison petted his hair, his shoulder, the touch easy."The lifestyle you think is a game is all about findingthis place where there's pleasure and peace andgoodness."That was a lot of words in a row."I like this.""Yeah, me, too.""Can I stay?" He didn't want to be alone right now."You're staying." Harrison sounded very sure."Okay.Thank you." He cupped Harrison's balls,touching so carefully.God, the man was stunning.Solidand strong, sensual, male.Harrison's legs spread for him."Mmm." He kept resting, stayed close, fingers slidingup and down the thick shaft now.Harrison groaned, hips twitching, pushing into histouch.Drawn - 212 "You feel so good." He could touch forever."I think that's my line at the moment."He smiled, fingers teasing the head, learning eachlittle ridge."Great touch.Amazing hands."Giles hummed his appreciation, then kept touching,exploring each and every inch of that cock.Harrison'sfingers slid along his belly, up to his nipple rings to tugand play with them.The sensation was deep, peacefulsomehow.Just right."Come here," muttered Harrison, free hand wrappingaround his head and tilting it so they could kiss.Gilesended up in Harrison's lap, belly to belly, tonguessliding together."Yum.Perfect." Harrison's hands slid down to hisass, holding him lightly."Hey." He took one kiss after another.Harrison squeezed his ass, fingers sliding along hiscrack.His ass was still tender, but not sore.Theirtongues tangled together, Harrison moaned, pushing intohis hand.He teased the slit, careful, gentle, not wantingto sting.Harrison's hips pushed up into his hand again,bouncing him up out of the water a little."You're so hard." He rubbed again."You do that to me.""Good.I want you to need me."Harrison's hands came up to cup his face."I do, G.This is symbiotic, this thing between us.""I love that word." Symbiotic."Thing?" He could see the twinkle in Harrison's eyes.He snorted and pinched the tip of Harrison's cock,gently."Nope, between."Harrison jerked as he pinched, then threw his headback and laughed.Giles leaned in and kissed Harrison'sthroat, nibbling lightly.That earned him a soft moan,Drawn - 213 Harrison's throat vibrating beneath his lips.Gilesexplored the tanned skin, lips sliding over the stubble,teasing and testing and tasting.Harrison moved withhim, offering kisses and moans and touches in return.His hands kept sliding over his lover's cock, adoringit, making Harrison feel."Gonna make me come." He didn't think it was acomplaint."Good." He kissed Harrison's collarbone.Harrison chuckled, though the sound was husky,thick with arousal.He bit down, letting his teeth stingthe littlest bit.Harrison jerked, eyes widening a little insurprise.Then he got a grin and Harrison pushed up hardinto his hand."Mine." He bit down again."You've got that right," growled Harrison.It made him feel powerful, strong as he licked andtouched and bit.One of Harrison's hands landed behindhis head, keeping their mouths together as the kissesgrew heat.Their tongues fought, the pleasure betweenthem getting fiercer.Harrison began to hump up into his hand, each thrustpushing him up out of the water, so he squeezed andpulled, focusing on the pleasure in his lover's eyes."G." The way Harrison said it, it sounded about foursyllables long -- drawn out and sexy."Come on.You need.""Need you."Giles nodded.He was right there.Harrison smiledand heat spilled out over his hand, hot even compared tothe tub water.Giles gentled his touch, leaned in to kissHarrison.Harrison kissed him back, sucking on histongue.They floated together, humming and kissing andtasting.Drawn - 214 "It's a good place, G.This is where I'll take you.Whenever you need it.""The tub?"A low chuckle answered him."No, G.I meanmentally, physically.This good feeling.""Oh." He wasn't sure he believed Harrison, but itdidn't matter.He had it now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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