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.SEE Vertigo.Dormant organs, 575Dragon's Head and Tail, article, 594-599conjunction, influence of, like Sun in Aries and Saturn in Libra, 596-597eastern and western nodes of Moon (geocentric), 596[PAGE 708] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS example horoscopes of: broken bones, 597, injury to sight, 597; hearttrouble, 639Dropsy, 665; afflictions in Aquarius, 543; in Cancer, 542; Jupiter inCancer, 558; Jupiter in Capricorn, 559; Jupiter in Scorpio, 558;afflictions in Pisces, 544; afflictions to Moon, 551; Moon inAquarius, 552; Moon in Cancer, 551; Saturn in Pisces, 556; Sun inAquarius, 546; Sun in Cancer, 545, Venus in Gemini, 547Drug habits, Moon in Pisces, 552Drunkenness, afflictions in Pisces, 544; Mercury in Cancer, 549; Moon inPisces, 552Ductless Glands.SEE article, 568-578.and blood are manifestations of vital body, 569effects of, mainly mental and spiritual, 578future role to be prominent, 578in general ruled by Sun and Jupiter, 569rulers of, 570Dysentery, Moon in Virgo, 552; Sun in Virgo, 546Dyspepsia, afflictions in Cancer, 545; Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Mars inCancer, 562; Mars in Capricorn, 563; Saturn in Cancer, 555; Saturnin Capricorn, 556; Venus in Capricorn, 548--E--Ears, diseases of, 599, 659, SEE ALSO Deafness.Eczema, afflictions in Capricorn, 543; afflictions in Libra, 542; Saturnin Capricorn, 556Electricity, and magnetism, 534injury from, 564Elimination, obstructed by Saturn, 553Epilepsy, Moon in Cancer, 551Equinoxes and equinoctial points, 595precession of, 595-596Equipoise, necessary to attain for healing, 642Erysipelas, affliction in Capricorn, 543; Mars in Capricorn, 563; Saturn inCapricorn, 556Ether, transmits light rays, ruled by Uranus, 564Evolution, caused by activity of stellar rays, 540; Precession of Equinoxes,7long period of, back of human body, 568Excretion, organs of, ruled by Scorpio, 601Exercise, lack of, afflicted Venus, 547Explosions, injury from, 565[PAGE 709] INDEX TO NATAL ASTROLOGYEyes, diseases of, article, 588 affections of, 588, 638, 657, 659, 662; Mercury in Libra, ,550; Moon inAries, 551; Moon in 6 of Leo, 545; Sun in 8 of Sagittarius, 546;Sun in 29 of Taurus, 546; Uranus influences, 564--F--Fainting, afflictions in Leo, 542; Jupiter in Aries, 557; Mars in Aquarius,563; Mars in Leo, 562; Mercury in Leo, 549; Moon in Aquarius, 552;Saturn in Aries, 554; Sun in Aries, 545Falls, Saturn causes, 554Fatty degeneration, afflicted Jupiter, 556Feet, deformities of, afflictions in Pisces, 544; Jupiter in Pisces, 559;Mars in Pisces, 564; Saturn in Pisces, 556Femur, broken, Mars in Gemini, 562; Mars in Sagittarius, 563; Moon inSagittarius, 552Fever, Jupiter in Leo, 558Flatulence, Mercury in Cancer, 549; Mercury in Capricorn, 550; Mercury inVirgo, 550; Uranus in Cancer, 565; Uranus in Virgo, 565Fluids, obstructed by Saturn, 553Foods, minerals, used as, for plant, animal, and man, 535onions as nerve builders, 643plants as, for animal and man, 535radiate particles to give index, 573raw vegetable, for goitre, 656value of sour or buttermilk as, 601--G--Gall bladder, ruled by Saturn, 553Gallstones, afflictions in Cancer, 542; Saturn in Cancer, 555; Saturn inCapricorn, 556Gas, in stomach, Uranus in Cancer, 565Uranus rules, 564Gastric cancer, Moon in Cancer, 551; Saturn in Cancer, 555Gastric fever, Sun in Cancer, 545Gastric tumor, Venus in Cancer, 547Gastric ulcer, Saturn in Cancer, 555Gemini, afflictions, diseases, parts of body ruled by, 541and thymus gland, 541[PAGE 710] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSGenitals, pains in, Mercury in Scorpio, 550ruled by Mars through Scorpio, 561Genito-urinary diseases, Mercury in Taurus, 549; Sun in Scorpio, 546Gestation, Mars gives hemoglobin, 560Moon rules mother during, 551 watery signs and, 559, 560Glands, Ductless, article on, 568in general, ruled by Sun, Jupiter, 569specific, ruled by specific planets, 570Glandular swellings, Venus in Taurus, 547Glycogen, Jupiter rules, 556of liver, adrenals, 571Goitre, 654; afflictions in Taurus, 541; Mars in Taurus, 562; Venus inTaurus, 547diet for, uncooked, vegetable diet, 656Gourmandizing, Jupiter in Cancer, 558; Jupiter in Taurus, 557Gout, afflictions of Jupiter, 557; afflictions of Saturn, 553; Jupiter inSagittarius, 559; Venus in Pisces, 548in head, Mercury in Gemini, 549in limbs, Jupiter in Gemini, 558; Mercury in Gemini, 549; Venus inCapricorn, 548Gravel, Mars in Scorpio, 563Growth, abnormal, Uranus in Taurus, 565Growth and assimilation, after puberty directed by Uranus, 572, 573Growths, abnormal, related to Uranus, 573horny, due to venereal disease, 676.SEE ALSO Venereal Disease [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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