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.You dbe amazed at the amount of money you can go through in just two shortyears, Nash.But Brian got suspicious, and it got harder to hide. Forthe first time Nash saw fear in Ben s eyes as their eyes met. See, oncethey found out where I worked, who my brother was& they wanted touse the company as a front for, how shall I put it? Other business. I told them I couldn t do it, that it wouldn t be easy to hide the 224 Lisa Worrallsort of money that would go through our books.That s when theydecided to show me they were serious. Ben patted his left knee. When you fell down the stairs? Nash said quietly. It was more like pushed, Ben said wryly, referring to when hehad broken his leg last year. They made me see the error of my ways.But there was still one obstacle you.Nash glanced at Brody and could see the tension in the big man sshoulders, and the shine of the sweat in the hollow of his throat.Hegave the briefest shake of his head and acknowledged Brody sacceptance.He didn t want the other man to do anything stupid, not ifthere was a chance he could get through to his brother first. Ben, whydidn t you come to me? Nash leaned forward in his chair and lifted hishands in a placating manner when Ben jerked the gun from Brody tohim. Regardless of what you think, I do love you.You re my bigbrother.I would have given you anything you asked.I d have helpedyou get out of it.I can still help you get out of it.It s not too late.But ifyou pull that trigger, you won t ever have the chance to make it right. What, so you could gloat over what a failure I am, and how youhad to pull me back from the brink? How I couldn t have done itwithout you? No thanks, little brother. Ben lifted the gun and spun thecylinder, then clicked it back into place. I think I m done talking.I min way over my head, Nash, and this is my way out. He aimed the gunat Brody. No! Before the scream had even left his lips, Nash was out ofhis seat and had thrown himself in front of Brody, half-kneeling on thefloor and half-lying across the man he loved, praying that the gunwouldn t go off. Ben, please.Do what you want to me.But please,don t hurt him, Nash pleaded, his hand reaching out to his brother andthen falling back into his lap as Ben turned the gun on him, waving ithaphazardly. This stupid asshole is the reason why I don t have the rest of themoney I needed, Ben spat ferociously. He s the reason why theNelson deal fell through,  cause you listened to him, instead of doingwhat you were s posed to.You both ruined everything. It was my decision to invest in Nelson s, not Brody s.He hasnothing to do with this.Ben. His voiced cracked on his brother s Unshakeable Faith 225name, but Nash didn t care. I m begging you.If you ever had anyfeelings for me, please, don t hurt him. Nash heard Brody s gasp andhis gaze widened when he realized the reason for the intake of breath,but he tried to keep his face as impassive as he could.Just a few moreminutes.That was all he needed. Ben, let me help you, big brother.Ican get you out of this, we can go to Brian, we can get the best lawyerin Texas, we can sort this out if we stick together. Just like that time in the tree house,  member? I was eight and Islipped and fell, and you grabbed me, had your fingers curled in myshirt, and you held me you wouldn t let me go, even though yourhand was numb and you couldn t pull me up, you still held on until Dadgot to us. Nash could barely speak past the lump in his throat, hisvoice thick with tears. Do you remember what you said to me? Stop it, Ben ground out, the harshness of his tone acontradiction to the tears coursing down his cheeks. What did you say to me? I know you remember, Nash pressed. I said we could do anything if we were together, Ben saidsoftly, his voice raw and broken. Exactly, Nash said, leaning forward, dropping to his haunchesand keeping his hands on his knees. Ben, come on, man, I can get youout of this.We can get through this together. Not this time, Nashvillain. Nash s breath caught in his throat atthe use of Ben s childhood nickname for him. They ll kill me.Youcan t get me out of this, and even if you could, how could I faceMomma and Harper? Have them look at me, knowing what I ve done?Ben wiped at the tears on his face and shook his head. It doesn t matter.They love you, I love you.We ll deal with it,all of us together.We ll go to the police& turn State s evidence orsomething.You can testify against them. Are you stupid? I d be dead before it even went to trial.I msorry, Nash.More than you will ever know, Ben wiped his nose on hissleeve and squared his shoulders. I ll make it quick, I promise.Nash felt the grip of Brody s fingers on his shoulder, the clickingof the cylinder as the hammer was pulled back, echoing in the silenceof the room then Willow brought the heavy candlestick down on the 226 Lisa Worrallback of Ben s head, knocking him out cold and sending the gunclattering loudly to the floor, the sound of the gunshot loud as thunderas the gun fired when it dropped from Ben s hand.Nash felt the wind ofthe bullet fly past him, and he instinctively grabbed Brody s arm andpulled him onto the floor beside him, throwing his arms over the otherman s head like a shield. Did I kill him? Willow s voice was high-pitched and quiveringand Nash slowly lifted his head to look at her.Her hands were shakingand the candlestick dropped out of them to land beside Ben s crumpledbody.Nash mentally apologized for not going to comfort her, but hehad bigger fish to fry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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