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.This wild man was the one who had spoken, but his appearance was atodds with his intelligent speech, and even more so with a marvelous sword thathung from his side, glittering in the sun like a lightning bolt. Surely, Ithought to myself,  This is Zeus, and that his weapon of fire! Again the crowd gasped, and Ivona herself was amazed and frightened: appalledat what her beloved father went through, yet thankful for the strange man scourage.The nobleman went on: The bandits were at first frightened, but then -- seeing they outnumbered himsix-to-one -- they charged, and I put my head into my hands, hiding my face inshame at the thought that he would lose his life for my sake.I could hear theclash of swords and cries of pain -- like men being killed -- and a fierceroar that no doubt came from the wild man, though it sounded like a bear.Suddenly, all was silent and Ilooked up, expecting to see him slain; but he stood there alive, all byhimself.Around him were the bodies of his opponents, everyone of them as deadas death itself.The guards were beginning to wake, and he came closer that Imight hail him. My lord, I said,  What man are you that you do such mightydeeds? He looked at me solemnly and said,  I am Prince Willard, heir to thethrone of Bombay, making my hermitage here to gain wisdom and love before myreign begins. I was once more astonished, forBombay is well known to be one of the richest and most powerful nations in theworld!This last part Milada greatly embellished, for it did not exist, as far as heknew.But Willard had told him and he believed, because of the latter s heroicdeeds.He went on: I bowed and offered him all he could want.But he declined, saying he hadcome to deny himself.I then asked him if he was indeed looking for love, ashe had implied.He said yes, and I told him of Ivona.This, then, is the wondrous present I have brought you, my daughter: theheroic Prince Willard ofBombay is to be your husband!The crowd cheered again, a smile playing on every lip, for each respectedMilada and loved his daughter.But then something happened that they did notPage 41 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlexpect: just as he announced the marriage, Ivona fainted and fell down at hisfeet.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlCHAPTER THIRTEENIt was in her bedroom that Ivona awoke, in the company of her father and ofnone other.She had been unconscious for ten minutes, during which time Miladawas very anxious to know the cause of her fainting.His lean figure paced theroom and he muttered to himself, in distress once more.His outward bravado atdinner had given way to his writhing at the forest melee.His worries sooncame to a head, either way, for Ivona s fair features began to awaken fromtheir involuntary slumber.She looked about, confused until her eyes lit uponher father.Then her face fell to the ground, and she remembered what had beensaid. Tell me you were merely jesting, father. No, it was all truth, his thin limbs wiggled in a half-hearted dance,  Butfor the bit about the dragon heads, which I embellished for the sake of thetale. He seemed proud of his attempt at jocularity and began his naturaljigging movements again, to which Ivona could do nothing but laugh and sighinwardly at the apparent simplicity of her beloved father. Father, tell me, am I so false to you that you promise my heart to a wild manbefore you had even conversed with him for half an hour? Am I, the jewel ofyour heart, given at half price to an unknown merchant -- or even, for all youknow, to a pawnbroker?His dancing stopped. Would you, then, be an old maiden all your days? The manis a crown prince and a valiant warrior, articulate and of honorable morals.He defended an old man whom he had never met before at the risk of his life,and would take no reward for it.Ivona, listen to me and heed my words --this life is as hard as it is fleeting, as uncaring as it is meaningless.Andyou must live it by its own rules.You cannot sit here and hide yourself away behind the vale of the vast forest,nor can you ignore the truths which crown this existence as frail and empty,coloring them with thoughts of God and religion, thoughts of service overauthority and humility over pride.You chase after all that is not seen and isnot known in hopes of gaining wisdom, not realizing wisdom is the cessation ofsuch pursuits.Look about you, my daughter, look about you and see: do not theevil flourish and the righteous fade away? Do not the lawless defeat the law,and the haters conquer the lovers?Ivona arose, her spirited eyes blowing with the spirit of the forest. And ifwhat you say is true, father, then why live at all? If all the joys of lifeare ill-gotten, and all happiness bought with the price of another ssuffering, then why feel love for any? Yes, father, this life is fleeting; andall is forgotten, without love or hope in all the earth.Those who have gonebefore us have no meaning here, nor do those who toil along with us, for allis selfish and made to serve its owner.And so my heart longs to serve itsowner, though it is not myself who owns it, but God.While all else is torndown and ridiculed by men, while all that is good is proclaimed by the wise tobe wicked, and all that is wicked is proclaimed by the good to be wise, thereis one who remains steadfast, whose message does not change: love yourneighbor more than yourself, and do to others what you would have them do toyou, for that is the lawand the prophets! I have had enough of your spiritual delusions and metaphysical masquerades!There is nothing but what can be seen and felt, there is nothing beyond thehere and now, so do not sacrifice yourself to divine apparitions; instead,marry a man who is strong and powerful.For your supreme beauty will bring youriches and power, if you allow it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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