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.It is also importantthat the theatrical context of the essay is clearly established early in the essay.The title of the essay shouldclearly indicate the essay's main aims and objectives.It is not always a requirement for extended essaysin theatre to deal with applied research that is practicable in nature.However, even if the student choosesto explore a purely theoretical topic, a connection between theory and its application in practice shouldbe clearly noted.The least successful essays are generally those in which theory is completely divorcedfrom practice; a narrow literary approach must be avoided.For example, if the student chooses to explorethe use of fans in Restoration comedy, the wider cultural context informing the historical and socialmeanings behind this convention should be illustrated by a discussion of how it is applied in a productionof a chosen Restoration play.Absolute reliance on textbooks and web sites is discouraged and no extended essay in theatre shouldbe based exclusively on either.Both these types of source should be consulted in conjunction with otherrelevant research material as support material for the student's own original research.Essays based onoriginal research require a more personal involvement, which, in turn, encourages a more in-depth study.A sound methodology, including a bibliography of high-quality research sources, is the foundation of agood extended essay in theatre.Good sources give the student scope for the type of in-depth analysisthat characterizes the best pieces of work.Essays based entirely on published textbooks rarely scorehighly.164 © International Baccalaureate Organization 2007 TheatreComparisons between two or more theatrical practices are permissible, but students should be carefulto ensure that the comparisons are valid and are a product of sensitive and objective analysis.The following give some indication of the possible range of titles, research questions and approaches.Title An investigation into the functions of mask in two of ZeamiMotokiyo's playsResearch question What are the main uses and types of mask in Noh drama, and how doesthe mask contribute to the creation of a character in Noh?Approach Relevant research materials are collected on the history, acting styles andstage conventions of Noh, and on the types of mask and their uses.Theuse of mask in two of Zeami Motokiyo's plays and the significance ofmask for character development in these plays is analysed, and the usesof mask in the two plays are compared and contrasted.Title Female stereotypes and their performance in a selection of Brecht'splaysResearch question What female stereotypes did Brecht employ in his plays, and how canthese be compared and contrasted in performance, based on an analysisof a selection of Brecht's plays?Approach Relevant research materials are collected on the types and nature offemale stereotypes Brecht used in his plays.These stereotypes areexplored in relation to the chosen plays' themes and context, and arecompared and contrasted by examining how they may have worked inproduction.The possible changes in the fundamental nature and workingof these plays if the use of female roles were changed are explored.Title An examination of Soyinka's use of rhythm in acting, based on anin-depth exploration of one Soyinka playResearch question How did Soyinka use language rhythms in his plays and how may theserhythms be applied in production?Approach Relevant research materials are collected on Soyinka's use of languagein playwriting.The language rhythms used in Soyinka's plays are analysedin-depth by investigating the characters' use of language rhythms in oneSoyinka play.The way these rhythms can change/contribute to the play'smeanings, character development and relationships between differentcharacters in the chosen play is examined [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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