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.Consider a loan s interest&ð see also: settle up'rate as well as the timeyou re given to pay it off.pay offChanging jobs was a gamble, but it s really paid off.I make less moneypay offthan I used to, but I have more free time and I m a lot happier now.The investment didn t&ð'look good at first, but it spaying off very well now.951000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007www.teflgames.com/phrasal_verbs.html 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context PQ pq (3/10)pay sth outIf you win the lottery, you mightn t get all the money at once.Theypay outpay out sthmight pay it out in installments over several years.Insurance companies had&ð'to pay out millions afterthe hurricane struck.pay upWe used to sell our products on credit, but we often had to wait too longpay upfor customers to pay up, so now we require payment in advance.Our insurance company&ð see also: settle up'always questions ourclaims before paying up.perk upJules was really quiet at the party until Jamal got there, and then sheperk upperk sb/sth upperked up and started to have fun.I think she likes him.The share market was&ð see also: liven up'quiet last month, but it sperking up again now.phase in sthWe re phasing in a new dress code.From now on it ll be casual clothesphase inphase sth inon Fridays, but eventually it ll be casual clothes every day.The government will&ð see also: bring in'phase the new taxes inover the next two years.phase out sthIt s about time the old dress code was phased out.Most otherphase outphase sth outcompanies already allow their staff to wear casual clothes if they like.We ll phase the old bonus&ð see also: do away with'system out over the nextcouple of years.pick on sbMy son says the older boys pick on him at school.They tease him andpick ontry to make him look weak in front of the other kids.Joe sounds childish when&ð'he says things like  Theboss always picks on me.pick out sth/sbHave a look at the colour chart and let me know which one you d pickpick outpick sth/sb outout for the kitchen.There were many shirts to&ð see also: decide on, go for'choose from and it tookhim ages to pick one out.pick out sb/sthI looked for him in the crowd, but it was getting dark and I couldn tpick outpick sb/sth outpick him out.We need a strong logo&ð'that s easy to pick outamong many other logos.pick sth/sb upI hurt my back when I picked up a heavy sofa and put it in the back ofpick uppick up sth/sbmy truck.Now I can barely walk.If you pick a baby up,&ð see also: lift up'make sure you support itshead.pick sb/sth upLet me know what time your train gets in and I ll pick you up from thepick uppick up sb/sthstation and drive you home.Don t forget to send&ð'someone to the post officeto pick up that package.961000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007www.teflgames.com/phrasal_verbs.html 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context PQ pq (4/10)pick up sthThere s this huge outdoor market in Bangkok where you can pick uppick uppick sth uplots of cheap clothes and get heaps of other stuff too.(inf)It s not being marketed as&ð see also: snap up'something you pick up fora few dollars in K-Mart.pick upLet s stop the meeting now and take a break for lunch.When we getpick uppick up sthback, we ll pick up the discussion again from where we stopped.pick sth upCan you go back to your&ð see also: carry on, go on'old job and pick it upfrom where you left off?pick up on sthWhen you re at a party, make sure you pick up on any hints or signspick up onpeople make to show that they re interested in you.A good salesperson picks&ð see also: cotton on (to)'up on a customer s mood(inf)by noting body language.piece sth togetherThe police have collected evidence from the scene of the murder andpiecepiece together sthnow they re trying to piece it all together to figure out what happened.togetherAfter piecing together all&ð see also: fit together, put'the evidence, the policetogetherhave solved the crime.pile upWendy says she s got bills piling up at home, but no money to paypile upthem, and she wants to borrow some money.His emails have been&ð'piling up and he doesn thave time to answer them.pin down sthThey wanted the president to debate the issue, and he said he d bepin downpin sth downhappy to, but they couldn t pin him down to a time and a place.pin sb down to sthDuring talks, they pinned&ð see also: nail down'the rebels down to a datefor releasing the hostages.pipe downEveryone was talking loudly until the teacher came in and told them topipe downpipe down.Then it got much quieter.(informal)The coach told everyone&ð see also: quieten down,'to pipe down and listen toshut up (very impolite)what he had to say.pitch inIf we all pitch in and work together, we can clean the house in half anpitch inhour.But if Christie has to do it all by herself, it ll take her all morning.(informal)Everyone pitched in and&ð see also: pull together'the office was decoratedfor the party in no time.plan aheadWhen I was a student, I learned how important it is to plan ahead.If Iplan aheadmade a timetable for studying before an exam, my results improved.If you re in business, set&ð'your goals and plan aheadin order to achieve them.play aroundThe kids love playing around with our big old dogs Smelly and Stinky.play aroundplay around withThey throw things around the back garden and the dogs fetch them.sb/sthThe new guys play&ð see also: clown around,'around too much whenkid around, mess aroundthey should be working.971000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007www.teflgames.com/phrasal_verbs.html 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context PQ pq (5/10)play sth downThe government s spokesman tried to play the bad economic newsplay downplay down sthdown by saying the situation would soon improve.Peter plays down the risks&ð'he takes to get such highreturns on investments.play up sthIn job interviews, Kathy plays up the fact that she graduated fromplay upplay sth upHarvard University.It s one of her best  selling points.Sales people play up a&ð'product s strengths andplay down its weaknesses.play upIf your computer plays up again, call the shop you bought it from andplay upget them to repair it for free under the warranty.(informal)The kids were playing up&ð see also: act up (inf)'so mum got mad and sentthem to their rooms.plug in sthIf your computer won t work, the first thing to do is to make sure it splug inplug sth inplugged in properly and the power s turned on.I need enough power-&ð'points near my desk toplug in at least 6 devices.point out sthSam pointed out the fact that many people who smoke die of lung orpoint outpoint sth outheart disease, and Bob said he understood but just couldn t quit.Eli pointed out a few&ð'errors in the translationthat we hadn t noticed.point out sb/sthPoint out the guy you like and I ll go and ask him to come over for apoint outpoint sb/sth outdrink [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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