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.However, in his sum-marization of Karsten Witte s work, Hickethier also leaves open the ques-tion of whether these films were simply propaganda, or whether one couldcome to a conclusion concerning the audience s preferences and ultimatelythe constitution of the National Socialist society.44.W.Hammond-Norden, Der Zerr-Spiegel.Parodien (Weimar, 1937).45.M.Schütte, Facetten des  Menschen.Studien zur Biographie und zum ErzählwerkEugen Roths (Zeit und Text 2) (Münster, 1993), 45 51.46.E.Roth, Ein Mensch.Heitere Verse (Weimar, 1935).47.H.Spoerl, Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen.Heitere Geschichten und Plaudereien(Berlin, 1938).48.W.Reichert, Lerne lachen ohne zu klagen (Stuttgart, 1938).49.A.H.Lehmann, Mensch, sei positiv dagegen! (Dresden, 1939).50.F.Riemkasten, Mit Lachen geht s leichter.Heitere Lebensweisheiten (Leipzig,1940).51.H.Spoerl,  Päng , in Idem.Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen, 53 56.52.H.Spoerl,  Angina geht als Engel , in Idem.Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen,143 147.53.Ibid., 147.54.H.Spoerl, Wenn wir alle Engel wären (Berlin, 1936).55.H.Spoerl, Der Maulkorb (Berlin, 1936).56.W.Oehlke, Deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart (Berlin, 1942), 326.57.F.Müller-Partenkirchen, Kramer & Friemann.Eine Lehrzeit, 11th edn(Gütersloh, 1942), 322.58.Schneider,  Bestseller im Dritten Reich , 92, concerning the novels of Spoerland Müller-Partenkirchen.59.Hickethier s analysis in Der Ernst der Filmkomödie, 243 (note 43).Hickethiersees a similar structure in popular comedic films, stating that comedy isrepeatedly implicated in dramaturgy s  relentless pursuit of  the business ofdiscipline.60.W.Reichert,  Lachen entrümpelt in Idem.Lerne lachen!, 33 60, here 49.61.Ibid., 43.62.H.Spoerl,  Ferien vom Du , in Idem.Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen,73 76.63.Lehmann,  Wieviel Ärger kann der Mensch vertragen?  Hellgrau-Philosophie in Idem.Mensch, sei positiv dagegen!, 120 122.64.Spoerl, Wenn wir alle Engel wären, 159.65.W.Reichert,  Lachen entrümpelt in Lerne lachen!, 33 60, here 49.66.Ibid., 55.  German Humour in Books 13167.H.Spoerl,  Vom großen Heiligen Trunk , in Idem.Man kann ruhig darübersprechen, 96 99.68.H.Spoerl,  Man gibt sich die Ehre , in Idem.Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen,90 95.69.F.Riemkasten, Alle Tage Gloria.Geschichten von unserer Tochter Mananne(Berlin, 1928).70.Ibid., p.72.71.Ibid.72.Ibid.73.F.Riemkasten,  Gruß aus der Unterwelt , in Idem.Mit Lachen geht s leichter,11 15, here 11.74.A.Hitler, Mein Kampf.Zwei Bände in einem Band, 851 855.thsd.(Berlin,1943), 30.75.S.Friedländer, Das Dritte Reich und die Juden.Die Jahre der Vernichtung1939 1945, 2nd edn (Munich, 2006), 408 409.76.A.-H.Lehmann,  Der Mann, der in Plauen in den Zug stieg , in Idem.Mensch,sei positiv dagegen!, 24 28.77.H.Spoerl,  Was ist Kitsch , in Idem.Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen,123 127, here 125.78.In his foreword to the post-war edition of Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen,Spoerl strongly implies that he showed resistance  between the lines ,without naming a single example.He also explains that there were a fewalterations, since some things had allegedly become  irrelevant or incom-prehensible.This was Spoerl s vague way of describing the deletion ofhis tirades against  niggers and Jews, which had highlighted his NationalSocialist sensibilities.H.Spoerl, Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen.HeitereGeschichten und Plaudereien.938 947.Tausend (Munich, 1948), 5.79.G.Vitz,  Die Spoerls.Zwischen Legende und Wirklichkeit , in DieSchulkonferenz des Geschwister- Scholl-Gymnasiums Düsseldorf (ed.)Spuren und Wege (Düsseldorf, 1997), 49 63.80.J.A.Kruse,   Man kann ruhig darüber sprechen.Heitere Geschichten undPlaudereien.Heinrich Spoerls kleinste Formate , in Idem.Heinrich Spoerl.Buch  Bühne  Leinwand (Düsseldorf, 2004), 35 44, 43. 7Pleasure, Practicality andPropaganda: Popular Magazinesin Nazi Germany, 1933 1939Karl Christian FührerGeneral interest magazines were an important part of everyday lifein Nazi Germany: appearing every week or in some cases fortnightly,they provided millions of readers with entertainment, non-fictionreporting and advice articles.Although these mass market periodicalsformed a major part of the Nazi propaganda machine, they are stilldecidedly under-researched.Even the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung (BIZ),Germany s most popular pictorial magazine during the 1930s and1940s, has attracted little scholarly attention; many other journals thatalso enjoyed a wide circulation among Germans after 1933 are totallyforgotten.1 This neglect is surprising since popular magazines clearlymerit close attention when we address the history of pleasure and itspolitical and social functions in the Third Reich.Unlike newspapers,general interest magazines offered most of all unpolitical content meantto entertain.Buying the BIZ or one of its competitors must therefore beseen as an act of pleasure-seeking while the magazines were designed tochannel and satisfy this need in such a way that it helped the purposesof the Nazi regime.Given the sparse available information several basic questions mustbe settled before we look more closely at the role of general interestmagazines as constituent parts of Nazi Germany s media machineryand their contribution to the fulfilment of personal pleasure.Whichmagazines achieved high circulation figures? Can we discern whyreaders preferred these journals on a market that offered many choicesand can such findings help to characterize German society under therule of the NSDAP? Were general interest magazines just as gleichge-schaltet (forced into line) and tightly controlled as the daily press or132 Pleasure, Practicality and Propaganda 133did they enjoy a wider room for manoeuvre in terms of politics andpropaganda?This chapter will address these questions, using contemporary sta-tistics that have so far been overlooked and drawing on a compara-tive reading of many of the most popular German magazines of the1930s.As will be demonstrated, Germans favoured magazines that notonly provided entertainment and information but also served practi-cal purposes by carrying a broad range of household advice.In doingso, they opted for a special kind of pleasure (besides the more obvi-ous fun of distraction) since practicality as offered by these magazinespromised self-improvement and a better personal life [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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