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.”She followed my gaze and gasped.“I didn't even notice it ripped.” Paula abruptly stood up and swished down the aisle with Richard right on her heels, looking as worried as she was.Paula was lucky she had such a sympathetic and devoted spouse.I'd been so distracted by the fracas I'd lost track of the time.As I stood up, my eyes were drawn to something sparkly under the table.I bent over and picked up the tiny item, a crystal from Paula's dress that must have fallen off and rolled underneath the table.I stuck the stone in my purse.Hopefully Paula had a few spares in case one of them fell off and needed to be replaced.I left the ballroom, stopped at the front desk to officially check in and arranged for my luggage to be delivered to my room.I walked to the elevator and as the elevator doors slowly closed, my eyes locked with the somber gray eyes of Vladimir, standing in the lobby holding a dance program in his immense hand.Now why was the Mr.Clean clone at the hotel?My mind raced with tales of Vlad the Impaler, the famous Romanian leader.Did this Vladimir have any desire to maim or impale anyone? Or had he already done that to the man who had been married to Irina?By the time the elevator arrived on my floor, I decided the stress of watching ballroom dancing combined with wedding jitters had sent my imagination into overdrive.Tonight I would forget about murder and concentrate on my best friend's wishes.I shoved my card key into the door, barely glancing at the massive oak furnishings and the lakeside view.I grabbed the phone and dialed my mother's room next door.Supposedly the rooms she and Bradford were assigned had a connecting door so all four could be together.“Hi, Mom,” said Jenna.“What's up?”“Just checking on you guys.Are you having fun with your grandmother?”“Yeah, we're having a great time.” She lowered her voice to a whisper.“She's way more fun since she's been getting it on with Bradford.”“Jenna! That's no way to talk about your grandmother,” I chided her then giggled when I realized she was right.Mother was way more fun now that she was getting some.“Sorry,” she apologized.“Grandmother is in the bathroom.Do you want to talk to her?”“No, that's okay.I need to get ready for the wedding rehearsal.You know we're meeting at the King's Tavern at seven?”“Yep, Liz already called to confirm we'll be there.”We signed off and I jumped into the shower.Liz had hired a hair stylist and makeup artist for the entire bridal party tomorrow.I couldn't wait to see what kind of miracles she could work on me.In less than an hour, I was ready, garbed in a navy blue empire waist chiffon dress that flattered my curves.I grabbed my clearance evening bag, checked to make sure I had my room key then took the elevator down to the lobby.On the way down I noticed that the bright orange sale price tag was still attached to my purse, so I stopped at the front desk to ask for directions and also to borrow their scissors.It was one thing to find a bargain.It didn't need to be advertised to the rest of the hotel.The woman behind the front desk pointed me to a long corridor on the right.I followed the signs to the tunnel walkway, which led to the hotel wedding chapel.Liz stood next to Brian, her arm linked in his, smiling up at her fiance.I hugged both of them then stepped back to scrutinize the radiant bride.“You look oddly calm,” I said, puzzled by her tranquil demeanor on the night before her nuptials.“I mixed her a Xanax cocktail,” said Brian.“It should last through dinner.”“Isn't he a sweetie?” she chortled as she ran her fingers playfully up and down his forearm.Brian seemed tense so he must have skipped the anti-anxiety meds.His cell rang and he pulled it out of his pocket and walked away.His face was somber as he hung up and joined us.“We have a minor problem.”“It's okay, just hang loose,” Liz said in a sing-song lilt, already emulating the laid-back lingo of the islands in preparation for their Hawaiian honeymoon.I eyed her warily.I was beginning to think I preferred Bridezilla Liz to this chirpy medicated version.“Chuck went skiing today and a snowboarder crashed into him,” Brian said.“He called from the hospital and his leg is broken.”“What a terrible thing to have happen,” I said.“Poor Chuck.”“Didn't I instruct the bridal party no winter sports activity until after the wedding?” Liz planted her hands on her hips and scowled.Now that sounded more like my friend.“We're going to need a replacement.” Liz turned to Brian.“Who can we get to be your best man on this short notice?”Suddenly I felt the presence of a man who was without question the best man for the job.The three of us stared at the new arrival.Liz circled her prey, a calculating look in her hazel eyes as if she was trying to determine if the newcomer could be turned into a dancer in less than twenty-four hours.Tom was a better detective than I gave him credit for.He took one look at Liz and shook his head.“I have no idea what you're going to ask me, but I can already tell you the answer is no.”Liz hooked her arm over his.“Our best man broke his leg today and can't be in the wedding party.Laurel thought you could take his place, and I know you wouldn't want to disappoint her.”The expression that crossed the detective's face was of relief and maybe something even better.“Sure, I'd love to be Laurel's escort.”Liz's smile could have lit up the entire ballroom.“Great.We're about to start the rehearsal for the wedding ceremony right now.” She stepped into the chapel and threw out her parting gift.“Later tonight Laurel can teach you the dance steps for the reception routine.”The bride and groom disappeared into the chapel and Tom turned to me with a stunned expression.“Don't stress,” I said.“We have bigger things to worry about than our two pairs of left feet partnered together.Do you remember Anya from the dance studio?”He nodded.“Anya Taranova, the gorgeous brunette with the great.” His voice petered out probably in response to the peeved expression discernible on my face.He concluded with, “one of the female teachers in the studio.”Never let it be said that Laurel McKay is jealous of another woman, even one with two percent body fat.“Yes, the teacher with the fabulous body and the flexibility of a rubber band.”He chuckled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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