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.Intense.He reached up, curled his hand around the nape of her neck and brought her head down to his.His mouth claimed her.Hot.On fire hot.She was fairly certain no other man on Earth could kiss like him.He was a brilliant kisser.She never wanted him to stop.She forgot where they were.Forgot her own name.There was only Wyatt pouring himself down her throat and into her heart.He was the one who broke the kiss, murmuring softly to her, his forehead against hers while he stared into her eyes.She had to struggle to find air.“You make me forget to breathe,” she whispered aloud.His smile was slow and sexy, lighting his eyes.His gaze, so focused on her, kept her struggling for breath.“That’s a good thin’, sugar.Let’s get this other shoe on you.I’ve got plans.I also spotted some very sexy black boots with a nice stiletto heel.We need those too.”His voice had a sexy rasp to it.Suddenly she wanted to know all about his plans.Her gaze dropped to his lap.He was hard.He seemed to always be hard.Pepper knew what it was like to be in a constant state of arousal and it wasn’t comfortable.She frowned as he slid the other high heel onto her foot and slipped the tiny buckle into place.Did you somehow trade my state of being sexually aroused to you?Nope.Just lookin’ at you makes me hard.Don’ worry about me, sugar, I figure you can always take care of me with that super-talented mouth of yours on our way back to the huntin’ cabin.And then I can take care of you.See how that works?She laughed softly and stood up, one hand on his shoulder for balance.He slipped his hand around her ankle and moved it up her calf and then past her knee while she stood there.Possession.It felt good to be his.To have him claim her in little ways, with his hand, with his eyes, with the way his body stayed so close to hers.She was well aware of his enhancements.His nose was quite close to her center.He couldn’t fail to scent her eager compliance.I see you have this all worked out.He nodded solemnly, sliding his hand up her thigh, his fingers caressing and stroking.I’ve been givin’ it some thought and I definitely want your mouth on me.Doesn’ help me thinkin’ about it.Just makes me harder.But that’s okay because when I slide down your throat and you’re suckin’ I’ll be in fuckin’ paradise.Pepper laughed and strutted across the room, knowing his eyes were on her every step of the way.She ignored Alain, who stared at them with his mouth open.He didn’t matter.She could care less what he thought.There was only Wyatt.Sweet, wonderful Wyatt.Her wild, sexy Cajun man.“We have to have those, babe,” Wyatt declared.He crooked his little finger at her.“Now the boots.We still have to put in the order for the supplies and go shopping for the girls.I don’ know if I can wait that long.”Deliberately she took her time walking back to him, her smile for him only.You don’t have to wait for the ride home, Wyatt.Find us a secluded place and I can take care of you right now.She saw his breath catch in his throat as he slipped the heels off and replaced them with the boots.Now? In town?I’m getting hungry for you.The taste of you is in my mouth.He groaned aloud as she once more walked across the room.Woman, you’re goin’ to kill me.I know you were looking forward to that ride home, but we can conduct a little experiment and see, after taking care of you here, whether or not I can make you hard all over again on the way home.It’s important to know, right?She felt totally exhilarated, teasing him.She felt part of him, intimate, as if she truly did belong to him.Wyatt held out his hand to her as she came back across the room.His fingers enveloped hers and he brought her hand to his mouth, lightly biting down on the pads of her fingers before letting her go so he could pull off her boots.I have always enjoyed experiments, babe, but you’re not blowin’ me in any fuckin’ bathroom.No woman of mine is goin’ to go into a germ-riddin’ place like that.I’ll have to give this some thought.On the pretext of reaching for her own shoes, Pepper brushed her palm over his lap, over his fantastic bulge, feeling the heat right through the denim he wore.His cock jumped beneath her stroke, reaching for her, as eager as she felt.The best part was, the way she was feeling was entirely natural.You make me happy, Wyatt.Thank you.She hadn’t known what happiness could feel like.There was no way to explain that to him.Pepper stayed very close to him while he paid for the boots and heels.In fact, she made certain to stand in front of him, leaning into his body just to feel the hard length of him pressed into her skin.His arms reached around her as he handed Alain money for the purchases, his chin finding the top of her hair.Pepper reached behind her and stroked a caress over that thick bulge.I’m getting impatient.I really, really want you in my mouth.She made certain her palm was cupping the thick berth of his shaft when she whispered her confession to him into his mind, letting him see her eagerness.The hunger for the taste and feel of him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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